it was the next day and i didnt want to get out of bed, but i did, last night kept replaying in my mind, i felt bad for lafayette, he seemed sad when i kept saying i wouldnt leave with him, i felt bad but i just looked around my room, i wasnt sure what to do now, so i walked out of my room, sighing, when i walked into the living room i saw the three sisters and baby philip, peggy rushed over to me, grabbing my arm
"so? are you going to tell us what happened last night?!?" peggy asked as he pulled me to the couch
"..i'd rather not.." i sighed
"what happened?.." eliza asked
"...he's going back to france..." i told them
" sorry y/n.." peggy gently rubbed my arm
"its fine..i had a feeling he was.."
" know if he likes you at least?..." angelica asked
"ha..he does..he even asked me to go with him..and he's staying for a few extra days just to convince me to leave with him.." i shake my head slowly
" are going with him, right?" eliza questioned
"what? no of course not!" i stood up
"whoa calm down" angelica grabbed my hand, sitting me down
"im not leaving you guys.." i said looking at them
they nodded, the three sisters exchanged looks before looking back at me, i could tell they where torn as to what advice to give me, eliza thought i should leave with lafayette, angelica was probably taking the more logical approach, whatever that may be and peggy well, she was probably just confused, i couldnt blame her tho, i was kinda confused too, but i knew i needed to be with my brother during this step in his life, i mean, its his first kid, and its not like we really had a father growing up so i couldnt leave him, and besides why should i drop everything in my life that i was just starting here and leave with lafayette? i shook my head, i didnt want to think about that right now, i looked at the three sisters
"a-anyways..hows philip?..and how are you eliza?.." i asked, moving the conversation along, after while, i left to go do my studies, which took up about half my day, when i got home i saw none other then lafayette in the living room, holding philip and talking with alexander while alex wrote some papers, i tried my best to avoid him, going to the kitchen and hoping he didnt see me, i got something small to eat as i tried waiting for lafayette to leave but he walked to the kitchen.. with a crying philip, i looked at them, alex soon followed and he looked panicked
"is..everything ok?..." i asked
"i-i dont know this is the first time he's cried when elizas been out im not sure what to do.." alex said as he took philip and tried to stop the crying "i-i dont know y/n do you think he got hurt?! " he looked at me, he was so worried
" let me hold him.." alex handed me philip, who i was worried to hold but after i held him i looked around, i knew exactly what he needed " alex, he needs to be changed, how could you not tell?.." philip felt a little wet so i handed him back to alex and washed my hands, alex nodded and left to go change philip, after that i just, looked at laf, who had just been watching me and alex
"how was your studies?" laf asked
"they where fine-" i responded and looked away from him
laf sighed softly "please dont avoid me..."
" not" i look up at him
"it seems like you are..." laf looked sad
"i..." i sighed "i dont know, im sorry.." i looked away again, i didnt want to see him sad
laf walked over to me, gently placing his hand on my cheek and made me look up at him "please dont avoid here for you..mon ange..please.."
i blushed softly looking into his eyes "i-..ok.." i felt his thumb softly brush across my cheek as he looked at me, i closed my eyes, leaning into his touch a little, laf smiled and put his arm around my waist, holding me close, i opened my eyes, looking at him, he smiled, but quickly let me go, taking a step back as he looked over at the door to the kitchen, i looked over to see alex with a raised eyebrow holding philip, he walked over
"is...everything alright?" alex asked looking at laf
"uh- oui everything is fine " laf smiled nervously
"really? it looked like you got a little close there" alex said, not taking his eyes off of laf
"oh uhm- yes- i was- " laf said, looking down at alex
"care to explain yourself there laf?" alex asked quite aggressively, holding philip close to his chest
"i dont think there is anything to explain.." laf watched alex
"oooOH i think there is" alex, despite holding a baby and being around a foot shorter then laf, looked ready and willing to fight him
laf scratched the back of his neck "uhm- alexander.." he chuckled nervously
"weLL?" alex tapped his foot impatiently
"alexander i have feelings for your sister" laf told him, waiting a little bit for continuing "and i wish to convince her to go to france with me" he was nervous as he finished talking
alexander took a few moments to process this, he looked at me then back at lafayette, not saying anything for a minute "...ok" he sighed softly
"ok?" laf questioned
"your my friend lafayette, i trust you, of course y/n will be deciding what she does but, if you hurt her i will go all the way to france just to kill you" alex said as he looked into lafs eyes, glaring daggers at him, then his expression softened a little, he looked down at philip
laf smiled "of course..." he looked at me, i smiled softly, he grabbed my hand
alex looked at the two of us "well, i'll leave you too it..." he walked away
"that was..a lot easier then i thought it would be.." laf chuckled as he looked at me
"i thought he was gonna kill you" i giggled softly, resting my head on his shoulder
laf smiled "would you like to go for a walk?"
i nod slowly, so we went for a walk downtown until the sun set, we walked back and looked at the sunset, once we got to my house i went to walk in but laf stayed on the porch and kept ahold of my hand, not letting me get very far from him, i looked at him
"laf?.." i tilted my head to the side
"hm?" laf tilted his head as well
"you gonna let go?" i asked
laf looked at our hands, frowning a little "oh, right, oui" he let go of my hand and i walked into the house

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen