i walked into the Schuyler house, where i was greeted by alexander holding a baby, he was smiling from ear to ear
"look at my son!" alex said holding the baby out to show me, i smiled softly
"he's adorable..alex, whats his name?" i asked
"philip, his name is philip" alex looked at his son, holding him close, eliza soon walked over, i greeted her with a gentle hug then there was a knock on the door, eliza took philip and alexander opened the door, i walked with eliza into the living room
"would you like to hold him?" eliza asked
"huh?..oh uhm..y-yes but..i dont think i should..i-i dont know how and i dont want to hurt him.." i smiled, eliza giggled a little
"its ok its really easy just-" eliza walked over to me and helped me hold philip correctly, i was nervous that i would drop him but i didnt, i held him for a few minutes but he started to cry so eliza took him and bounced him a little "you where just like alexander when he first held philip" she giggled
"..well at least we have that in common " i giggle and shake my head, eliza smiled and walked to her room to take care of philip i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, i froze up and they quickly let go
"im sorry, i didnt mean to scare you-" i heard a french accent say
"laf?.."i turn to look at him
"oui " lafayette smiled
i smiled as well "hows john?.."
his smile faded "he..is fine...alex asked me about him as well" he sighed
"hm?..thats good..im glad he's fine" i smiled "are you ok?.."
"oui, im fine" laf huffed softly
"well...im going to the kitchen to make tea" i said as i walked to the kitchen, lafayette seemed off but i ignored it and started to make thats when i heard two squeals, i recognized it to be angelica and peggy, i look over and was hugged by both girls, i hugged them back, laf had walked into the kitchen
"is everything ok?..i heard screams " laf asked
"yeah! we're fine!" peggy smiled not even looking at laf, after peggy responded to laf she grabbed my arm "sooo- are you gonna tell us about who you've been writing abo-" angelica covered Peggys mouth
"Shhhh-" angelica scolded "people are here pegs!"
"oh right! sorry!" peggy frowned "i just really wanna know" she whined
"i'll tell you later, but why does angelica know? i told you to keep it a secret peggy!" i sighed
"im sorry! she was there when i read your letter and i may have squealed and she may have taken the letter from me and read it" peggy smiled innocently
"yeah..sorry y/n, i really wanted to know what peggy read.." angelica chuckled softly
"ugh, ok, just shush about it for now" i sighed and finished making tea, getting tea cups out
"but i want to know now!" peggy whined
"shush!" i shushed peggy, i was pretty sure lafayette was starting to catch on, there was a knock at the door
"peggy why dont you get that?" angelica said, pushing peggy out of the kitchen "anywayyy its definitely la-" i put my hand over angelicas mouth
"SHUSH" i looked at angelica then at lafayette then back at angelica "he- people- god your just as bad as peggy" i put my face in my hands for a moment
angelica gasped "I AM NOT" she took a deep breath "i am no where near as bad as peggy" she huffed, crossing her arms, a few minutes went by of me getting tea cups set up when angelica left the kitchen, i shook my head
"they seemed very interested in something...mind clearing things up for me?" laf asked
"huh?" i felt my face heat up a little as i looked over at laf "no, not at all, its a uh, secret, girls only" i smiled
"but you've already talked about it..somewhat in front of me..cant you help me understand?..." laf frowned
"nice try, but no" i handed him a cup of tea "i'm gonna go get everyone else their tea now" i grabbed a tray and put the tea pot and cups on it, walking to the living room where peggy angelica and hercules where, i sat the tray down and poured four cups of tea, then i was hugged by herc, my brother walked into the living room holding philip out for everyone to see him
"look at my son!" alex smiled, laf soon walked into the living room as did eliza, the three sisters sat next to each other, i sat next to my brother, the boys sat next to each other, soon arron burr showed up with his daughter, theodosia, the two dads spent a good amount of time arguing over whos kid was cuter, but soon their visit came to an end, arron and herc left and the sisters eagerly awaited the conversation i would have with them about who i had feelings for, i was trying to avoid them since it seemed they dragged eliza into it as well, i saw that alex was busy with philip so laf was just, standing around, i walked over to him, hoping the sisters would pull me away to ask me a ton of questions,
"hey laf" i smiled
"bonjour" laf smiled
"so, now that the war is over, what do you plan on doing?" i asked
"hm? oh uhm, i-" laf darted his eyes to a different part of the room "i havent, exactly planned anything quite yet, im waiting on a bit of uh, information before i make plans" he had a soft blush as he looked back at me
"oh?..well i hope you stay for awhile, its been nice getting to hang out with you and the guys" i smile
"oui, i would love to stay here for awhile, i hope i will.." a soft smile appeared on lafs face "oh uhm, speaking of- i- uhm, i wanted to know if you could go for a walk with me soon, i had some uhm, health concerns i wanted to speak with you about, privately"
"health concerns? that doesnt sound good...is this about your bullet wound? is it getting infected?" i started to slightly panic
laf gently placed his hand on my arm "non non, its nothing like that- do not worry, i am fine, its just a few questions" he looked into my eyes
i nod "ok, yeah, uh, i'll be free soon" i smiled softly
"hm, then how about i come back around nightfall? we can take a night walk in the park" laf smiled
"yeah, thats fine" i look up at him
"then, thats when i'll return" laf said as he said his goodbyes to everyone and left, soon after that the three sisters approached me, i sighed and grabbed the tray with tea on it, we all went to the kitchen, got more tea then eliza made alexander leave the living room so we all could sit around and chat

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen