are you arron burr, sir?

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it was our last day on the ship, Alexander and i where on the main deck trying to spot land "alexander...we're almost york..." i smiled, tearing up, we both worked so hard for this, i could hardly believe this was real 

"yeah, theres so much to do once we dock..." alexander said, he seemed so focused

"please dont go on about how theres a million things you havent done again" i chuckled slightly 

"but there is! just you wait y/n just you wait! i'll make you and our mother proud.." he said turning to look at me 

i gently placed my hand over his "i know..i know you will...i'll try my best to help you.."

he smiled "thanks.." he looked back at the sea, we where approaching land, this was it, this was new york, "in new york..i can be a new man..a better man.."

i smile "in new york you can be a new man.." the ship soon docked and me and Alexander grabbed our bags then walked off the ship and into new york, after an hour of walking we found our apartment, we got settled and started our new lives, one week later me and alexander where out walking the streets of new york, trying to find a man by the name of arron burr, well, alex was,  i however was looking for a book shop, eventually i found one, i looked at alex and told him where i was off to, he nodded and said he'd come with me, until we walked over, it was then he saw someone and rushed over without saying a word to me, i sighed and walked into the book shop, looking at different books, no one was at the front desk so i looked for the medical section on my own, i also picked up a few other books then walked over to a small table/desk and sat down, starting to glance over the pages of each book carefully then looked out the window, i couldnt see him anymore, my brother left me alone...i sigh and go back to reading until a few hours later when i decided i need to go look for my brother, well that and i read all the books i had, i put the books away and walked out of the book shop when i saw the man my brother left with, tho my brother wasnt with him anymore, i walked over to him

"uhm excuse me, where you with my brother sir? his name is alexander hamilton " i asked nicely, the man smiled and nodded

"yes i was, he was, i got him a drink and well, he made a few friends and decided he would stay with them" he told me

"ah, i see, thank you very much sir"i sigh softly 

"uhm miss, if you dont mind, can i show you around? my name is arron burr, its a pleasure to meet you" he smiled

i look at him, nodding with a small smile "y/n hamilton and yes, i'd love to see around town" 

he extended his hand and i took it, he then started to show me around down town "There's nothing rich folks love more Than going downtown and slummin' it with the poor They pull up in their carriages and gawk At the students in the common Just to watch them talk  Take Philip Schuyler: the man is loaded" his face showed a bit of surprise "Uh-oh, but little does he know that his daughters, Peggy, Angelica,Eliza" he pointed over at three girls "Sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at work" he looked at them, walking with me to get a bit closer after about 2 minutes he walked up to the girl in a peach colored dress

"Excuse me, miss, I know it's not funny but your perfume smells like your daddy's got money Why you slummin' in the city in your fancy heels You searchin for an urchin who can give you ideals?" he asked her, i stayed to the side, i didnt want to be apart of this

"Burr, you disgust me" the girl said to him and a girl in a blue dress stood next to her and glared at burr

"Ah, so you've discussed me I'm a trust fund, baby, you can trust me" he said with a small smile

me and the other girls just stared at him, while the girl in a peach dress got ready to tell him off, the other two girls tried to pull her away, but couldnt so they walked over to me, i got a little nervous honestly, they where so pretty and burr made a horrible impression 

"are you with arron burr?" the one in a blue dress asked

"..he was showing me new here" i told her shyly

the girl in the yellow dress then spoke "we can show you around! until we have to go home that is" she smiled, her sister nodded

"that..sounds nice" i smiled, was i actually making friends?

the girl in a peach dress walked over "whats going on?" she asked

"we're going to show...uhm..whats your name?" the girl in the bllue dress asked

"y/n" i said looking at the three of them "and you?" of course, i already knew their names..i just didnt know who was who

"Angelica" the girl in the peach dress said

"Eliza!" the girl in the blue dress said

"and Peggy" the girl in the yellow dress said

they looked at each other and all at once they said "the Schuyler sisters"

i giggled a little "nice to meet you all" i smiled 

"yes, and we're going to show y/n here around town" eliza said then linked arms with me, peggy linked arms with me as well and angelica linked arms with eliza and we walked around town for the rest of the day, they told me different things about current events and soon we arrived at a very big property, they all sighed sadly and told me this was their stop, it was dark out so i nodded in understanding, they told me to write them i nodded as we exchanged addresses to write to each other at, we waved bye to each other and i walked home

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