john walked into the medical tent at an unusual time that night, but before he could say anything alexander pulled him away, that was odd but i didnt question it, mostly because i was tired and had work to do, i kept working until i heard a gun shot, laf woke up, looking around
"what happened?.." laf questioned tiredly
" not sure.."i walked out of the medical tent, the sun was starting to raise, i looked around and i saw general lee with burr and a doctor rushing over, then i saw alexander walking with general washington to his tent, john walked back to camp and watched general washingtons tent, i walked into the medical tent and helped the doctor, burr explained what happened as me and the doctor worked on lee, we had to sit him up and i had to cut into his back in order to get the bullet out of him, i then helped the doctor patch lee up, then after that, me and the doctor let lee rest on the cot, my hands where covered in blood, lees blood, i didnt even wash it off before i left the tent to go find john and alexander, once i found john, i yelled at him
"how could you be so stupid?! do you not realize how dumb dueling lee was?! you could have gotten yourself killed! " i kept rambling and yelling at him for a few minutes before he stopped me
"HEY! calm down, im fine, alex is fine, lee apologized for what he said after getting shot, all is fine..." john put his hands on my shoulders
" that all you have to say for yourself?" i furrowed my eyebrows
"i wanted you to be the doctor on sight but.." john sighed
"but?.." i questioned
"but alexander said you would just try to talk us out of it..he was probably right.." john shrugged
"yeah, he was.." i crossed my arms
"well how about we go go for drinks tonight and i can make it up to you?...we can get the guys together and all go for drinks.." john smiled, dragging some of his words out
"..really?.." i sighed
"yeah, it'll be funn.. time with the guysss..all drinking and having funn" john smirked
i shook my head "no. thats not gonna make it up to me"
john frowned and gently pushed my shoulder"come on" he poked my shoulder "drink with us" he poked my shoulder again "let me make it up to you tonight over drinks" he kept poking my shoulder and trying to convince me
"ugh..if i say yes will you stop?.." i asked
"yes" john smiled, poking me still
"fine, i'll go drinking with you and the guys" i shook my head
"great!" john smiled brightly
"im going back to work, just..get me when your leaving for drinks.." i sighed and walked back into the medical tent, i cleaned the blood off of my hands and looked at lee, i made sure he was fine then i checked on lafayette, after that i went back to paper work, by the time the sun was up i was done, soon general washington walked into the medical tent
"miss hamilton, may i speak with you in my tent for a moment?" washington asked
"oh uhm, of course sir" i nod nervously, grabbing some of my papers before following washington to his tent, once we where there washington looked at me, his expression was serious
"miss hamilton, before i begin, i must tell you, your brother alexander has been sent home" washington said calmly, expecting a bad reaction, however i stayed quite, i knew why he was sent home so there was no use in arguing his case "i wanted to ask you how lee and lafayette were doing, i understand if we need to send them both home but i need to know"
i take a moment "lee has to go home, lafayette however just needs to rest his leg for a few days" i told him, looking at the papers in my hands
"alright..thank you miss hamilton" washington sighed softly "before you go..i wanted to give you a word of warning, just in case you dont already know, alexanders wife is pregnant, thats the main reason i sent him home"
"oh..i-i see" i didnt know eliza was pregnant "i'll be in the medical tent if you need me sir" i told him then left his tent, as i walked out i saw alexander and laurens talking as alex was leaving, they hugged for a minute then alex saw me and ran over
"im sorry im leaving you here..." alex looked at me
"it's ok alex..i'll be fine and i'll make sure you see your friends again" i smiled
"thank you...i told john to keep you safe...and told him to tell the others to keep you safe,'ll be safe even if you dont want to be" he smiled sadly
"go home..eliza will be happy to see you""alright alright " alex sighed and walked out of camp, i walked to the medical tent, lee was being carried out of the tent and out of camp, i looked over at lafayette
"are you ok?..your bandages dont need to be changed do they?" i asked him
"oh uhm non, i dont think so" laf smiled
i sighed "let me check" lafayette sighed and took his jacket off, rolling his sleeve up as i rolled his pant leg up, the bandage on his leg was fine i checked his arm, it was also fine i looked at him, unrolling his sleeve, he smiled brightly
"see? im fine" laf beamed
"ok well excuse me for questioning you mr 'iM fInE i DiDnT jUsT gEt ShOt Or AnYtHiNg' " i mocked his french accent in a sassy tone"i dont sound like that!" he crossed his arms
"oh, you do" i crossed my arms, smiling"im starting to get the feeling you dont like me" laf frowned
"you'll live" i smiled, then went back to my chair
"what did the general want?.." laf asked
"oh..he was just telling me he was sending alex home.." i looked at the papers i had
"i see...." laf looked down sadly
a little while later the medical tent was half full and i was tending to old wounds, mostly just making sure they werent infected and replacing bandages, that was my entire day

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen