It was a day after the pamphlet was released, I had stayed with the schuylers that night and Eliza had hardly eaten, she was in her bedroom, she kept rereading letters alex wrote her when they were courting and from when he was at war, at this point I think hes truly broken her, angelica has already told alex off, it's just all been a lot and it's been happening quickly, I wasn't going to speak with Lafayette much since it was less important at that current moment, but I'd go home today, after lunch, making sure Eliza at least ate something, once I got home I went to check on the kids, they where fine, I spent about an hour with them before going to look for Lafayette, he was in our room at the desk, his face in his hands
"Laf?.." I questioned as I walked up behind him
"Y/n?..oh..welcome home.." he sighed softly and grabbed my hand
"Thank you..but what's wrong?" I questioned
"Well, nothing particularly, other then Alexander, nothing that concerns you is going on" he said gently kissing my hand as he looked over a letter, next to the letter was that damned pamphlet
"Well, what is this thing that doesn't concern me?" I questioned
Lafayette looked up at me and gently pushed the chair he was sitting on out a bit and sat me on his lap, putting his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder "napoleon.." he said softly
"Napoleon? Isnt he a french general?" I questioned, I had only heard brief bits about this man before
" could say that" he sighed "hes a frustrating man"
I nodded, I didn't need to know much to know that Lafayette and this napoleon guy dont get along "I see"
Lafayette just closed his eyes "well, it's no concern to you mon amour" he opened his eyes "just you being at my side will be enough to get me through dealing with him" he smiled softly
"well, then i'll stay at your side today, until the children need me" i smiled softly, almost forgetting everything that had happened the past week, i watched as he wrote a letter in response to what Napoleon had said, after that, i stayed with him until the children started to cry so i went over to them,taking care of them and they're needs, I wasn't sure what exactly was going to happen at this point, alex messed up bad. Really really bad but there wasn't anything anyone could do at this point I just wished he never would have done this, I can only imagine what that poor girl was dealing with now, I don't recall her name but I suppose it doesn't really matter, I sighed and played with the kids and soon Lafayette had come into the room
"Mon amour?" Lafayette questioned
"Oui?" I looked over at him, he raised an eyebrow slightly at me responding in French but continued on not questioning it
"Have you been eating?" He asked
"Yes I have, why do you ask?"
"Well, its getting dark and normally you've already made food or your starving yourself because you 'aren't hungry' and have been focused in on work or something else" he stated
I paused "well-" I cut myself off "you see-" I cut myself off again, I didn't know how to answer that "are you hungry?..." I questioned
Lafayette chuckled slightly and walked over placing a gentle kiss on my head "do not worry mon famme, I shall take care of dinner" he smiled and walked out of the room
I felt slightly confused but I just let it go, I mean, what could I possibly have to worry about? Nothing, Right?
After awhile Lafayette came and got me for dinner, we ate together then went to spend time with the kids until we put them to bed, after that, we went to bed, or at least I did, it had been a lot throughout this past week so i was pretty tried and i feel asleep pretty fast
a few years later
I was at the dinning room table watching the kids run around as Lafayette made lunch, I was writing a letter to Philip, he was about to graduate from college so I wanted to be one of the firsts to congratulate him, after that I walked up behind Lafayette, furrowing my eyebrows as I saw what he was making "laf...why are you making that god awful stuff Thomas never stops talking about?"
Lafayette rolled his eyes "it's not awful at all mon femme its quite good, mostly something for 'ze kids but it holds up" he looked at me
"Theres no way that's good. It's just weird" I crossed my arms
"Have you tried it before?" Lafayette questioned
"No...I absolutely refused when Thomas tried to get me to try it" I took a step back from Lafayette
"C'mon mon amour, just try a little, I promise it's not as bad as you think" Lafayette got a spoon and put a little mac and cheese on it then moved it over to my mouth, I backed up but laf grabbed me with his free hand and brought me close, holding the spoon around my mouth until I finally gave in and ate the mac and cheese, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion as I did
"What is in it?..." I questioned
"Cheese, butter, milk and pasta" he chuckled slightly
"I- but it sounds and looks so bad.." I was so confused, it wasnt terrible, it was kind of enjoyable actually which I wasnt expecting at all
"Oui but it's good" Lafayette smirked
"I suppose so" I sighed then looked over at our kids who were playing, George was wearing a cute little navy blue outfit and his sister
g/n was wearing a purpley magenta dress, they both looked so cute, soon we all had lunch

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen