i looked outside, the sky was dark and it was raining, i saw alexander running over to me when some things started to fly around, almost hitting alex, soon a plank of wood flew at me, i closed my eyes but nothing happened, it was stopped by the door way, soon alex got inside the house and we shut the door, a few minutes later the roof started to leak, the house started to flood and it flooded fairly quickly, soon it was up to our waists then moments later it was up to our necks then it started to cover our mouths then
i woke upi jumped, waking up, i must have woken lafayette up as well since he tighten his grip on me and tensed up
"y/n? whats wrong? did something happen?" laf asked as he looked at me
"i..im fine..bad..bad dream..thats all" i shook my head "im sorry i'll get off you now i didnt mean to fall asleep" i said, trying to get up but lafs tight grip kept me there, i looked at him, suddenly i felt calmer as i looked at him
"huh?..oh..right sorry mon cher" he said letting go of me, i stayed there for a little bit, i shook my head and got up, lafs jacket stayed over my shoulder, laf slowly stood up and smiled at me, he made me so happy for some reason
"uhm, you can go now..its not raining any more" i looked at him, he nodded
"let me just.." laf stood close to me, fixing his jacket so that it was over both of my shoulders and covered my back, when suddenly we both heard a cough, laf jumped back a bit and looked over, it was alexander
"i hope i interrupted something, because you where a bit to close to my sister lafayette" alexander said, he sounded a bit mad
"uh, sorry Monsieur Hamilton..i..didnt see you there" laf smiled nervously
"..is that the only reason your sorry?" alex crossed his arms
"uh..uhm..alexander i havent done anything wrong..have i?..." laf asked nervously
alex sighed "thats my sister laf, and you where about five seconds away from kissing her"
"i-..i wasnt..going to-..uhm.." laf blushed and looked away from me and alex
"..uh-huh..sure.." alex shook his head and laf just walked out of the medical tent, i narrowed my eyes at alex and he just looked at me, confused "what?..."
"you didnt have to scare him like that" i sighed
"yes i did" alex stated plainly
"no, you didnt, he wasnt doing anything wrong, just trying to take his jacket back since he wrapped it around me last night during the storm since i was shivering so much..he thought i was cold.." i told him
"..you....the storm..im sorry y/n i should have checked on you.." alexs eyes saddened
"its fine..alex, you should apologize to lafayette" i smiled softly
"...no..i think im good.." he slowly backed up
"alex!" i crossed my arms
"he should consider it a warning" he smiled and walked away
i huffed and looked at some paper work, i smiled as i fixed where lafs jacket sat on my shoulders, it was so warm and nice, the doctor checked in, like always, i took lafs jacket off when i started to get a bit hot and sat it on the chair that was in there, soon the men took off to another battle, i did paper work and wrote to my sister in laws, me and peggy wrote each other very often, we always wrote about random things, i decided i'd ask her for her opinion
dear peggy
hello! i'd love to come visit soon but i dont think thats a possibility for me any time soon, recently i've been having a bit of trouble placing my thoughts and feelings for someone, it seems whenever im around them im happy, when they smile i smile, they never fail to make me feel better or make me feel safe, its quite strange but i dont mind, im not sure if its a strong friendship or if i love them, and no, i wont tell you who im talking about
~love Y/N
i sigh as i finish the letter, i felt a little dumb for writing to peggy about this but i wanted another girls advice and i wasnt going to get that here, i sent all the letters i needed to and went back to the medical tent, i worked for the next few days straight, for some reason ever since Charles lee got promoted to general a lot more men have been getting injured, i hadnt slept since the storm, which was now 2 days ago, i was constantly tending to wounded men, the doctor was trying to help but i would quickly take over whatever he was doing when he tried, around day 3 was when it slowed down a bit, i got a nap in for a few hours and no new battles took place, i was grateful for that, soon i saw all the guys come back, which was nice, aside from all the wounded men that refilled the medical tent, i tended to all of them, some had miner wounds so i was able to send them to there tents soon i had finished tending to everyone, it was dark but lafayette walked in, i assumed he was here for his jacket so i handed it to him
"huh?..oh uhm..thank you.." laf shook his head a bit, trying to stay awake
"are you ok?" i asked
"oui oui i am fine" he slowly put his jacket on, leaning on something as he put it on
"sit." i demanded, crossing my arms, he wasnt acting right, maybe he was just tired but i couldnt take any chances
"uh..im fine mon cher i promise" he half smiled
"sit. on. a. cot." i looked at him
laf sighed and did as he was told "theres really no need to worry" he smiled
i looked him up and down, i raised an eyebrow as i looked at his leg, there was a tare and blood, i quickly rolled his pant leg up "YOU WHERE SHOT AND YOU TIRED TO HIDE IT?" i wasnt sure if i was yelling because i was shocked that he wasnt in a ton of pain
"shot?..oh..thats what that was..." laf looked down at me, he looked a bit embarrassed
i just stayed quite, i got what i needed and went back to laf "this is going to hurt. a lot" i said a bit angry, i then pulled the bullet out, he screamed a little and bit his tongue, i handed it to him, he was of course confused by that but held onto his, he hissed in pain as i disinfected his bullet wound, i then wiped the blood off of his leg then wrapped his leg with a bandage "stay." i walked over to put the stuff away after cleaning it
"are..you mad at me?..." laf asked
"a bit..i mean.. you got shot lafayette" i sigh
"..if im being honest i..well i didnt really know.."
i looked at him ".....how?"
"we just got out of battle an hour ago.."
i sigh " well, your staying on that cot for the next few days, so get comfortable"
" i will?..." laf raised an eyebrow
"yes, you will, because i am the medical professional and you have been shot"
"..ok.." laf just sighed and laid back
"..ok?..just..ok? your not gonna fight me on this?..." i asked confused
"oui, i am not alexander" laf said as he closed his eyes
i sit down and do paper work for the rest of the night

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen