Chapter 41⛄

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Jin couldn't help his smile by looking at Jungkook who was sleeping on his stomach with parted lips. He could see his alpha's chubby face and cute pout.

Jungkook looked so soft and cute. His omega mewled proudly by seeing their pup's father.

After their love making last night, they both found themselves sleeping by snuggling together. Jin knew that Jungkook would be with him no matter what. He was happy that gave his alpha a chance to court him.

Jin being the naughty guy, he softly traced his crooked fingers over Jungkook's face who scrunched his nose lightly by the touch. Jin controlled his laughter when his alpha was sleeping soundly by closing and opening his mouth like a fish.

He knew that Jungkook had worked so hard in their relationship. Jin always felt bad for not able to give what he wants to. But now he was feeling dizzy by giving the best present to his alpha.

Their pup.

Jin softly traced his thumb finger over Jungkook's lips which was so soft and pillowy. His eyes lit with excitement when he got an idea.

He slowly removed Jungkook's hands from his waist which was holding his securely. He placed a soft kiss over his alpha's round nose before removing himself from Jungkook's hug. Jin moaned by seeing Jungkook's morning wood pressing under his mattress.

Although he wished to suck his alpha's cock, he wanted to do something else. Jin hissed softly when he felt cum leaking from his hole. Without hesitance he scooped the cum and moaned by licking Jungkook's taste.

He looked around for something to wear since he didn't want to walk naked around Jungkook's apartment. This was the first time that he had stayed in his alpha's house. He sighed in relief when he found Jungkook's loose black sweatshirt.

Happily Jin wore the sweatshirt and walked out of the bedroom before looking at Jungkook lovingly one last time. The omega's eyes were keenly looking at the living hall which was quite big compared to his apartment.

He could see two sets of sofas and a small television on the table. His eyes locked with a family photograph of Jungkook being with his parents and Hoseok. He walked to the kitchen to look at the small cabinets and unused utensils.

Though Jin never loved cooking, he wanted to do something special for his alpha. He took eggs and some veggies to cut. He decided to make an omelette and a french toast. Jungkook didn't have much ingredients in his refrigerator.

Jin was happily humming a song, while chopping some onions and beating the eggs for few seconds. He was too busy in cooking that he forgot to notice someone's presence.

When Jungkook opened his eyes in hope to see his beautiful pregnant omega, he was left with disappointment by seeing the empty side. But soon his nose was hit by strong smell coming from the kitchen.

His alpha groaned loudly by thinking about seeing their omega in kitchen and cooking for him. He lazily grabbed a sweatpants and went to washroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. After doing his morning routine, Jungkook halted in his steps when he saw his omega swaying his hips sexily while humming a song.

Jin was enjoying while cooking for his alpha. He tried to make a heart shaped omelette while dancing to his own music.

Jungkook was folding his hands against his chest and enjoying by seeing his omega all happy. He got boner just by looking at Jin wearing his sweatshirt and nothing else. Jungkook was sure that his omega wasn't wearing anything under.

He couldn't bear the distance, so he walked to Jin to give a back hug, who smiled by his alpha's gesture.

The alpha was having his chin resting on he broad shoulders while his hands was softly rubbing his tummy. Jungkook groaned when he saw the cute heart shaped omelette on the pan.

"You are a chef, Seokjin~" Jungkook commented making Jin to giggle cutely.

"I am good at one thing. That's making an omelette, Mr. Jeon~" Jin shook his head and tried to hide his blush. Whatever he do, Jungkook would surely compliment him. He switched off the pan, after making french toast and omelette.

But Jungkook was having no idea to release the hug. He loved his omega's scent and he was too busy in scenting him.

"Are you wearing anything under?" Before Jin could respond, he choked his moan, when Jungkook's fingers brushed over his semi-hard cock. The omega tightly gripped on the kitchen counter and rolled his head back when Jungkook started to stroke his cock slowly.

"A-Alpha~" Jin tried to stop Jungkook since he didn't want the food to get cold. The alpha knew how much love his omega had put for him. He hummed in please before kissing on Jin's neck, before removing his hands from Jin's cock.

He licked the precum and moaned in please by tasting his omega. Jin cursed by seeing Jungkook doing dirty things just in the morning.

They both sat on the sofas and had breakfast while stealing some kisses time to time. Jungkook decided to take a bubble bath with his omega, so he filled his bath tub and put the jasmine bath bomb which smelled just like his omega.

He turned back to see Jin already standing all naked with semi-hard cock. Jungkook smirked and sat inside the tub first, and calling his omega to sit between him. Jin shyly sat in between Jungkook's thick thighs and moaned when he felt his alpha's cock poking at his back.

Jungkook groaned when Jin slowly sat up and aligned his cock right at his slicky hole. Jin didn't want to feel empty. Jungkook pulled Jin's towards his chest before licking his earlobes while moaning softly.

"Are you cock warming?" Jungkook asked while rubbing Jin's naked body with the water bubbles. Jin giggled with a nod, and he loved how full he was with Jungkook's cock filling up his ass.

Soon the Jinkook couple found themselves playing with bubbles by blowing in the air. Jungkook helped Jin in cleaning while his omega helped their alpha. They both spent their time by having a bubble bath. They could feel their sore muscles getting relaxed.

Jungkook was rubbing on Jin's thighs and slowly he reached for his omega's cock which twitched at the touch. The alpha was busy in leaving kisses all over Jin's neck, and his other hands spread his omega's legs wider.

Jin placed his one leg over the tub and other leg over Jungkook. He was moaning loudly and placed his head back on Jungkook's shoulder who was jerking him off while sucking hickeys. Jin slowly started to move his hips by making Jungkook to moan when he hit the spongy texture.

The water was splashing by how fast Jungkook was jerking him off. Jin gripped on the edge of the bath tub and bounced on his alpha's thick cock and moaned by the feeling of the cock reaching his inner walls.

Jungkook's one hand was softly rubbing the tummy while the other hand gathered Jin's cum when his omega had reached high. Though Jungkook didn't cum yet, he loved being inside his omega. He wanted to pleasure Jin and he was happy that his omega enjoyed it.

Both were panting heavily when Jin turned his head for a hungry kiss. He moaned loudly when Jungkook thrusted his hips up with his balls slapping right at Jin's asshole. Jungkook groaned loudly by feeling the velvety walls sucking him well.

To match his rhythm, Jin bounced on Jungkook's cock and clenched tightly to make his alpha feel pleasure. Soon with few more hard pounding Jungkook came inside with a loud groan.

"Our cock warming session would always end up like this, I guess~" Jungkook chuckled by Jin's words. Both decided to clean themselves for real since their cum was mixed with their bubble bath. They took shower and spent their remaining day in their bed by cuddling and kissing all over their faces.

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