months had pasted since i met thomas, everytime i'd go to the cabinet to help alex carry papers or chat with martha thomas would flirt with me and ask me on dates, i have to admit his dedication is admirable, so admirable when i went to the cabinet to chat with martha that day i may have agreed to go see a play with him, in fact, i was in my room getting ready for said date, i was really nervous, eliza and peggy where helping me when angelica walked in as peggy left to get something
"oh?..what are we getting ready for?"angelica asked
"oh uhm.." i didnt really want to tell angelica, i mean she hates thomas almost as much as alex does
"she's going to see a play with a guy" eliza said
angelica tried to get details but me and eliza managed to not give any, soon peggy rushed into the room and put a necklace on me, frowning when she did as he pulled on the chain of a different necklace on, i frowned as well
"oh..sorry..i probaby should stop wearing this.." i sighed holding a necklace chain that held the ring lafayette gave me
"o-only if you want to.." peggy bit her lip
i shook my head, putting the ring in my dress where i was hiding it before, peggy fixed the necklace she got for me, it had an almost magenta colored stone around silver and a silver chain, it was really pretty
eliza clapped "oh thats perfect peggy! y/n you can keep the you have something from our mom to.."
"it makes you seem more like an official member of the family" angelica smiled
peggy smiled "yeah"
"this was your moms?" i questioned, the three nodded "i'll take great care of it.." they smiled and i fixed my hair, soon i heard alexander yell, i figured that was my cue to walked over, when i did i saw thomas and alex arguing, i cleared my throat to let them know i was there, they stopped and before alexander could get into a fight about me seeing the play with thomas i quickly walked out the door, shutting it and walked with thomas down to broadway, i ended up having a great time with him, thomas was really nice once you get over a few things about him, soon we even started courting even tho Alexander protests everytime I leave with thomas or even mention the fact that me and Thomas are courting, a month into this endeavor however, something rather unexpected happened, I had gone to the cabinet with Alexander to see Thomas, and when I got there I looked around for Thomas, he seemed to be late, which wasn't like him so I walked over to james
" thomas alright?.." I asked, james looked at me with a soft smile, coughing into his rag before answering me
"Yes he's fine- he just- had something to do before the meeting " james told me, he looked excited for a moment but quickly hid his excitement
"Oh, alright, are you feeling any better?" I asked
"Hm? Oh..I'm alright, as always" james smiled
"Well, dont hesitate to send for me if you're ever unsure, even if it seems like nothing" i told him, smiling
"alright..i will" james smiled brightly, i walk to the room where martha was and stayed there chatting with martha, a few hours later the meeting seemed to be over as washington walked into the room to escort martha, i left the room and went to look for thomas, when i suddenly felt a pair of arms loosely wrap around my waist, i froze up but realized it was probably just thomas, i turned to looked at thomas wasnt thomas who was holding me, i froze, blinking
"l-lafayette?" i questioned, i felt like i'd seen a ghost
"oui, im back from france" lafayette smiled, letting go of me " sorry i shouldnt have just done that " he scratched the back of his neck "anyways how have you been?"
i cleared my throat "im just fine" i took a few steps back from lafayette
"im glad.." laf smiled sweetly at me, i felt my heart drop a little, i didnt like this at all
"y/n?" i heard thomas call, i looked over and smiled, thank god my way out of this situation
"over here thomas" i waved to him, thomas walked over, smiling, then his smile got bigger as he went over to lafayette and hugged him
"lafayette! what brings to to new york?" thomas questioned
"well, the war is over so i decided i'd return to america" lafayette smiled "i do have a lot of friends here"
thomas nodded "riiight, your friends with Hamilton" he sighed and looked at me "no offense lamb, im talking about your brother, not you" he smiled, putting his arm around me
"uh-huh, of course its just about my brother its always about alex" i huffed, looking up at thomas
"not always, especially when its just us" thomas smirked, i blushed and looked away, thomas just laughed
lafayette furrowed his brows a little "are you two?.."he questioned
"oh, right, yeah" thomas chuckled a little "laf, this is y/n, im unsure if you've met her yet but we're courting " he smiled at laf, i started to shake a little, i was so nervous being around lafayette, thomas noticed i was shaking and took his magenta jacket off and put it around me, lafayette seemed to be a lot quieter now
"uhm, thomas?..are you done here?" i asked, i didnt want to be here anymore
"hm? yeah i am, ya alright doll?" thomas raised an eyebrow
"yeah, i am" i looked at thomas, pulling his jacket shut, i didnt like how notice-able my nervousness was, thomas nodded
"well laf, i gotta get going, the dolls getting bored" thomas smiled then looked at me, i smiled at him then we left the cabinet, i was glad to be away from lafayette but as soon as we got to thomas' house, i felt horrible, did i miss lafayette? no i was with thomas, i love thomas, lafayette left, and didnt even bother to write in all the years he was gone, theres no way i actually still have feeling for lafayette, i kept spiraling until thomas shook my shoulder a little, i shook my head and looked at him, he handed me some water and i smiled at him, we spent the rest of the day together, tho i felt like something was off about thomas, like he was hiding something, but that could just be because my mind is filled with so many different thoughts so i ignored it

Lafayette x reader
Fiksi Penggemaryour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen