Chapter 22

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Sorry, I haven't updated this book in so long, but here you go!

   Y/N'S POV

  As I helped my mother put up all the photos around her and my father's new house, I sniffed before I said,"Mom?"

  Mom put down the photo in her hand before she said,"Yes, Y/N?"

  I asked her,"Do you smell that?"

  Mom's eyes widened, and then she rushed into the kitchen. I ran after her before I put out the fire that had started from the pan on top of the oven.

  Dad ran into the kitchen before he said,"M/N (Mom's Name), what did you burn today?"

  I knew that my father was joking, but my mother looked like she was about to have a breakdown. Dad didn't seem to notice it before he went back to setting up the living room. I walked over to my mother, and she broke into tears.

  I frowned before I said to her,"Mom, it's okay. You forgot about something. It happens, but you're all right. That's the important thing."

  Mom shook her head before she replied,"No, baby, I was making something for you. I was making cookies, and now they're..they're ruined. I have to make more for you."

  I stopped my mother from heading towards the refrigerator before I took both of her hands in my own as I said to her,"Mom, stop. You don't need to make me cookies. I'm not mad at you. I'm not going to cut you off. I'm trying to do right this time, and the last thing I'm going to do is disown you because you burnt some cookies. I love you, and I'll be more than happy to wait for your next batch if you really just want to make me some more cookies."

  I let go of her hands, and she said,"I love you, too, Y/N. I'll make more for you to take with you."

  I smiled before I nodded to my mother. Then, I left her alone in the kitchen. An hour later, I finished putting up the last of the photos around the house, and then my father nudged me.

  I looked over at him, and he said,"You look just like your mom."

  I replied,"I'm glad I look just like her. She's amazing. Why are you holding your leg?"

  Dad tried to walk past me, and I said,"No, you're not going anywhere. Did you hurt your leg?"

  Dad said,"Yes, but I'm all right, princess. Let me take this to the trashcan."

  I pushed him down onto the sofa before I made him put his leg up.

  I looked him in the eyes as I said to him,"If you even attempt to get up, I'll break your tv."

  Dad chuckled before he said,"You're my daughter all right. Okay, I won't get up."

  I kissed his forehead before I walked into the kitchen.


  On my way out the door a couple of hours later, my mother handed me my cookies. However, I decided to pay Tony a surprise visit. Unfortunately, Tony was nowhere to be found. I had looked around the whole Tower at this point, but no Tony Stark. No Iron Man. As a matter of fact, it seemed to be that I was the only one here.
  I checked for Tony again in the bedroom, but that was when I noticed the trail of blood leading outside. I followed it cautiously before I noticed someone lying on the ground. I quickened my pace, and it was Tony lying on the ground.

  I felt sick just seeing all the blood he had lost, but I had to get him some help. I pushed away my tears before I rushed to my own suit. Then, I flew Tony to the hospital.
  I couldn't go back with Tony, so I just stood in the waiting area. The first person I called was Steve.

  Steve said,"Yes, Y/N? Everything okay?"

  I broke down as I told him,"No. I'm at..I'm at the hospital. Tony's been hurt. Steve, I..I need you to bring the whole team here. I want them here in case whoever did this to Tony decides to come after him again."

  Steve replied,"Sweetheart, deep breaths. It's okay. I'll gather the team. Y/N, you're not alone."

  I said,"Thanks, Steve. I'll see you when you get here."

  Steve replied,"No problem, Y/N."

  After I hung up the phone, it wasn't long before the Avengers all stood in front of me.

  Natasha walked up to me before she hugged me.

  I returned her hug, but I let my tears fall against her shoulder as I admitted to her,"Nat, I'm so scared."

  Natasha said,"Don't be. We're here to protect Tony, no matter what."

  I showed the team where Tony's room was, and Natasha and Clint remained inside Tony's room. Bruce, Thor, and Natasha stood guard outside of Tony's room.

  Steve walked with me to the outside of the hospital before he asked me,"Do you have any ideas as to who could have been behind this?"

  I said,"No, but I need you to be my backup. Who better to take than Captain America?"

  Steve smiled at me before he replied,"Lead the way, Mrs. Stark."

  My eyes widened, but I returned Steve's smile as I said to him,"Nice to know you're doing okay. I'm not married to Stark yet, but thanks for thinking ahead."

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