Chapter 1

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Comment. Let me know what you guys think so far. This is my first actual Marvel book, besides from the Imagines. With that being said, please enjoy!

   Y/N'S POV

  I groaned before I said,"Steve, why did you bring me here? I really have to get going. I have work in the morning."

  Because I also wanted to do so, I sighed after one of my closest friends, Steve Rogers, somehow managed to drag me to a party for the Avengers and friends.

  Steve chuckled before he said to me,"Y/N, you need to get out more. I know your job's important to you, but it's okay to sit back and have a little fun. I have had to learn that, too, so we are continuing to learn together. Also, I promised Buck that I would bring you here, since no one has seen you in a long time."

  Immediately, I felt bad, but I groaned again before I said to Steve,"Steve, why did you have to put it like that? Now, I actually feel the need to go in there and socialize. However, I could also be at home sleeping right now, so I am just gonna-"

  I went to make a run for it, but Steve grabbed me gently before he put me over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat before Steve carried me into the Avengers Tower. And let me tell you, there sure were a lot of people here. There was no way that anyone talked to this many people at one time. No way.

  Since there were too many people here at once, I began to get a little nervous. Just a little nervous, so I grabbed Steve's arm. Then, Steve smiled before he led me through the groups of people, who I wasn't going to be socializing with tonight. And yes, I knew that already.

  When Steve stopped walking, I became face to face with an old best friend of mine, Natasha Romanoff.

  Natasha smiled, and I hugged her immediately, which took her a few seconds to respond to.

  Slowly, Natasha pulled away from the hug before she said to me,"It's great to see you, Y/N. How's the job treating you?"

  I shrugged, and then I admitted to her,"It could be better, but it's not like I don't get paid. Luckily, God's on my side, which is the only thing that matters to me right now."

  I heard someone say,"Amen, girl. Amen to that."

  I turned to see that Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes were here as well. I, of course, knew the two peas in a pod, who always knew how to make me smile when I was feeling down.

  So, Sam bowed to me, but Bucky rolled his eyes before he said to Sam,"Really? Why do you always have to draw attention to yourself?"

  Sam just smirked before he chose to answer Bucky's question,"I want the ladies to see me, Buck. Who could say no to this guy?"

  I chuckled, yet I smirked before I said to Sam,"Say no."

  Sam rolled his eyes, but he smiled before he pulled me in for a side hug.

  Then, he said to me,"Hey, Y/N. I didn't expect someone so sassy yet elegant to be at a place like this. Look at all of this around you, Y/N. I made this possible. Not Nat. Not Clint. Not Thor. Not Bruce. Not even Tony Stark. Me. This was all me. Go ahead and give me some love."

  I hit Sam in the back of the head, and Steve laughed, while Bucky said,"Way to go, Wilson. You finally got a woman to show you some love."

  I just smiled at the two before I realized what name Sam said after Bruce. Tony. Tony Stark.

  My face drained of color immediately, but I asked Sam,"I..Is he here? at this moment?"

  Sam nodded, but Steve frowned before he said to me,"Darling, are you all right? Do I need to call a doctor? Did you drink something? Y/N, I told you not to drink anything."

  I chuckled, but I sighed before I said to Steve,"I'm fine, Steve. Just fine. I just... It's been so long since I've heard that name."

  Natasha smirked before she wiggled her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes, but Steve, Sam, and Bucky were all confused as to why Nat was wiggling her eyebrows.
  Nat opened her mouth to tell them why, but someone cleared their throat, and we all turned to see Bruce and Thor. I had met Thor through Steve a while ago, but Bruce, I don't think I had ever personally met him before tonight.

  Thor spotted me immediately, and he engulfed me in a tight hug as he yelled,"LADY Y/N!!!! I HAVE NOT SEEN YOU IN AGES!! YOU LOOK WELL AND THAT IS GOOD!! VERY GOOD!"

  I giggled, but I smiled at Thor as I said to him,"Thank you, Thor. Your brother... is he here as well?"

  However, someone tapped my shoulder, so I turned to see the one and only, Loki Laufeyson, standing before me.

  Loki smiled at me, and I pulled him in for a hug immediately before he said to me,"It is marvelous to see you, too, Y/N. Why are you with these mortals? I like those mortals over there. They are definitely mischievous, which is my style. I would recommend speaking with that group instead."

  I pulled away from the hug, but I put my hand on Loki's shoulder before I told him,"I think I'll pass, Loki. You know, if I always took your advice, I would probably be in jail right now. Although, I do appreciate your concern with who I hang around. Shows me you are more than just a destroyer of Earth."

  Loki put his hand over his heart before Nat introduced me to the Maximoff twins. They were very sweet, but they were also people I would hope to come to learn more about.
  Anyway, I had yet to run into Tony, which only caused me to feel shy and nervous.

  Speaking of Tony, Bruce said to me,"Natasha was just telling me about how close you were with Tony, and I just wanted to let you know that he's right over there."

  I nodded, following Bruce's eyes very slowly, before my eyes just happened to meet a particular pair of eyes. I knew those eyes from anywhere.

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