Chapter 19⛄

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"Y-You are drunk, Seokjin." Jungkook whispered and tried to get the omega's hands away from his ass that was pulling him closer.

The Alpha boss never thought Seokjin was a flirt. But seeing now on the dance floor, Seokjin was teasing him and testing his every ounce of patience.

"I had one tequila shot, Mr. Jeon. I am not drunk." Seokjin answered making Jungkook to curse by how sexy he found his assistant's boldness.

The omega couldn't keep his hands off of Jungkook. He could see himself tracing his crooked fingers over the beautiful art on his Alpha boss's forearm and he could feel the strong biceps which gets tensed every time he touched Jungkook's body.

" I never took you for a tattoo guy but you look so sexy and handsome." Jin said shamelessly while bringing Jungkook's veiny hands to circle around his waist.

Jungkook felt himself blushing and gulping hard by the confession. Deep inside, his alpha growled happily by thinking that their omega finds them sexy and handsome.

The music on the dance floor changed to a slow melody and making the people to dance rhythmically. Jungkook snaked his hands around Seokjin's waist and moved their hips and legs slowly.

Jungkook's eyes wandered over Jin's flawless face which glowed beautifully under the disco light. Never had the both ever been this close to each other. Jungkook licked his own lips when his eyes locked with those plump lips.

"Fuck! You have beautiful lips, Seokjin. Plump and rosy." Jin giggled and playfully he licked his lips to make it even more shinier. Jungkook growled by the action and gripped little hard on Seokjin's waist making the omega to whimper lowly.

Jin could tell that he wasn't drunk, he was wide awake. In fact he could feel chills running down on his spine by how gentle Jungkook's touches were. He could melt by the soft touch and he wanted more.

Jin's hands that were resting on Jungkook's ass slowly traveled up on the alpha's back before stopping right at the nape of his neck. The alpha gulped visibly by how tender Seokjin was touching him. Their both eyes locked each other before traveling down to their lips.

Seokjin looked at Jungkook's thin lips before looking up at those doe eyes which were already looking at his plump lips. The alpha groaned softly when Jin pulled Jungkook's hair and bringing close to each other.

Jungkook was losing his mind, by having Seokjin playing with his hair and pulling him closer to his plump lips. Jin knew what he was doing and for once he wanted his omega to control him.

"Kiss me, Alpha~"

Jin whispered against Jungkook's lips before pulling the other's neck towards him.

This was the first time, Seokjin had directly addressed him as an "Alpha." And who was Jungkook to deny such a beauty?

The Alpha boss didn't waste any second before smashing his lips over those pillowy lips which were soft like candy.

Jungkook's hands snaked through Jin's small waist while the omega was busy in tracing his hands all over the alpha's clothed chest. The omega whimpered when he came in contact with a small ball like piercing against Jungkook's nipples.

"Fuck!" Jungkook groaned slightly when Jin pulled his nipple ring softly and rubbed it to soothe it.

The kiss was slow and passionate with Jungkook sucking and kissing the upper and lower lips. They both were dumb to the music nor to the crowd who were cheering for this couple. Jungkook brought his one hand towards Jin's chin before tilting it to enter into the sweet cavern.

Jin parted his lips when Jungkook licked his lower lips, and both soon moaned when their tongues met for the first time. The alpha was loving how sweet Jin tasted. The omega's grip on Jungkook's tshirt tightened when his alpha boss started to suck his tongue like a lollipop.

Jin had never been kissed like this before. He loved how intense and how lovely Jungkook was kissing him. They could feel their saliva being sucked and neither did they both felt disgusted by it. They couldn't get enough of each other.

Jungkook was enjoying how good his first kiss was. Though he looked cold and tough, Jungkook never took omegas for granted. He wanted to give his first kiss and first time to only to one omega who would be his mate.

His alpha howled happily by thinking about "Mate." He started to kiss roughly and tongues sucking on each other. They both tried to hold their breaths and breathe through nose to continue their kissing.

The omega mewled happily and opened his eyes to see the alpha boring eyes at him. Jin couldn't stand the strong gaze and he released his kiss to get some air. But Jungkook was not tired, and he started to trail butterfly kisses all over Jin's jaw and traveling down to the scent gland.

Jin moaned when he felt a kiss on his scent gland. He could feel his slick trying to ooze out from his hole by how turned on he was.

"Nnngggh, Alpha~You are making me wet." The omega rolled his eyes back and placed his head on Jungkook's shoulder for support. He could feel his legs becoming weak by how intense the alpha was kissing him.

"Fuck, I love how you call me." Jungkook groaned lowly and found very hard by not pressing his boner against Jin's crotch. He could feel Jin's cock hardening over his thighs and he cursed when the omega started to grind slowly on his thighs.

"S-Seokjin." Jungkook coughed out and tried to hold his assistant who was busy in licking Jungkook's ears and dry humping on him right on the dance floor. The alpha groaned when he saw others ogling at them.

He didn't like how others were looking at his omega like they were his. Without thinking, he picked up the omega by thighs who instantly wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist.

Jungkook moaned when Jin started to kiss and lick over his scent gland. He could smell his scent all over his omega and his alpha was howling in pride.

The omega was testing his patience for every second by how hard he was kissing on his neck and grinding his hips on his belly. Jungkook pressed Jin's thighs tightly making the omega to whimper lowly.

"I am going to bring you to your room, Seokjin." Jungkook whispered before placing a kiss on Jin's cheek who instantly blushed by the soft gesture. The omega softly nodded and placed his head on his alpha's shoulder while continuing to lick and kiss Jungkook's scent gland.

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