a few days had gone by, me and lafayette had been going for walks every night, it was fun and it helped me get over all my nerves so i was no longer nervous around lafayette, luckily things were going well, alexanders family was well, my friends are well, im still friends with thomas and it just, feels a lot more right now that we're just friends, im still friends with james as well, but unfortunately arron lost his wife, Theodosia, there wasnt anything i could do for her, tho i tried my best, none of the doctors would listen when i tried to give my opinion on her health, even though i was the one who spent the most time with her trying to figure out what was wrong, which makes me upset but theres nothing i can do about it, im snapped out of my thoughts as i hear children running and yelling down the hall, i opened my door to see a few of alexs oldest children running towards the front door, trying to be there first, i walk out of my room going to see what the kids were doing, when i got to the door i saw philip talking to none other then George washington, i walk up behind philip
"philip, why dont you leave the president alone..im sure theres a reason he is here" i said as i put my hand on philips shoulder, who only sighed in response
"its fine y/n, i dont mind" washington smiled at me
philip narrowed his eyes at his siblings who, at the moment where watching from around the corner but looked at me "see y/n, he said it's fine" he smiled at me "...please dont tell dad..." he whispered to me
i giggled softly and nod "alright philip, could you make sure your brothers and sister are alright?" i asked, philip nodded and walked over to his siblings, i look at washington "are you here for alex?" i asked
"yes, i am, is he home?" washington questioned
"he's in his office, do you want me to get him or take you there?" i asked
"i'll go to his office, i have a few things i need to discuss with him" washington said, walking in, he didnt look well
"...da..i mean..george..are you alright?" i asked, a bit concerned
washington smiled softly "im fine.."
"are you sure?...you dont look alright....you'd tell me if you needed medical assistance right?" i asked, my concern only grew
"of course i would..you dont need to worry y/n" washington assured me
"good, you better" i smiled softly, though i was still concerned, i led him to alexanders at home office, knocking on the door "alex? da-" i cleared my throat to stop myself from calling washington dad "george is here to see you" i said as i slowly opened the door
"hm? come in" alexander said, standing up "mr president..whatever you heard to bring you here, jefferson started it" he said as he looked at washington
"..im going to ignore that" washington sighed "i want to give you a word of warning"
i decided it was time for me to leave them alone, i walked to the living room to check on the kids, they where with eliza, peggy and angelica, i smiled and walked over to the three sisters, we hung out and and took care of the kids, soon, washington left without saying much to us, alexander walked out of his office and went to the kitchen, a sour look on his face, i wanted to know what happened but there was a knock at the door, so, i went over to the door and opened it, it was lafayette, he smiled as he looked at me
"hello mon ange" laf said as he looked down at me
"hi" i smiled at him "what are you here for?" i questioned
"you" laf smirked
i blushed and looked away from him
"would you accompany me on a walk?" laf asked, holding his hand out to me
i looked up at laf and nodded "i'd love to" i placed my hand in his and walked with him, he soon linked our arms, we took a walk in the park, talking about little things going on before lafayette stopped and turned to look at me
"y/n?.." laf questioned as he looked down at me
"yes?" i asked looking up at laf
"you do like me...right?" laf asked nervously
"yeah..i do" i smiled at him
"then..why arent we courting?" laf smirked softly
"b-because..it never came up?" i said flustered as i felt my face heat up
laf wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his chest "so then how about we court?"
i looked into his eyes, and nod slowly "i'd be fine with that"
"is that a yes?" laf questioned
"yes" i smiled and rested my head on his chest, soon laf let me go and we continued to walk around the park, soon i noticed it started to get cloudy, like it was gonna rain, i held onto lafs arm tightly, which made him look down at me, he smiled
"mon ange are you alright?" laf questioned as he smiled at me
i nod "yeah..im fine.." i said hesitantly
laf furrowed his brows slightly "alright.." he looked around then noticed the sky getting cloudly, he let out a soft sigh "lets head back" he said as the sky got dark, i nod as hold onto lafs arm a little tighter, we walked back to the hamilton house and as we got to the porch it started to pour rain, i closed my eyes, laf opened the door for me and i walked in with him, laf put his arms around me, pulling me into a gentle hug as he closed the door, he then placed a soft kiss on my head i look up at him, my eyes where a little red, i smiled at him
"thank you" i said softly
laf smiled "i love you mon cher" he said softly "i truly truly do" he kissed my cheel
i blushed "i..i love you too" i smiled brightly, soon the rain stopped and lafayette decided to take his leave, but as he was going to leave martha washington was at the door, she apparently wanted to speak to me, i of course asked what she needed and she hardly explained anything but said she needed my help and mentioned something about george getting sick i rushed over to the washington house with martha as fast as possible turns out, george was sick and none of the doctors could figure out what was going on, so of course they sent for me, for the next few weeks i checked up on washington every other day, we had to keep quite about how bad his health was getting but i was willing to in hopes of finding something to help him

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen