when i woke up i was ready before alexander who had slept in, after about 5 minutes we both headed out to the rebellion camp, me and alexander went to meet with the general, i was nervous but general Washington was really nice and welcoming to me, once everything was settled i walked to the tent i would be staying with the doctor they had on sight which i didnt really mind, alexander however had a fit about me sharing a tent with a guy but i calmed him down with the help of the general, i set my bag down by the empty cot then headed over to the medical tent, walking in and meeting with the doctor i'd be sharing the space with, he showed me everything i needed to know about and i simply nodded polity, we spent about half the day getting on good terms, after that i walked around the camp when i heard familiar voices around the camp fire, when i looked over i saw hercules, lafayette and john, when i walked over they all looked taken aback
"hey guys, have you seen alexander?" i asked
"uh..no not yet, uh.." john didnt know how to react
"why are you here y/n?" hercules asked
"oh, im going to be a nurse here" i smiled
"you have medical experience?" lafayette asked
"yeah, i studied it when me and alexander got to america.." i look at the group and hercules pats a spot next to him and i sit down, hercules put his arm around my shoulder
"so are you gonna protect us? make sure we dont die?" hercules asked sweetly
i giggled a little " i'll do my best" i slowly move his arm off of me
hercules pouted but quickly flashed another smile, we all chatted for a bit, soon alex and general Washington walked over, all the boys suddenly sat up straight, i looked at my brother and he smiled a little
"miss hamilton, may i see you by the medical tent?" washington asked
i nod "yes sir" i stood up, walking with washington to the medical tent, alex stayed with his friends, once we got there washington raised his voice as he faced the camp, he announced my arrival and gave everyone a warning it went along the lines of 'if you hurt or touch this woman in anyway you will be dealt with by me personally' which made me slightly scared but also happy that the general himself was looking out for me, after that i went into the medical tent and the day passed by, i sat in a chair that was there and started to make small lists to help in the future since i had a lot of free time, it got dark and i didnt go back to my tent, in fact i stayed up all night quietly organizing the medical tent
one week lateri was working in the medical tent, the doctor would pop in every now and then to make sure im fine on my own, i had been taking care of almost everything on my own since i got here, the doctor just didnt want to get in my way, which i was fine with, eventually i heard a familiar voice
"heyy..." alexander said poking his head into the medical
"do you need something?" i asked looking over at him
"yeah, do you have any ink i can use?" alex asked
"uhm, yes, have you run out already?" i questioned as i handed him a small bottle of ink
"im starting to run out, yes" alex took the ink
"let me guess its from writing to eliza?" i giggled a little
"i- what?..uhm.." alex turned a light shade of red "no- i- i gotta go-" he walked away quicklyi shook my head and sat down with my list, i sighed seeing how many guys came in the medical tent for a 'headache' yesterday, not only did they try to charm me but they also had really bad acting skills, i mean they practically acted like i was perfect and i just healed them of a bullet wound when i gave them water i sighed as i heard two familiar voices enter the tent
"ugh..my head hurts..god its like a sharp stabbing pain, y'know?" john said in a whine
"oui, it keeps happening, what ever shall we do about this pain?" lafayette said sadly, both him and john where holding their heads
"..oh yes..i think i can help you boys" i sigh standing up, going over to a book and opening it "oh yes right here"
"what is it?.." john asked as he and laf looked at me
"it says right here that a few stabs to the heart should take care of that pain right away" i said slightly angry as i narrowed my eyes at them
their eyes widened a little "i take it the joke wasnt appreciated laf" john chuckled
"i think your right" laf slowly stood behind john
"i guess she's been getting that a lot" john chuckled
"yeah..try 20 times a day" i shook my head
laf raised an eyebrow "..do you want us to help?" he asked crossing his arms
"what?..no..i can handle it" i smiled
"are you sure? me and the guys can really do a number on those guys who are bothering you" john said
"im sure" i said patting johns shoulder, when a man walking into the tent, i look over and walk up to him "do you need something?" i asked nicely, the man nodded
"yeah, my eyes hurt, im not sure how to fix it" he said
i nod "sit on a cot" i told him, he nodded and sat on a cot, i looked into his eyes, gently moving skin around his eyes to get a better look then i looked over at laf and john "can one of you get me the matches and a candle stick?" as i asked this the man looked a little scared but kept calm, lafayette nodded and gave me the matched and candle stick then went back over to john, i went back to looking into the mans eyes as i lit the candle and had his eyes follow the light, after a minute of me looking into this mans eyes i heard john whispering, it was a small tent after all
"damn, that dude is smart, coming in with 'an eye problem' they've been making so much eye contact" john was fairly impressed
"oui...it was so smart...." lafayette sounded slightly upset
i ignored them and blew the candle out then walked over and grabbed a small dropper, putting a little bit of water in it then dropping a few drops of water in each of his eyes, then walked over to the boys "you know he isnt faking anything, right?" i asked with a chuckle before going back to the man and making sure he was doing better, once he was fine he left the tent and both john and lafayette just watched me"how did you know he wasnt faking?" john questioned
"because there was stuff in his eyes" i shook my head
"oh.." lafayette sounded a bit relieved
i giggled a little, shaking my head and i went back to work, john left, lafayette stayed for another hour and helped me a bit

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen