the next few days went by, i spent them with lafayette, we just walked around new york, talking and taking in the sights, but i had to ignore that, since he was leaving today, i didnt want to see him, if i did i'd probably cry, so i was gonna try to avoid him, i was unsure if that'd work but i was gonna try, i got ready for the day then left my room, going to help eliza and alexander, giving them break from philip, me peggy and angelica helped the as much as we could, there was a knock at the door angelica and peggy were busy calming philip down so i want to answer the door, and who i saw there was none other then lafayette, of course, the one person i dont want to see
"oh, lafayette..i'll go get alexander.." i said as i turned to walk away
"mon ange wait" lafayette grabbed my arm gently, turning me to face him "i wanted to see you.."
i look up at him "why? say goodbye?.." i frowned
" still want to stay.." laf chuckled sadly "i dont know why i thought i could change your mind, you are alexanders sister after all"
i just looked at him " your just here to stay goodbye..right?"
laf bit his lower lip "could you..walk me to the harbor?" he asked
i sigh softly looking into his eyes i couldnt say no "yeah.."
laf smiled and linked our arms, we walked to the harbor, saying almost nothing, then when we got there laf stood in front of me, holding my hand and un-linking our arms, i looked up him, he looked down at me, i tried my best not to cry, which luckily i didnt, lafayette put his hand on my cheek, putting his other hand around my waist, pulling me close to him, i gently out my hands on his chest, just to keep a bit of distance
"are you leaving yet?.." i asked looking at him
laf looked behind him at the ship, sighing softly as he looked down at me "oui, in just a moment" he held me closer to him, i blushed softly, my hands still against his chest, he looked into my eyes, then, he kissed me and closed his eyes, my eyes widened slightly but quickly closed as i melted into the kiss, he took something out of his jacket pocket and put it in my hand, closing my hand around an envelope as he deepened the kiss for a moment before pulling away slightly"open that when you get home" laf said softly, then put his hands to his sides and before i could even process what just happened he walked onto the ship, i just, watched him walk onto the ship, i wanted to stop him but i didnt, instead i walked home, i walked as fast as i could, i felt the tears forming in my eyes, i just wanted to hide myself forever, i looked at the envelope as i walked into the kitchen, i heard peggy angelica and eliza walk into the kitchen
"" peggy questioned
"what happened?.." eliza asked
"i.. i walked him to the harbor..and..he kissed me handed me this then got on the ship.." my voice started to crack, it was getting really hard to hide how upset i was as i showed the three sisters the envelope, peggy hugged me, angelica angrily took the envelope from me and opened it, she sighed as she read it
my dearest, y/n
i truly do not wish this letter makes it to you, but you are a hamilton and i dont doubt you'll stay true to your word of not joining me to france, never the less i shall keep this short as to hopefully not upset you and leave what we have on good terms, i wish to return to america as soon i can, but seeing as im unsure how my time in france will go i cannot promise you anything, even so, i hope that you'll take the ring i have put with this letter as a promise from me, that i will return to you if i am given the chance, tho i understand if you do not wish to see me again
~with love, Lafayetei looked at angelica, she turned the envelope upside down, letting a ring fall onto the kitchen counter, me eliza and peggy where all confused, but angelica looked ready to murder someone
"WHY THAT LITTLE-" angelica was cut off by eliza
"angel! shush! whats going on? why are you upset?" eliza asked, to which angelica just crossed her arms and gave eliza the letter, eliza frowned when she read it, slowly handing it to me, i read it, peggy looked over my shoulder as she hugged me and read the letter, at this point i just couldnt hold my tears back, i just, let myself cry, peggys hug tightened, eliza and angelica hugged me as well, we just stayed there for a minute before i broke away from the three sisters hug and grabbed the ring, leaving the letter and rushing to my room, i wanted to be alone, i closed the door to my room and laid on my bed, curling up, i looked at the ring as i just softly cried the whole night, until i finally cried myself to sleep, the next day, around noon my door opened after a few knocks went unanswered
"go away.." i mumbled, staring at the ring while im curled up on my bed, moving the ring around in my hand
"y/n..please.." alexander sighed "you cant just lock yourself away in your room"
"yes i can.." i looked over at alex
alex shook his head then sat next to me, he hugged me "you really liked him didnt you.."
i nodded slowly, i did really like lafayette not just like, i loved him, but of course that didnt matter now "it hurts..." i mumbled
alex hugged me tightly "do you want me to get rid of the ring?.."
i shook my head "no.."
"ok..well, if your not out of this room by tomorrow im sending for backup" alex told me
"..please dont involve your friends in my horrible love life" i sigh
"if you're not out of here by tomorrow i'll have no choice" alex crossed his arms
i shake my head "just.." i sigh "ok..whatever" i was to tired to care at this point i just stayed in bed for the rest of the daythe next day
i just stayed in bed, until my door opened a little
"can we come in?.." i heard hercules say
"no..go away.." i sighed
"are you decent?" i heard john ask
"..yes..why?.." i questioned, both hercules and john walked into my room
"come on.." john said, crossing his arms as herc grabbed my hands, he put the ring i was holding on my desk and pulled me off my bed
"guyss..leave me alone" i whined
"not a chance, you've had your time alone now its time to be with friends, you wont talk to alex or the Schuylers so you're stuck with us" john smiled
"please.." i sigh
"nope, we're going to do something fun whether you like it or not" herc said pulling me out of my room, i just, let him, i didnt feel like fighting back, eventually herc had dragged me all the way to his tailor shop
"why are we here?.." i questioned
"you're going to try on dresses i've been working on"herc said pulling a few dresses out
"..why?.." i asked
"because you did to do something" john said pushing me into a changing room with one of the dresses herc had, i sighed and tried the dress on, i walked out to show them the dress, john just kept saying how great i looked in the dress while herc just smiled and did the same, threw out the day i tried dresses on and helped herc fix them and got a lot of complements from herc and john, which made me feel better

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen