I had gotten to the Hamilton estate and braced myself to see Eliza and tell everyone the news while keeping what happened earlier out of it, I knocked and was let in by Philip, I smiled at him, gosh he was in college now, we were all so proud of him when he got in, I hugged him and told him to gather everyone as I had important news, once everyone gathered in the living room, I told them of Washingtons passing, eliza asked about Martha and I told her how she was holding up, we spent the rest of the night helping the kids and spending time with each other, I had barely seen Lafayette all day, which, after everything, was okay, I needed some time with my sister in laws, once we put the kids to sleep all but Philip of course, we started some tea up and could finally have more adult chats, well once Philip went to his room that was
"Hey y/n, can i..talk to you real quick? Before I go to my room" Philip questioned
I nodded and walked with him to an empty room "what's going on?"
"Well, it's just that, everyone's sayin I'm a lot like pop and..I'm happy about that, I am, it's just, I dont feel like I work nearly as hard as him.." Philip sighed "and since you know him best, I wanted to know what you thought"
I giggled a little "Philip, your a brilliant boy, the less like your father you are the better off you'll be" I smiled "that being said, you are so much like him, it is a little scary sometimes" I paused for a moment "but your still your own person, so, dont try to be alex" I told him, putting my hand on his shoulder, Philip smiled and gave me a quick hug
"Thank you" he looked at me then went to his room, I smiled and walked back into the kitchen, where I saw Peggy, Angelina and Eliza
"How are you girls holding up?" I questioned as i poured myself a cup of tea
"As good as we can be" peggy answered
"Now that the kids are asleep, we can process, though I believe we've already been greving since he got sick" angelica said, looking at me
"I just..hope martha continues to do well" Eliza said, I nodded in agreement, sipping my tea, we chatted for a few more hours before I returned to my home, as I walked in Lafayette looked over at the door, walking over to me, here we go
"I take it you spent a long time with 'ze schuylers" Lafayette said with a raised eyebrow
"Yes- I did" I expected him to be upset but he just seemed like he understood the situation, he gently wrapped his arms around me
"Are you alright?" Laf asked
I nodded "yes, I'm alright, I'm ready for bed though" I smiled at him
He nodded "as am I, 'ze kids are asleep so you need not worry about them" he smiled and kissed my forehead before walking off to our room, I followed getting into my sleepwear then laying in bed, Lafayette laid next to me, i soon drifted off to sleep
a few days later
everyone now knew of washingtons passing and so far i have not see anything of the paper alexander was writing, perhaps i talked some sense into him? thatd be a first. that afternoon i was to meet with thomas, he wanted to make sure i was alright after finding out what happened with my brother so that day after getting ready and taking care of the kids i left for thomas' home, when i got there thomas greeted me and walked with me out to the park, we walked and talked with our arms linked for about an hour before i noticed a small group of women reading a paper, one of them sneakily pointed me out to the others, the one pointing me out was sort of an odd ball, so whatever her problem with me was, i didnt want any part of it, until i over heard them
"isnt that hamiltons sister?...with the vice president? isnt she married?" i heard the one who was pointing at me say to her friends, i felt a pit in my stomach
"yeah, thats an awfully bad look for that family" i heard another girl say
"if i didnt know any better i'd say that whole family knows nothing of loyalty" one huffed but before they could continue thomas carefully dragged me away from the small group
"y/n..you understand that miss diamond is not the one you should worry about, her opinion means nothing" thomas told me, giving me a soft smile
"But...you heard them, didn't you?" I questioned, they mentioned my brother, that worried me
Thomas nodded then walked with me into town, he was going to get a paper while we were out, I kept getting weird looks as we walked, staying a bit closer to Thomas the more anxious I got, thomas' expression dropped as he picked up a paper, there was a pamphlet with it
"Thomas? What is it?" I questioned as I looked at him
Thomas grimly looked at me, handing me the pamphlet
"...the Reynolds pamphlet?..." my heart dropped as I unlinked me and thomas' arms and took the pamphlet, reading it, there was more in here then there was last time I saw it, he actually did this, i- I couldn't believe it
"Y/n? Are you alright?.." Thomas questioned
"I have to go, if Elizas seen this she'll need support" I walked away from Thomas, making my way over to the Hamilton estate, I knocked and peggy opened the door
"Y/n..." peggy frowned
"Peggy, is eliza ok?" I questioned, holding the pamphlet out to her
Peggy shook her head, this is what I was afraid of damnit Alexander

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen