Chapter 20⛄

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The alpha wasn't bothered about the weird looks that the receptionist was showing at them. The omega was not paying much attention to his surrounding, since he was busy in grinding his cock against Jungkook's abs.

Jungkook carried Jin like a baby, and he controlled his inner alpha by not claiming him right infront of everyone. He had a very tough job by not pounding into the omega who was busy in licking his scent gland and thrusting his hips on his abs to cum.

Jungkook was thanking gods for having an elevator to their room. He tried to hide his omega's face from other people in the elevator who looked disgusted by their public intimacy.

Soon, Jungkook reached his floor and he was busy in opening Jin's door. The alpha knew that the omega wouldn't love to stay in his room since it would smell all like him. Soon the omega mewled happily when he felt soft mattress under him.

Jungkook looked around to see that Seokjin had build his nest. He knew how much a nest would mean to omegas. They don't allow any alphas easily inside.

He felt cruel for stepping into omega's private place without his consent.

When Jungkook was about to get up, Jin wrapped his legs tightly  around Jungkook and pulled him down. Both moaned when their cocks rubbed against each other and the alpha had very less control over his hormones.

"A-Alpha, y-yes~" Jungkook could tell that Jin was in his omega subspace. He was not in his control anymore and his omega was urging him to get fucked by their alpha. He wanted to submit to their alpha and so Jin started to grind his cock against Jungkook who was huffing out his breath.

The alpha could tell that the omega was near by how unsteady Jin was grinding on him. Jungkook closed his eyes and tried to control his own desire. He pressed his thighs right in between Jin's legs and moaned when he felt how wet his jeans were.

Jungkook could smell Jin's slick and he was having very hard time by controlling himself from wrecking his omega who was lying below him prettily.

Jin was having his eyes closed and lips parted. He was like a prey under Jungkook but the other never took it in his control. Jungkook pressed Jin's waist and helped Jin to grind on his thigh with a steady rhythm.

Jungkook leaned down and claimed those beautiful lips who immediately started to kiss back. Both were kissing messily and Jin was panting and moaning heavily under Jungkook.

"Ahh~ F-Fuck, I am cumming alpha." Jin gripped on Jungkook's biceps and nuzzled his nose on his alpha's neck who instantly started to lick all over his scent gland.

"Cum for me, baby. Cum for your Alpha."

Jungkook growled heavily when he could smell his omega's cum and slick. The omega finally relaxed after cumming inside his pants. Jin had his head sunk on his pillow and was trying to regain his breath.

"You did so well, Seokjin." The omega mewled happily by hearing praise from their alpha. Jin could feel Jungkook's hard cock poking right against his thighs.

"A-Alpha, you didn't cum." Seokjin pouted and reached his hands down to grab Jungkook's cock making the alpha to come to his sense. The omega started to palm Jungkook's hard member and earned a soft moan from him.

"N-No, Seokjin." With one last push, Jungkook got up from the bed and  soon his heart broke by how their omega was crying. Jin curled into a  ball by thinking that their alpha had rejected them.

"Shhh, d-don't cry, Jin. I am not rejecting you." Jungkook carefully  leaned down and brushed his sweaty hair out from his eyes. Jin was  looking like a baby with pouty lips and teary eyes.

"W-We want you, alpha." How bad Jungkook wished he could satisfy his omega. But he knew that Jin was scent drunk, and his omega was in  control.

"I want you too, Seokjin. B-But not like this." Jungkook whispered before placing a soft kiss on Jin's forehead who mewled happily by hearing that their alpha desired for them too.

"I-I don't want our first time to be an one night stand, Seokjin. You deserve more than this." Jungkook carefully said to his omega who was  listening to him with teary eyes with a little bit of happiness.

"L-Let me court you. I  want your permission to allow me to court  you. I want to care for you  and love you. We have to get to know each  other more. And I will claim you once you and your omega accepts me as  your Alpha, I promise. Okay?"

"Please court us. W-We will accept you." Jungkook smiled by those words. He didn't know whether Seokjin would remember his words. He was  not conscious and his omega was in charge. He wished and hoped that Jin won't forget tonight. Especially his promise.

A/N: Many of you angels have guessed what would happen in the next chapter. But really I am proud of my Kookie here for being such a good alpha. I know we all want to read something more than this. But trust me angels, we are getting there.

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