general Charles lee

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i had been up for the passed few days, there had been a few battles so i hadn't seen the guys much, it was about mid-day before i heard a familiar voice, it was alexander yelling, so, i walked out of the medical tent to see what was going on, i saw alex and general washington, but it seemed like the yelling had stopped, i also saw an unfamiliar man walk over, it looked like washington had given him general status, i walked over and alex quickly walked in front of me, blocking me from the new generals sight, i shook my head and sighed 

"alex..what are you doing?.." i questioned

"saving you." alex said as he then walked me back to the medical tent

"what?..." i was really confused

"that was Charles lee...he's the most annoying man on the plant and i couldn't let you speak to him" alex said crossing his arms

"if you say so.." i shook my head "are the others back?.." i asked

"i believe so, just..dont talk to lee, ok?" alex said softly

"unless he needs medical attention  i wont plan on speaking to him"

alex smiled "maybe dont give him medical would mean a lot to me"  

"i-..alex! how could you say that!" i crossed my arms

"very easily" alex sighed 

i sighed shaking my head and walked away from him, a few hours later it seemed like the sun was setting pretty fast, but when i looked out of the medical tent i saw dark clouds filling the sky, suddenly i felt a shiver roll down my spine, i quickly close the flap of the tent going back to the papers i made, checking lists and cleaning up little areas, i was shaking a little but tired my best to stop thinking but i couldnt, i heard the sound of the tent flap move and glanced over, it was lafayette, and it was really really dark out, i turned my attention back to the papers i had

"do you need something?" i asked

"hm? ah no i just wanted to know how you where doing" lafayette said with a smile "and tell you that general washington has offered to let you stay in his tent during the storm"

"oh? fine right here but can thank him for me..if your going that way.." i kept shaking slightly 

" are you doing?..." lafayette asked

"im fine...." i looked over at him

"..if your sure" laf said hesitantly

"is there anything else you need?" i questioned

laf  stood there for a moment to think "ah uhm oui, theres something i want you to look at" he smiled softly as he walked over to me

i nod "sit down" 

laf nodded and sat on a cot and took his jacket off, i turned to look at him and he rolled his sleeve up revealing a cut on his arm, i looked at it, it looked like it was starting to get infected, i furrowed my eyebrows and walked over and got some supplies and walked back over, cleaning his cut and putting medicine on his cut then wrapping his arm with a bandage, i had stop shaking as i tented to lafayettes cut, after i was done he unrolled his sleeve and put his jacket back on, i put the supplies away i had gotten out, there was a bit of loud thunder and i started to shake again

"thank you ma dame" lafayette smiled

"no prob-" i stopped talking as i heard move thunder, i squeezed my eyes shut "is there anything else you need?" i asked as i opened my eyes and looked laf, he stood still for a minute 

"no..nothing" laf smiled sadly as he walked out of the tent, i went back to cleaning up, then there was a long burst of loud thunder followed by heavy rain, at this point my eyes where squeezed shut and i was hugging myself, i heard the tent flap move, followed by a voice 

"ma dame?" lafayette questioned walking over to me

"y-yes?.." i tried not to stutter but failed, i was shaking and i was sure lafayette could tell i was terrified, i opened my eyes and looked up at him, he just, wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug

"im sorry im a bit wet, i got caught in some of the rain.." laf said, smiling softly

"i-its o-ok.." i just stayed in his arms, even tho he got rained on he was still so warm, i rested my head on his chest as he held me close, every time i heard thunder i would freeze up, lafayette would just tighten the hug 

"why- if you dont mind me asking..why are you so afraid?..." laf asked softly as he looked down at me, gently lifting my chin up so i'd look at him

"i-.." i couldnt speak, i just looked at him, tears forming in my eyes, laf slowly nodded

"shhh..its dont need to tell me.." laf smiled softly as he slowly sat down, pulling me down with him, he leaned against something in the tent that was sturdy, sitting me in his lap as he wrap his arms around my waist, i let him, resting my head on his shoulder, crying softly, i hated storms so much,  they remind me of the hurricane that destroyed me and alexs town, it was terrifying laf didnt say much else, he just hugged me and held me close, soon he took his jacket off and put it around me like a blanket, a soft smile formed on my face 

"thank you.." i looked at him, he smiled 

"theres no need to thank me mon cher" he said softly, for some reason when he spoke french it made my heart feel all warm and nice, a few minutes later i looked at the ground 

" sorry about..all really didnt have to come back here and stay with me..i..i would have been fine.." i smiled, trying to act fine but my eyes where still red and puffy and i was shaking still

"its fine..i dont mind mon cher.." he kept his arms around me

" asked..why i was afraid...right?.." i asked, not looking at him, for some reason i felt safe around him, he just nodded

"well..this me of a hurricane...when i was 16..a hurricane destroyed my and alex almost was horrible..." i didnt really know why i was telling him this but it made me feel a little better, he just nodded and held me close and tight, he was so warm i could almost fall asleep, which eventually i did, i fell asleep in lafayettes arms and a little while after he fell asleep as well

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