angelicas pov
i look around the room, sighing, as i look at y/n who seems to be just, lifeless on the bed surrounded by blood, it wasnt pretty, i walked over to the bed and gently put my hand over y/ns chest, she was hardly even breathing, this wasnt normal at all, then peggy came stumbling back into the room
"i couldnt do it" peggy said breathing heavily
eliza sighed "i'll do it"
"are you sure?" i asked
"yes, i'll be able to do it" eliza walked out of the room
elizas pov
i walked out of the room then looked at my husband and lafayette then walk over to then, suddenly getting really nervous about clearing things up ", everything is..ok uhm..heh.." oh god i couldnt tell them, i didnt want to upset them or make them worry if everything was going to be fine, it probably wasnt but, oh gosh why am i thinking like this? i walked back into the room, probably only worrying the guys even more
angelicas pov
"you couldnt do it either, could you?" i sigh
" sorry that was a lot harder then i thought it'd be" eliza frowned
i shook my head and looked at y/n who was very pale and her breathing only got worse, i looked away "i'll tell them, you guys arent able to tell them this so i will" i say as i walk towards the door
lafayettes pov
i was now freaking out a little, why wasnt eliza saying anything, she just seemed nervous and unsure when she said everything was fine, i could tell alexander was also starting to panic at this point which isnt good, i walked over to alexander, hoping we could calm each other down, then angelica walked out of the room, we both looked over at her, alexander walked over to her
"angelica thank god someone who understands that we're struggling here " alex smiled as he looked at angelica
"alex.." angelica sighed "look, i have news and i need you both to stay out here and be calm, can you do that?" she asked
"of course we can, whats going on" alex questioned, crossing his arms
angelica looked between me and alexander then focused her attention on me " didnt have a kid" she let a soft sad smile appear on her face "you had twins"
alexanders face lit up as he looked at angelica "twins?" he smiledi let out a sigh of relief "twins..ha..thats..wonderful, so, when can i see them? and when can i see y/n? " i excitedly ask
"well..thats the thing...y/n.. isnt doing well...the midwife wants us to send for a doctor to help her, shes finishing up with all the after birth stuff but she needs a doctor as soon as possible, we arent sure how long shes going to last, she looks awful.. " angelica sighed
"what?" my expression dropped and i walked to the room, getting blocked by angelica
"you cant go in. we need you two to send for a doctor, now" angelica stated
"but i-" i get cut off by angelica
"no. go send for a doctor" angelica said sternly
"i'll go, you meet your children " alexander said, looking at me then rushing out the door
angelica sighed "stay here, i'll get peggy and eliza out with the babies" she said then walked back into the room for a few seconds, returning to the hallway with her sisters and two babies, one being held by peggy the other being held by eliza, peggy walked over and handed me the baby she was holding"this is your son" peggy smiled, making sure i was holding the baby correctly then walked over to angelica
"and this is your daughter " eliza said as she carefully showed me the baby she was holding, i smiled but i still couldnt help but worry, what would happen if y/n didnt would i take care of our children without would i live without them... i already care so much about our children and now y/n could die, my feelings on this are so mixed i dont know what i should be feeling at this point, about an hour later alexander returned with a doctor that he knew, the midwife left the room and the doctor entered, he stayed in there for awhile then returned to everyone in the hall, the sisters had taken the babies to alexanders house so they could take better care of them and not interrupt anything, me and alexander awaited what the doctor would say
"well, all i can say is i dont think she'll make it through the night, but if she does, theres hope for her" the doctor sighed
"so, chances are, she wont be alive tomorrow?" alexander asked, his arms crossed
"i highly doubt she will" the doctor said
"may i see her?" i asked
"if you want to, but i'd suggest only having one person visit her at a time" the doctor said with a small nod
"alex..mon amie would you like to be the first to say goodbye?" i questioned, biting the inside of my lower lip, i didnt want to think about this, the odds where not in y/ns favor
"i-.." alexander huffed "yes, i'll go first" he walked into the room, gently closing the door behind him, i watched as the doctor left, he said that if she was still breathing tomorrow to send for him, i just hope y/n makes it, a few hours later alexander left the room, his eyes where red, i assume he had been crying, i walk over to him
"are you alright mon amie?" i questioned
alexander nodded "i'll be fine" he looked up at me "im gonna..go" he cleared his throat, i nod and watch as alexander leaves, i then walk into the room, gently opening the door and closing it behind me as to not wake y/n, i see a chair next to the head of the bed on the side y/n is on, i walk over ignoring the smell of blood and sit in the chair and gently grab y/ns hand, it was freezing cold so i put both my hands over y/ns, i just want her to be ok

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen