Chapter 26

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   Y/N'S POV

  Before Tony and I made our way to Steve's location, I asked Tony,"So, what's this plan and am I really going to like this plan?"

  Tony just looked at me, and then he said to me,"You're not going to like this plan, Y/N. You're not going to like it."

  I leaned into my hand as I replied,"Okay, Stark. Why am I not going to like this plan? Does it involve me leaving you or having to hurt you?"

  Tony smiled at me thinking of him, even at a time like this, but he shook his head before he answered,"No. Y/N, you're not going to like this plan because it involves me hurting you."

  I crossed my arms as I said,"Tony, I need you to clarify what you're saying to me right now. What you just said could be interpreted in a few different ways. One of them I really don't think's gonna happen."

  Tony cupped my face as he said to me,"Babe, I would never put my hands on you. Don't even worry about that. What I meant was I'm going to have to take your suit away from you again."

  I asked Tony,"Why can't I have my suit?"

  Tony said,"From what I'm understanding, your brother's very dramatic, but he's not as smart as he appears to be. No offense, Y/N, but he's going to expect you to show up with your suit and anything you can think of to take him down. He's not going to expect you to show up like this."

  Tony reached to take the watch around my wrist, but I moved my hand back as I said,"No. No. Tony, I can't."

  Tony looked me in the eyes as he said,"Baby, you can do this. I know you can. I know the situations you've been in before you had this suit. Before you believed it was possible to love. I love you. I do, but this is the best plan I have. I normally have much better plans, but this is the only way I see you, Rogers, and me making it out of this alive. All our other help is busy protecting the people whom we both need in our lives, so Y/N, trust what you already have."

  I was quiet for a minute, but I said to Tony,"Normally, you do have better plans. These last few plans have been garbage, but I understand that you're doing the best you can."

  Tony said,"Y/N, don't talk to me that way."

  I chuckled before I said,"Okay. Here."

  I handed Tony my watch, but I was having an inner battle with myself whether this was the best option. Whether I could come up with something better, but I couldn't.

  I watched Tony put my watch away, and then I rubbed my wrist.

  Tony noticed, but he gave me a kiss before he told me,"You won't be alone. I'll still be there, just where you can't see me. If I get the feeling that everything's about to fall apart, I'll get you and Rogers out of there."

  I hugged him as I said to him,"I was just joking with you when I said your last few plans have been garbage. I hoped you caught that, Stark. I know that it takes a lot to look out for me."

  Tony kissed my cheek before he replied,"I knew you were joking, Y/N. I promise. Let's get to Rogers. We don't know what James has done to him already. We should've been in there already!"

  I kissed his cheek, yet I stroked his cheek as I said to him,"Shhhhh. We'll make it, Stark. James is going to make sure Steve's still alive. Like you said, he's dramatic, but everything he does is for a reason. Right now, his focus is on making things harder for me. To make me understand what it's like to lose."

  Tony stepped back into his Iron Man suit before he took us to Steve's location. When we made it to Steve's location, Tony put me down on my two feet before he made sure no one was around.

  Tony said,"Go inside. It's just him and Rogers. I'll keep an eye out for anyone who could decide to show up while you're inside."

  I nodded before I opened the door.

  I heard,"Sis, you're here! Great!"

  James noticed I wasn't wearing a suit and that I was alone.

  So, he asked me,"Where's Stark? Left you again?"

  I said,"Actually, he did leave me. He figured it was best to turn his attention to someone else who actually deserved it. I guess I already lost, so my day's going pretty well so far."

  James stuffed his hands into his pockets before he said to me,"I know you're lying, Y/N. Stark loves you too much to abandon you, especially at a pressing time like this. You could lose everything, Y/N. I know he's somewhere around here, but don't worry, I'm only concerned about my dear sister."

  I said,"You keep saying I could lose everything, but I'm sure you already know everything there is to know about me. I'm sure you've already had someone look into everything that has happened to me since your "death." You would know that my relationships haven't been that great. That I just recently connected with my parents, who never did anything to hurt me. You would know that Steve means everything to me, and I can't live a life without Steve Rogers in it. I guess what I'm saying is, what will it take to get you to stop all of this?"

  James walked down to me before he told me,"It's too late to be asking me that question, Y/N. Too late. Tell you what. I'll let Rogers go and leave your friends, your family, and your pathetic team alone, if you do something for me."

  I asked James,"What would I have to do for you and how would I know that you'll keep your word?"

  James motioned over to the back before he said,"Y/N, let's talk."

  I walked with James, and he said to me,"We were close before. Honestly, I'm growing bored with you and anyone that has anything to do with you. I'm ready to move on, but I'll only move on if you do this for me."

  I asked him,"What's this?"

  James said,"The whole point of all of this was to make you feel what it was like to lose. I have figured out a way to still make that happen, but you'll love this, Y/N."

  I followed James into the backroom. I felt like throwing up at the sight of Steve. I punched James across his face before I pushed him into the wall.

  James laughed before he said,"Where did this confidence come from? You haven't always had it, Y/N, especially not when that one man came into your life. What was his name again?"

  I blocked him out, and then I told him,"That's not going to work. I know that he took something from me, but I've had confidence in many different ways since then. Don't try to manipulate me. Just tell me what you want."

  James motioned over to Steve before he admitted to me,"He's still alive, Y/N. As you can see, he's clearly lost a lot of blood. I'm not sure how, but he's probably dying. Probably. Anyway, he's told me some things, Y/N, about your relationship. That he loves you. That you've been hurting him. So, I have a solution. You're going to say what you have to say to Steve, and then I'm going to erase his memories of you. I'm going to erase all of their memories of you, and you're going to stay away from all of them."

  I said,"What makes you think I'd-"

  James cut me off by saying,"Stark's not going to help you. He's preoccupied outside."

  I looked over at Steve before I said to James,"All right. Let me talk to Steve."

  James smirked, but he nodded before he replied,"Of course. I'll be waiting for you."

  I watched James leave out of the room before I walked over to Steve very slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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