Chapter 36⛄

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Jin was awkwardly sitting around the round table with Mr.and Mrs. Jeon staring the heck out of him. The omega wished he could hide behind his alpha but he didn't want to. He knew one or the other day they had to say their relationship to Jungkook's parents.

But he never expected them to witness their love making in the bathroom stall.

"I must say, Jungkook is not our baby Kookie anymore. He is lot matured and he could in fact find any place comfortable." Mr. Jeon teased his son who was whining loudly while shaking his body.

Though Jin would love to coo at his alpha, he was feeling embarrassed by knowing that Mr. Jeon had heard them having sex.

"Stop with your tease. They are getting shy." Mrs. Jeon softly punched his husband who instantly pouted. Jin felt little comfortable by seeing Jungkook's mother easing the situation.

"Sorry for my husband, Jin. He could some times be crazy." Jin smiled softly and he felt little relief when he found Jungkook's hands soothing his thigh.

"Although I must say that you guys are reeking with smell of sex." Mrs.Jeon closed her nose and chuckled when she saw Jin and Jungkook whining at them.

"Ma, stop it. We get it. Dad heard us having our intimacy time. Now let's forget about that." Jungkook wished they spoke something other than this. He didn't want Jin to feel uncomfortable around his parents.

"Alright, alright. Enough of teasing. Now when were you planning to introduce your omega to us?" Jungkook felt himself showing his bunny smile while talking about his omega. His doe eyes looked at Jin's alpaca eyes who was already looking at him with a soft smile.

Jungkook intertwined his fingers along with Jin's and rubbed softly. They both looked at the couple infront of them who were waiting for them to speak.

"This is Kim Seokjin. My boyfriend." Mrs. Jeon immediately started to clap her hands like a seal in joy while looking at her son introducing his mate.

"Finally! I knew it when I met him in Tae's engagement ceremony. But we waited for you both to confess each other. I am so happy for you, Jungkook." Mrs. Jeon's eyes landed on Jin who instantly flinched softly when he felt her hands caressing his face.

"We are really lucky to have you in our family, Jin. Hobi had told me already about your relationship. Finally we get to see our children having their own family." Jin's eyes softened and he wished he had his mother with him right now. But seeing Mrs.Jeon, he was reminded of his mother's soft spoken words.

"T-Thank you, Mrs. Jeon." Jin frowned when Jungkook's mother shook her head as a "No."

"You can call me, Ma or mother too. We are one family after all." That was enough for Seokjin to burst into tears. Jungkook felt himself tearing up by seeing their omega getting emotional. Immediately Mrs. Jeon stood up from her seat and walked towards Jin to pull him into a big tight hug.

Jin could feel himself calming down after feeling Mrs. Jeon scenting him. His body stiffened when he felt Mrs. Jeon's hands reaching his belly and softly patting.

"Also visit a doctor soon~" Mrs. Jeon whispered making Jin to blush instantly. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and he looked at his omega with concern.

"Are you okay, Seokjin? What did mother say to you?" Jin didn't like lying. But he knew that he can't say anything to his alpha until he gets confirmed from the doctor.

Before Jin could answer, everyone turned their attention to Hoseok who was announcing that he was going to throw his wedding bouquet.

Jin felt relief, and immediately he walked to the crowd where people were standing. He could see other alphas cheering for their omegas, while Jin blushed by seeing Jungkook giving him thumbs up.

He didn't know who would catch it. But all the omegas were jumping up and down and urging Hoseok to throw the bouquet already. After few more teasing,  Hoseok turned around and threw the bouquet.

Jin's eyes widened when he saw the bouquet flying up high. Within seconds the bouquet didn't reach his place and it was caught by some other omega who was standing three rows before him.

"Yahh!!! Finally I am going to get mated. JOONIE!!!"

Jin started to laugh happily when he heard the voice. He rushed through the crowd to see Jimin jumping up and down by holding his bouquet and happily laughing. His eyes landed on Seokjin, and he immediately hugged his best friend .

"Jinnie, did you see? I-I caught it. Finally!!" Jin couldn't help but laugh together along with Jimin while happily dancing together.

"So, when are you going to mate your boyfriend?" Jungkook nudged his best friend who was showing his dimple smile while looking at his omega. He never thought Jimin would catch it but he didn't feel sad either.

"I bought the ring already. I just love to making him wait. He never complains, you know. He thinks that I don't have any idea about mating him any sooner. Only if he knows." Namjoon sighed while looking at Jungkook who was having his eyebrows furrowed.

"You think teasing him is fun? What if he gets angry?"

"He would look cute with a mad face. But I know about him. He would wait for me forever. And I am not going to let that happen. I have planned a trip to Jeju island and decided to propose him there." Jungkook's eyes widened and he was genuinely happy for the Minimoni couple.

"Wow!! Aren't you a romantic guy?" Jungkook smacked Namjoon's shoulders playfully making the other to chuckle softly.

"Just for my omega. For my Jimin."

Jungkook nodded happily and his eyes locked with his omega Kim Seokjin who was happily enjoying with Jimin and dancing in the middle of the stage. He didn't know whether Jin would wait for him. His company had just started to grow and he was getting some profit.

He knew that if he ever get mated, it would be with Kim Seokjin. His omega. And he couldn't wait for that day to come.

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