Chapter 22 ⛄

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Jungkook couldn't help his excitement while sitting in the train. His shoes were constantly tapping and he was fidgeting his fingers nervously. He was thankful that the train wasn't crowded today. He didn't want his flowers to get crushed inbetween these people.

He looked down on his lap and a wide bunny smile plastered over his face. He gently picked up the bouquet and placed a soft kiss over the colorful flowers. His alpha was howling in joy by thinking about giving this to their omega.

It's been three days since their return from Japan. Jungkook had been waiting for a perfect day to court Kim Seokjin. He was not sure about what to give or how to approach.

While walking to the sub way, he couldn't hold himself when he saw a flower shop. He walked inside and picked each flower whichever caught his eye. He combined the lovely flowers into a bouquet and paid the Ajhumma happily.

The flowers reminded him of Seokjin. How beautiful and how innocent he was. Kim Seokjin was an ethereal beauty.

Though nowadays he couldn't spot Seokjin on the train, Jungkook felt happy to see his omega everyday in his office. He could see that the omega wasn't crying over Taehyung anymore. The Vhope couple were busy in arranging dates for their mating ceremony and Seokjin wasn't worried about it.

The alpha was happy and he loved how everything was perfect today. He walked in his office with a bright bunny smile and greeted everyone. He walked to his floor and found Seokjin's seat being empty.

He knew that he was early today. He had prepared what to write on the note while giving the flowers to his omega. Jeon Jungkook never thought he would fall in love with someone. He was busy in building his company and his alpha had warned him not to give up on Seokjin.

If Jeon Jungkook ever want to get mated, then it would be with Kim Seokjin. His alpha and him decided on it already. Jungkook walked towards Seokjin table and picked a pen and a slip note.

"You are the only person for whom I would love to do this forever. Accept my flowers and allow me to court you, Seokjin- JK."

The alpha smiled shyly before placing the note on the table with the bouquet above it. He couldn't wait to see his assistant's reaction. The omega had never confronted him about that night.

He wasn't sure whether Jin remembered his words or their promise. But deep inside he so badly wished the omega would accept him.

Jeon Jungkook was not confident in giving the flowers in person.  He was a shy type and had never done things like this before. He had googled it how to court an omega and had searched for many things regarding dating and stuffs.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he heard the sound of elevator ding.

"Fuck, it must be Seokjin." Jungkook cursed and within seconds he rushed to his room and ran to his seat. He opened his system and he could see his omega walking with a happy face. Jungkook almost cooed by how cute Seokjin looked in the white shirt and black pant outfit.

Without noticing, Jungkook was nibbling his bottom lips and was nervously biting his nails while looking at the camera screen on his system.

"Come on, pick it up and smile, Seokjin." Jungkook said to no one and was licking his lips anxiously. Soon his excitement faded when he saw the change in his omega's face.

Jin who was walking happily suddenly had a frown face after reading the note. Jungkook's heart broke when he saw how fiercely his assistant had dumped the bouquet. He crushed the note that Jungkook had written and threw it in the garbage can before settling on his seat.

The alpha howled sadly with tears forming in his eyes. Jungkook never expected Seokjin to react like this. He bit his lips tightly to control his tears. He gulped hard and wiped his eyes before shredding tears.

Jungkook blinked when he received a mail from his assistant. He was not in mood to open it and he read it in the notification saying,

"I will submit it before noon, Mr. Jeon."

The alpha huffed his breath by reading how Seokjin called him formal. The omega was talking about some paper work that he had given to Jin to review the night before. The alpha didn't have courage to reply and he just sat on his seat sadly like he was dumped by his boyfriend.

Now he could understand that Seokjin didn't see him as an Alpha neither handsome.

"O-Ofcourse, who would accept me? A normal alpha who can't satisfy his omega with gifts and a luxury life." Jungkook said to himself and he wished he could earn like others. He was new to business and wasn't famous like his best friend Kim Taehyung.

"He is handsome and beautiful. I am just his boss and nothing more. I-I just hope he gets someone better.

What a selfish person I am? How could I care for him when I can't even care about me. I need to pay the rent, need to buy groceries for the weekend, had to buy new formal clothes for the Hobi's wedding and need a fucking car.

I-I don't think I can treat him like Taehyung cared for him. Of course when he compares me to Taehyung, he is the best." Jungkook convinced himself that he wasn't worth to have Seokjin as his omega.

Jungkook didn't know how long he had been sitting in his office, when he walked out he didn't find Seokjin on his seat.

"He is probably too angry to see me by face. I have embarrassed myself in front of him again." Jungkook sighed out and walked to his food court to grab lunch..

Usually Seokjin waits for him to eat together, but he knew that the omega would feel discomfort in eating with an alpha who just showed interest in him.

The enthusiasm which he had in the morning had disappeared long hours ago, and he was walking like a zombie. After getting his meals, he sat on the usual spot where his omega and he would eat.

"My omega. Well not anymore." Jungkook thought to himself before digging in his food which he didn't pay much attention to. The alpha stopped eating once he smelled Jin's scent in the food court. He cursed himself for turning his head too quickly, to see his assistant walking towards him with a tray of food.

"You didn't wait for me, Mr. Jeon" Jungkook bit his lips and answered with a slight shrug. Soon the both didn't exchange any conversation and were busily eating.

Jungkook's heart was aching and he couldn't stay quiet for long time. He wanted to confront his omega and he was ready to understand if Jin wanted to quit. Who would work under an alpha who just courted him without his consent?

Jungkook cleared his throat before looking at Seokjin who turned his attention to those doe eyes.

"I-I thought you know. You gave permission to court me, Seokjin. I-I swear I wouldn't have given you flowers had I known you weren't interested in me. I apologize if I ever made you feel uncomfortable.

Let's just forget about my courting, and continue like before. I don't want you to quit, Seokjin."

Jungkook gulped hard when he saw Seokjin glaring at him. Before Jungkook could say further, the omega had already pushed his half filled tray of food and ran away.

"Fuck, I just had to do one thing. Being quiet and I couldn't."

Jungkook thought to himself and now this time he couldn't control his tears. He had made his omega to run away from him. He wanted to protect and give comfort to his omega not scare him away.

But it was too late.

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