Chapter 30⛄

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Jin stirred in his sleep and he whined when he felt severe pain all around his body. He could feel his body aching especially his ass. He didn't know how long had he slept.

He tried to open his eyes only to shut immediately by the bright sunlight passing through his bedroom window.

"Who put up the window drape?" Seokjin murmured himself before rubbing his eyes by the back of his palm. He softly yawned and when he turned around to lie on his back, he immediately jumped up by the sting on his asshole.

"W-What the-" Jin sat up immediately only to groan by the pain. He felt like he was being beaten up by several people last night. He looked down his body only to pull his blanket to cover his naked upper body.

He gulped hard and looked around to sigh in relief that he was in his house and in his bedroom. He tried to recall last night events and his eyes widened by remembering the memories of yesterday.

He shyly brought his hands over his mouth by thinking about Jungkook, his alpha helping him during his heat. Now he understood the pain on his ass, and he could see that the bed sheets were changed.

But he frowned when he couldn't find Jungkook around his bedroom. His omega mewled sadly by seeing that their alpha had left them right after having sex. Jin didn't know why but he felt like crying by finding Jungkook no where.

Deep inside he knew that his alpha was not like others. With a little bit of hope, he tried to stand up from his bed only to wince in pain.

"Fuck, I was being hit by the monstrous cock." Jin blushed by saying those words. He searched for his clothes but he was too tired to put it on. He wrapped his blanket over his naked body, and walked to his bathroom only to find it clean and tidy.

"M-Mr. Jeon would have done this." Jin thought to himself and shook his head by thinking about calling his alpha with formal name. He walked to the mirror and his jaw dropped by looking at his neck and collarbone.

He traced his crooked fingers all over the hickeys that was left by his alpha. His omega purred by looking at the possessive side of his alpha. He decided not to look down on his ass, since he knew that it would be swelled and filled with cum and slick.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Jin limped from the bedroom. He carefully limped all the way towards the living hall only to be hit by strong smell of food.

His omega and him felt happy by smelling their alpha's scent lingering from the kitchen. Jin carefully walked slowly and found himself drooling over the back side pose of their alpha.

Jungkook was only on his sweatpants with no tshirt on. Jin could see his finger nails scratches and his omega mewled happy by seeing their alpha displaying it proudly.

Jeon Jungkook was busy in making breakfast for his omega. He was the first one to wake up and he blushed by seeing how close he was with his omega.

Jin had his legs tangled with Jungkook's with lips parted drooling lightly. Jungkook wished to start his everyday with the beautiful sight of having his omega all snuggled inside him.

The omega looked so pure and innocent that Jungkook had this urge to protect Seokjin from everyone. He placed a soft kiss on his omega's forehead before stepping out from the bed.

He had hard time to change the sheets covered with slick and cum. He was rolling Jin from one side to another to remove it. He cleaned the messy house, and unwashed utensils in the house.

After completing his morning task, Jungkook decided to cook for his omega. He knew that Jin would be hungry and he decided to prepare a simple pancake recipe.

Since he was busy in flipping the pancake, he forgot to smell his omega's scent coming from the living by room.

To be honest, Jungkook was reeking of Jin's jasmine scent all over his body. So he couldn't find any difference.

On the other side, Jin was smiling shyly by seeing his Alpha boss preparing food for him. He had never come across such alpha who would take care of him like this.

He felt lucky to have Jungkook as his alpha. He knew that Jungkook would have knotted him. But he was not on birth pills.

When he was supposed to have a date last night, Jin did not expected them to go little further in their relationship. That was the reason why Jin did not take any pills before leaving his office.

But never did he expect to have his heat the very first night on his date. But he was thankful that he was not on pills. He always wanted to get pregnant by his mate. And deep inside he knew that Jeon Jungkook was his alpha. And he was going to be his mate.

But also he didn't want to put more pressure on Jungkook and didn't want him to bring into a messed up life.

They had long way to go and they both were not steady in financial and were not ready to have babies. But he wasn't sure if he would get pregnant. Pregnant or not he would never leave his alpha. And he hoped Jungkook would support him.

The omega smiled by hearing their alpha humming an unknown song while cooking. Jin slowly limped to his alpha and hugged Jungkook who instantly jumped a little.

Soon the alpha relaxed when they felt their omega nuzzling his face and kissing his shoulder.

"I thought I could wake you up after getting the breakfast, Seokjin." Jungkook pouted little since he wished to wake Jin with a surprise breakfast.

Jin smiled and hummed softly while circling his blanket over Jungkook's naked upper body.

"Why didn't you put a T-shirt on Mr.Jeon?" Jungkook smirked by the question but smiled by hearing his omega's whiny voice.

"It took me long time to find a sweatpants from your closet, Seokjin. At least I am not naked like you~" Jungkook whispered lowly making Jin to blush hard.

"H-How did you know?" Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at the silly question.

"I could clearly feel your hard cock rubbing my back. And you think this blanket could cover your nakedness when I have already memorized how beautiful you look under me all naked." Jin whined and removed his blanket letting the sheets to fall on the ground.

Jungkook chuckled softly before switching off the stove. When he was about to turn around, Seokjin had already wrapped his arms around him by back hugging him like a big koala.

"I never knew you could cook. You look sexy while cooking. You look sexy with whatever you do, Alpha~" Jin whispered near Jungkook's ears before biting his earlobe's by teasing his alpha.

Jungkook groaned softly by feeling his omega's breath near his ears. He jerked a little when he felt Jin's hand reaching inside his sweatpants.

"My puppy alpha~ I am all naked for you~" Jin whispered seductively while slowly palming Jungkook's erection.


A/N: What's wrong with me? Somebody stop me angels🙈

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