After what seemed like hours we finally saw Alexander leaving the room, followed by a crying Eliza, I felt my heart breaking as I watched them, the doctor spoke to them then they approached us, well, Alexander stayed back, I figured he'd just assumed he wasn't welcome around us
Me, peggy and angelica hugged Eliza, she softly cried as we did, I felt so bad for the whole thing, but I soon left the sisters and approached my brother
"So, you gave him the guns huh" I crossed my arms
"I..y/n.." his sad expression said it all
"Why?.." I questioned
"I..I didn't think he'd get shot, I told him how to solve the dispute without causing anything I thought everything would be okay " he teared up slightly
I sighed softly and hugged him "I'm sorry alex..I did what I could for him"
Alexander hugged back tightly "I know you did..thank you.."
After a couple minutes of me and alex hugging, we stopped, I stepped back and looked at him "I just hope nothing else happens"
Alex nodded "me too.."
after this i walked back to the sisters, maybe everything would be okay, maybe not, I just hoped it'd be the latter
A few days later
I went to visit the Hamilton estate, when I got there I noticed some boxes around some rooms when I walked the main hall
"I apologize for the mess y/n, alex and I want to start fresh, so, we're moving uptown" Eliza explained
"Oh? That's nice..hows Philip?..." I questioned
"Oh, hes doing better, still not in the best condition but better then he was at the hospital" Eliza told me
"He's home now?" I questioned
"Yes, he is" eliza smiled softly
"That's wonderful" I smiled
Eliza nodded "it's also helped me and alex start to really speak more, we remembered what's important, our kids, our family, everything, it's been incredibly hard but this move may help"she smiled softly
"I hope it'll be good for you" I smiled back at her, after awhile of spending time with them I made my way back home, when I got there I was greeted by the smell of Lafayette cooking and my children running up and hugging me, I smiled at them, getting down on their level to hug them both then stand back up
"Mon cher how are they?" Lafayette questioned
"They're okay" I walked over to Lafayette and hugged him from behind
"Are you alright mon amour?" He questioned, stopping what he was doing
"Yeah, I'm fine" I hugged him a little tighter
"Are you sure?" He asked
"Of course" I looked up at him
Lafayette turned and hugged me back, swinging back and forth "as long as your sure"
I smiled and buried my face in his chest "I love you"
"I love you too mon femme"
This moment was only short lived as the kids started to get rambunctious and cause me to have to break the moment up, I took care of the kids and Lafayette finished up the food he was making, then we all ate
A few days later
I went to visit the new Hamilton estate uptown with Lafayette and the kids, we were going to help them unpack the as well, Alexander and Eliza were slowly rebuilding their relationship which was nice to see, after all, Philip made it out alive, which we were all so, so thankful for, once we got there I let the kids run off to play with their cousins and then went to help Eliza, angelica and peggy with the rest of the unpacking, after what seemed like hours it was starting to be around dinner time, so I offered to go make dinner, peggy offered to help me which I greatly expected since we had a lot of people to feed, we made a simple dinner nothing too extravagant, as we were finishing making dinner peggy called the kids in and had the older kids set the tables one for the adults and one for the kids, the kids begrudgingly did this as they where mostly upset they had to sit at the kids table, which honestly, I wish I could sit at sometimes, theres always so much conversation at dinner tables with everyone that just isnt exactly fun, like politics, whatever Alexander is doing and work, although tonight Philip would be joining us at the adults table so I was excited to interrogate him a little bit about relationships, which I did, it was almost the first thing I did when we started eating
"So, Philip, have you been thinking of courting anyone recently?" I questioned
Philip froze a moment, glancing at me then everyone else "well..not exactly, I only have a few friends and I wouldn't really consider any of the girls I know" he kept nervously glancing at everyone
"That's alright darling, you'll know when you find her" Eliza smiled at phillip
"Hmmm, really? Then I suppose miss theodosia bur came all the way out here today just to..see the new home?" I questioned, yeah, theodosia did stop by and she was talking to Philip, I didn't think anything of it until now though
Philip turned a slight shade of pink "i-.. she was just talking about how her dad is planning on running for president, t-thats all" he said in hope to catch people off guard
"Wait- burr is running for president in the next election?" Alexander questioned
"Of course he is" angelica sighed "I believe it"
"Well, you should, because he is.." Philip sighed softly
"But wouldn't that mean running against adams? And well, most likely thomas" I questioned
Lafayette looked at me "most likely Thomas?"
"Well, last I heard he was unsure if he wanted to run again or not" I said, of course I was still a little close with Thomas
"Well, either way, the next election is going to be a pain.." Alexander sighed

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen