time had passed, well about 8 months to be exact and i was more then ready to give birth, it was awful, i never, ever want to do this again, i feel horrible almost all the time but i manage, somehow, lafayette was doing his best, he wasnt much help though, but eliza has been a great help, her and my other sister in laws where wonderfully helpful, alex and elizas kids where ok..i mean they're kids so i didnt expect much from them anyways, the boys however, where quite annoying, I know they where trying to be helpful and all but, they where just annoying, Hercules constantly was taking my measurements every week, he insisted on it, he was also making clothes for the baby, now, what's the problem you may ask, well, we don't know what the baby is going to be, so Hercules has been dropping by every other day with either a few dresses or a few suits, john has just been trying to help take care of me, but at the same time doing almost the exact opposite of helping, Alexander, my dear brother, has, been well, threatening to say the least, he just seems on edge ever since Eliza and angelica took the kids up to our father in laws for the summer that year, which make his theats a bit more effective honestly, long story short, I have hardly gotten a moment to myself, everytime I try to spend a moment alone Lafayette either drags me to bed or just watches me write or read, I'm close to my limit with all the social interaction I've been having, luckily I should be giving birth anyday now, I really couldn't wait
"Mon femme, are you alright?" Lafayette questioned as he waved a hand in front of my face
I shook my head a little "mm? Yeah I'm fine laf" I smiled at him
"Breakfast is ready" Lafayette placed a gentle kiss on my forehead
"I'll be there in just a minute"
"Y/n" Lafayette said sternly "do not make me pick you up"
I looked at him "no one is making you do anything dear" I giggled a little
Lafayette sighed "come on, let's go" he placed his hands over mine
"Ok, ok" I let out a soft sigh and intertwine our fingers then walk to the kitchen with him, after that, i went to go check on the nursery, i smiled as i looked at it, eliza had given me some things she wasnt using anymore and helped me put the room together, lafayette helped as well when it came to moving and bringing in the heaver things, i was just happy that it looked nice, soon i heard a voice breaking me from my thoughts again
"mon cher? is everything alright with 'ze room?" lafayette questioned
"yes, everything is fine" i smiled then put my hand over my stomach, lafayette walked over to me
"mon cher?.." lafayette questioned as he looked at me with a worried expression
"i-im fine i just...im fine" i bit the inside of my cheek i didnt feel good at all
"are you sure? i can send for the doctor-"
"im ok..laf, really im fine" i put my hand on his cheek, he placed his hand over my hand
"im just..worried" he gently placed his over hand on my stomach "you're stubborn and i worry that you'll try to do this on your own"
"i wont, i promise" i gently brushed my thumb over lafs cheek and smiled but it soon faded as i felt another shot of pain, groaning slightly
"if your sure.." lafayette sighed then kissed my cheek and walked out of the nursery, time passed and i was just reading in the living room, when i felt a shot of pain and felt my water break, great, i went to lafayette and told him to send for the midwife and then went to lay in bed, as i was suppose to, after all i could probably do this myself, but it was my first birth so i probably shouldnt, soon the midwife got there and it was about time for the actual birth to start
lafayettes pov
i rushed to get the midwife and after that i waited outside the room for awhile but when i started to hear y/n scream i left, i didnt want to listen to her in pain when i wasnt allowed into the room and couldnt do anything, i decided i'd go tell everyone that y/n was giving birth, so when i got to alexanders house, i knocked and luckily they didnt seem to busy even though it was quite late in the afternoon, i announced to alexander and eliza that y/n was giving birth, angelica and peggy where also there so i told them as well, the girls where excited and decided we'd eat dinner then go cheek on y/n since the girls said that the first time someone gives birth can normally take many hours, after we cleaned up from dinner and the girls out the kids to bed we all went to my house, y/n was still screaming in pain and i hated it, i just didnt like that she was in pain and i couldnt do anything to help, hours past and suddenly, i heard a scream get cut off, i looked over at the girls and their faces seemed concerned and worried, which only made me worry more, it was silent at this point and the three girls walked into the room, i went to try and follow them but alexander stopped me
"laf, you dont want to go in there, y/n just gave birth everything is going to be a mess and make you feel horrible " alexander said keeping me from entering the room
"but, they looked concerned.." i frowned
"they probably just wanted to see the baby" alexander chuckled a little, about a minute later we both saw peggy walk out of the room
"uh.." peggy turned to face us and cleared her throat "so...uhm...."
"is everything alright?" i asked
"uh.." peggy turned and messed with the door handle "i cant do this guys let me back in" she squeaked and went back into the room, i exchanged a look with alexander
"...what was that about?" i asked
"i...dont know..she doesnt normally act like that" alexander bit his lip

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen