Chapter 10

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   Y/N'S POV

  As pumped as I was for Tony and I's date, I remembered that he said that I would need a jacket. So, I grabbed my jacket before I put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror, and then I looked at the time. I still had an hour before Tony would be here, so what would I do until then? When a million different things went through my head, I called Steve for advice.

  He said,"Yes, Ms. L/N?"

  I blurted out,"Steve, I'm so nervous! Please talk to me! What if I mess something up? What if Tony cancels at the last minute? What if he sees how ugly I am?"

  Steve chuckled before he told me,"Sweetheart, you'll be fine. There's nothing that will stop Stark from having this date with you, but you're not ugly. You never were, so don't say something like that again. You also won't mess up, because this is just your past doing the talking, Y/N. You deserve this, and this will work out for you."

  I always felt so reassured after Steve talked to me. It's why I called him in the first place. He always had a way with words, even if it wasn't the longest speech eve. He just... knew what to say to me. I guess I had given him years' worth of experience for him to figure out what worked and what didn't work for me.

  Anyway, I took a couple of deep breaths before I replied,"Thanks, Steve. I...I just need to get myself together. I can do this. I can have a good time and be beautiful while doing it. Confidence. I can have that. Okay, Steven, I gotta go!"

  He said,"Okay, ma'am, enjoy your date with Tony. I'll be right here if you need me. Bye, Y/N. Love you."

  I said,"Bye, Captain. Love you, too."

  He hung up the phone, and I smiled to myself before there was a knock on my window. I spotted Iron Man, so I rushed over to the window immediately. I took another deep breath before I opened my window.

  Iron Man said,"You look beautiful, Y/N. You know that?"

  I blushed, and then I looked down at my outfit.

  Iron Man said,"Should we go?"

  I took his hand, and he said,"Hold onto me, Y/N."

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he took off. I screamed before I held on tighter to Tony's Iron Man suit.

  He laughed before he said to me,"I like how close you are to me, babe. Could you stay like that?"

  I giggled, but I knew he was smiling inside of that helmet or whatever it was.

  Iron Man said,"While you're gazing at me, you're missing the tour. I took you on this date for a tour. If you wanted to stare, then you could've just told me."

  I hit his helmet, and he groaned before he said,"Hey, watch it! It took time to make this suit. You just love giving me a hard time, but since I love you, I'll let that slide."

  I smiled really big at him before I replied,"I love you, too, Tony. Can I see your face?"

  He said,"Sure."

  His helmet flew up, so I could see his face now. He smirked at me, and then I leaned in.

  He did the same as he mumbled,"Y/N, the tour."

  I pulled his lips to meet my own, and our kiss felt like Christmas morning. He pulled me even closer to him, and I closed my eyes, enjoying this kiss a great deal. When I decided to open my eyes, Tony was about to fly into Stark Tower.

  I yelled,"STARK!!"

  He opened his eyes before he stopped himself from running into the building he paid for. Then, I broke into a fit of laughter. He couldn't help but laugh with me. However, he leaned in to kiss me again.

  I stopped him before I said,"Tony, you said you'd take me on a tour. You can kiss me later."

  He groaned, but he said,"Fine. This is The Avengers Tower, which you almost made me hit."

  I replied,"I did not. You let yourself get distracted. You need to own up to your mistakes. Say it, Tony."

  Tony rolled his eyes before he said,"No, because I see what you're doing. It was your fault, because you knew I would want a kiss from you. You used me."

  I replied,"Stark, just say it, and we can get on with the tour."

  He looked away from me as he pretended to be mad at me. He stopped talking to me, but he still took me on the tour around New York.

  However, I kissed the side of his helmet before I told him,"Stark, I love you. I love you, Tony."

  I could see Tony trying to hide his smile, and it only made my smile grow. I squealed when he acted like he was going to drop me, but he stopped at the park suddenly. I was confused, until he motioned for me to look up. I saw a plane fly by, but it had a banner attached to the back of it.


  I laughed before I turned back to Tony. He looked deathly afraid of my answer.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck before I said,"That banner made you sound desperate, Stark."

  Tony answered,"I am, because this is very important to me. What's your answer?"

  I replied,"My answer is yes. I know you love me, and I love you. "No" would be my last answer."

  He kissed me hard, and I accepted his kiss.

  When he pulled away from the kiss, he said to me,"Thank you, Y/N."

  I nodded, but he actually had a couple of tears in his eyes. I wiped his tears before I wrapped my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me, and we stood there in silence for some time. It was a nice silence, because at that moment, we both knew that we were a couple now. We had to support each other.

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