meet the boys

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when i got home alexander still wasnt back, i sighed loudly, where was he? i tired to think back on my conversation with arron burr, he said that he went for drinks with alexander, i shake my head then walked to the kitchen, grabbing a little bit of bread to eat as i sat down and started to write my first letter to the Schuyler sisters, i decided my first letter would be addressed to all of them, i told them i enjoyed our day together and thanked them for showing her around town and asked them if they wanted to hang out again, when i was about to sign the letter when i heard the door open and my brother and three other men stumbled into the apartment i looked over at them "uh..alexander?" i walk over to him, then look at the other men in the house 

"heyyy sis, how are you?" he asked, stumbling a little as he hugged me

"im fine..are you ok?.." i asked

"yeah im great! i made some friends.." he looked to the guys next to him "this is John laurens, Hercules mulligan and Lafayette" he smiled

they all waved and smiled "well thank you for taking care of my brother" i take his arm, putting it over my shoulder "but i got it from here, have a good night" i smiled and walked alexander to his room, but as soon as we got in his room alexander collapsed, almost taking me down with him, i guess the others heard this as they all came rushing into the room

"are you alright mon amie?" Lafayette asked

"are you guys ok?" john questioned as he and Hercules lifted alexander up 

i nodded looking at them, lafayette gently place his hand on my shoulder to make sure i was fine, i watched as john and hercules picked alexander up and put him on his bed, then tucked him in, i giggled a little seeing them treat my brother like a child, if he was awake he'd never let that happen "thank you guys....but you didnt have to do this.."

hercules chuckled softly "well it seemed like you where having trouble"

i nod "i guess i was" i looked at john and raised my eyebrow, he was staring at alexander with a soft smile, i guess he noticed and looked over at me and smiled sweetly 

"laf? is she ok?" john questioned, lafayette looked a little confused then realized his hand was still on my shoulder, he nodded and took his hand off, stepping away from me 

"well, mon amie i think its time for us to leave" lafayette said, smiling at me

"of course" i smiled "be careful you three" i walked them to the door and waved goodbye as they left then finished my letter to the Schuyler sisters and went to bed, the next day i woke up to alexander making a mess of the kitchen, as he rushed threw his food and wrote a letter while also putting his shoes on

"alexander slow down! your gonna choke" i sigh going over to slow him down

"i have no time y/n! i have to meet the guys soon!" alexander said not stopping for a second

"soon..alexander..soon" i grab his arms, forcing him  to stop and slow down "we arent in the Caribbean can slow down..."

he looked at me and nodded slowly and did things slower, he was still rushing but not at a pace that would kill him like before, i smiled and got myself something small to eat "walk with me" he said standing up, he had a few letters in his hand

i smile and nod "ok" i grab my letter for the Schuyler sisters and put my shoes on then walked with alexander, we sent out letters out and walked to the park, there alexander ran up to his group of friends when a man stood on a small box and started to read from a scroll, i walked over to the Alexanders group of friends, as alex walked up to the man, crossing his arms, this couldnt be good, i watched arron burr push alex back, he walked back to the group and lafayette pushed alex back towards the man, i shook my head sighing, john looked at me and hercules 

"this is gonna be good" john smirked

"that poor man" hercules chuckled 

"this is such a bad idea" i sigh

when the man started to make the message again then alexander started to talk over him, he talked at the man as he tried to keep his focus on repeating the message, i think at one point he got so scared that his voice cracked a bit, eventually burr got alexander away from the man and alex started to argue with burr

"poor burr" lafayette shook his head

i start to walk over but lafayette held him back "no no mon amie, leave them be" he said with a soft smile, i furrowed my brows and stayed with the group 

john and hercules laughed a bit, alex came back and looked pissed off, tho it didnt take long for him to be back to smiling, they where going to join the revaluation today, its almost all they could talk about, luckily i was able to slip away from them as they kept walking and talking, i just, couldnt think about my brother being in a war right now, i walked down town, where i found a book shop, i went in and picked out a few books, read them then started to walk home, suddenly people started to talk about British troops within sight of our harbor, then, things started to get a little crazy, i rushed back home, i didnt want to be in the way, alexander didnt come back for around a week, and when he came back he rushed over to me and picked me up, hugging me

"you'll never believe the great news!" he smiled

"what happened?" i raised an eyebrow

"general Washington made me his right hand man!..well..kind of..i write for his side..i dont do a lot of fighting but.." he started to ramble but i quickly stopped him 

"alexander, thats wonderful..really..your hard work is paying off..." i couldnt help but feel sad, he was gonna leave me, all alone and join the war, alexander noticed this

"whats wrong?.." he asked

"i just...your gonna leave me..alone..." tears started forming  in my eyes

alex hugged me tightly,i hugged back "'ll be ok.."

"i promised myself..i wouldnt let you die..i cant do that if your away at war without me.." i looked at him, my eyes turned blood shot 

"..maybe..i can..get you to come with a've been studying medicine so..that should work.." alex said, trying to stop me from crying, i nod slowly 

"yeah..ok...i can do that.." i close my eyes tightly, wiping my tears away then opening my eyes 

"hey..tomorrow we can go into down and get you a new dress...theres a winter ball coming up.." he smiled and i nod

"ok..lets do that tomorrow.." i let out a soft sigh 

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