i woke up in the middle of the night to crying, i sighed and got up, the twins where about a year old now and they woke each other up sometimes when they cried, it was not fun, but i went to go take care of them, everyone has met and loves them, especially martha, since she doesnt have kids with george they both enjoy having a bit of time with them, of course george cant be around them to much as he is only getting worse and we dont want the kids getting sick, i finish taking care of both kids as i put them back to bed, it took half an hour but i got it, but soon after right as i was about to get back into to bed i heard a knock at the front door, i sighed and went to open the door, i had fallen asleep in my clothes so it was fine to answer the door, when i did i saw a man who looked tried, he seemed like he was out of breath and troubled
"is everything alright sir?" i questioned
"i..no..i" he caught his breath "mrs washington had said to send for you.. she said its an emergency"
i nod "oh..alright, i'll head over " i thought about telling lafayette that i was heading out but it was an emergency so i'd just have to explain why i had left without a word later, me and the man rushed back to the washington estate and i was rushed up to the bedroom where washington laid surrounded by doctors and martha, i walked over, the doctors kept talking amongst themselves and hardly paying attention to washington, i walked over to martha to try and understand what was going on, she explained that George had gotten so bad that none of the doctors knew what to do other then wait for him to pass, i bit my tongue I didn't like that at all, in fact that's probably the worse thing I could be dealing with in the middle of the night, but, here we are, I sighed and look at George, god is this really it for him?
i looked over at martha as we sat in the living room, soon a doctor walked out and gave us the news that George was infact dead, i hugged martha and helped her for a few hours when i remembered that i never told lafayette i was leaving, meaning he woke up without any notice of where i was, i probably should go home and make sure lafayette doesn't go mad as a hatter after looking around the house, so i said my goodbyes with martha then returned home, when i walked into the door i was met with lafayette rushing over to me in a slightly panicked state
"Where have you been!?" Lafayette said in an almost yell
"Laf..calm down the kids are-" I was cut off by Lafayette
"The kids? They're awake and fine! But of course I wouldn't expect you to know that since you weren't here!" Lafayette glared at me "where in gods name where you?." He questioned
"Lafayette calm down." I crossed my arms walking past him, if he wasn't gonna relax on this I wasn't gonna tell him anything, in fact I'll let him find out on his own, he can stay mad for all I care. I walked to the nursery to check on the twins, they where in their cribs with a stuffed animal each, I made sure each of them where ok and didn't need anything before I walked to the study, it was my study since Lafayette mostly worked on things regarding the army both in France and in America, he normally only wrote letters in the living room anyway, I looked around for a moment before grabbing a book from the shelf and sitting at my desk, looking over some papers then I neatly stacked them, they where the papers I was writing on theories and ideas of what could help George recover..of course they're useless now but I'll keep them around, after neatly stacking them I tore a small piece of paper and wrote down a one word summary of what the stack was then put it in a drawer with the note on top when I was done with that I opened the book and started reading, after a few hours it just seemed like I was avoiding Lafayette, which, to be fair, I was but he deserved it, yelling at me and not giving me a chance to explain when he should know i wouldn't just run off in the middle of the night without a reason, so I decided to not worry about it, I instead just occupied myself with simple busy work, after I finished all the busy work I could find I heard the twins start crying so i walked to the nursery and started to take care of George when Lafayette walked in, I glanced over at him for a moment then ignored him, going back to taking care of our child, once i was done with George i went to take care of g/n but saw that lafayette had already started to take care of her, i watched him for a moment before putting my hand on his shoulder then picked up g/n, finishing taking care of her once both kids where taken care of i walked out of their room, lafayette was waiting for me outside the room, i looked at him, crossing my arms
"mon femme, talk to me." he looked down at me
"washington passed this morning"
he looked at me, his expression saddening "thats why..." he said this more like a statement then a question
i nodded, lafayette then wrapped his arms around me

Lafayette x reader
Fanfictionyour Alexander Hamilton sister and your on your way to america to practice medicine and help keep your brother alive when you meet a very interesting Frenchmen