alexanders wedding

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                                                                         two weeks later

a week ago alexander proposed to eliza, since we hadnt gotten into a battle the general gave everyone permission to attend alexanders wedding, i of course was in the wedding, along with john, lafayette, hercules, angelica and peggy, and today was the day my brother was getting married, i was with the Schuyler sisters helping eliza get ready, i was wearing the navy blue dress i wore for the winters ball as its the only nice dress i own, i helped angelica fix elizas hair as peggy jumped around happily 

"i cant believe alexander and y/n are gonna be part of our family after today!" peggy exclaimed

"i so happy..and so so nervous..." eliza smiled

"everything will be fine eliza, have you eaten yet today?..." i asked

eliza shook her head" to nervous to eat.."

"pegs, come with me, lets go get some food" i said grabbing peggys hand, she nodded and pretty much ran to the kitchen dragging me with her, once we got there we made sure to keep out of everyones way as we got some food for the four of us in the room, it was a small tray that we took and soon got back to the room but peggy slipped, luckily i had the tray and not her but that gave her an idea

"y/n!  we should slid around before heading back in!" peggy smiled


"take your shoes off and we can slid around in our socks!" peggy said taking the tray from me and putting it on a small table 

i sigh and take my shoes off, and as i stand up i almost fell, peggy helped me and we slid around on the wood floor for a little bit we soon heard the boys, laf, herc and john walked down the hall we where sliding around, the three of them chuckled at us, me and peggy looked at them, i almost fell as i tired to stop, i ended up in front of the boys while peggy stopped a few feet behind me 

"uhm..hello " i smiled waving a little

"hey ladies " hercules said with a slight smirk

"what are you guys doing over here?" peggy asked

"oh, we wanted to ask eliza who we'd be walking with in the wedding" john smiled

"i'll go ask her, she probably wont want to see you guys right now" i said taking the tray and going into the room eliza and angelica are in, i asked her the question for the boys and returned to them

"lafayette you'll be walking with peggy, john you'll be walking with angelica, herc, your the flower girl er..boy" i giggled softly

"and what about you?" lafayette asked

"i have the rings" i smiled brightly "i walk before herc on my own" 

"oh..alright" lafayette smiled sadly

i slid back over to peggy, she smiled and we slid around a bit more, herc and john joined us and lafayette joined us as well, a few minutes went by as we slid around suddenly i was knocked onto my back, i squeezed my eyes shut as i felt my head hit the floor

"ma dame are you alright?" lafayette asked, his voice sounded soft yet really close

"y-yeah.." i held my head as i slowly opened my eyes, when i did i saw a blushing lafayette as he was holding himself above me, i guess he knocked into me, he nodded getting up and held his hand out, helping me up, i turned a light shade of pink as peggy, herc and john watched us, we decided to stop sliding around and walked back to our groups, me and peggy went back to eliza and angelica, soon the wedding started, it was beautiful, alexander almost cried during it, it was now the after party, everyone was dancing and having a wonderful time, when john raised his voice, saying that it was time for angelica to give her speech, she gave a lovely speech and the night continued, at this point everyone was dancing, aside from me and lafayette, we stayed on the sidelines, he walked over to me and smiled 

"bonjour!" laf greeted happily 

"hello" i smiled

"it seems we keep away from dancing no matter the occasion" laf chuckled

i giggled "yeah, at least we have each other to avoid dancing with" 

"oui" laf smiled, we talked for the a few hours before he, herc, john and alex walked away to a different room, i met with the girls we talked for a bit until i saw a familiar face, i walked over to him

"is that arron burr, sir?" i questioned 

burr sighed and looked at me "i came to congratulate alexander.." 

"he just walked off with his friends, they went that way" i smiled "i wish you would've come for the whole thing, alex missed you" 

"i wish i could've spared the time" burr said "i'll be off now " he gave a small nod and left to find alexander

after a few minutes i walked down the hall to find the boys, eliza was wondering where her husband went and i said i would get him, when i saw herc, laf and john in the hall, waiting around, i walked over to them 

"wheres alex?" i asked, john put his arm around my shoulder

"he's asking burr about his special someone on the side and kicked us all out of the room" john pouted 

"burr is the worst" laf said sighing

i shake my head as i saw arron walk out of the room and leave, i walk into the room, the boys behind me, they really wanted to know what burr said to him, but i quickly placed myself in front of my brother "alex, your wife is looking for you.." all the boys groaned, alex shook his head at them

"alright, lets go then" alex said, locking our arms and walking back to eliza, the night ended and i went back to the camp with laf, herc and john, who all had quite a bit to drink, alexander however spent the night with his wife, when we got back to camp i changed out of my nice dress and into one of my other dresses, it was very plain, i went back to the medical tent and the doctor filled me in on what i had missed and went back to their tent

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