Chapter 12

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  When my period was finally over, I thanked God for getting me through another excruciating time of the month. Secretly, Tony thought I was just being too dramatic, but he was acting like my behavior was normal. Trust me, I knew how Tony thought. Thinking about that man, I was looking for him right now actually. I had gotten off work early, and I wanted to see him.

  Instead of finding Tony, I ran into Spider-Man.

  He said,"Uh, hello. I'm Peter Parker."

  I giggled before I said,"You have to be new to this whole thing, but you just told me your name. I'm guessing that's your real name?"

  Spider-Man said,"No. I mean... Well..."

  I smiled at him before I heard,"His name is Peter Parker. That's his name."

  Tony walked up behind me.

  Then, he gave me a kiss before he motioned over to Peter and back to me saying,"Y/N, this is Peter Parker or Spider-Man. Kid, don't worry. You can trust her. And Peter, this is Y/N, my girlfriend."

  Peter took off his mask before he said to me,"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Sorry I almost lied to you. I didn't know you knew Mr. Stark."

   I waved it off, and then I replied,"It's fine. I wish I could've known about you before. Tony never mentioned he had a kid."

  Peter blushed, but he said,"Oh! No, I'm not his actual kid. I live with my Aunt May. Mr. Stark-"

  I cut him off politely by saying to him,"I was just joking, Peter. No need to explain anything to me. So, Tony's like your mentor?"

  Peter nodded, and I turned to Tony before I said to him,"Aww, Stark, that is so cute! Wait, you're his mentor?"

  I laughed, but Tony didn't think it was funny. Peter laughed, too, but then Tony gave him a look.

  Peter coughed before he left a little too quickly. 

  Next, I shrugged before I said to Tony,"You really just blow my mind every single time we're together. I'm proud of you. You know, watching out for Peter. He seems like a sweet kid."

  Tony smiled at me, and I returned his smile, until my phone went off.

  Without checking the caller ID first, I answered the call before I heard the voice on the other end say to me,"Hi, honey. How... How are you?"

  Tony noticed the look on my face, but I just waved it off.

  I recovered rather quickly before I said,"Hey, Mom. I..I'm good. What about you?"

  Now, Tony understood, given that he knew my history with my parents. He gave me some privacy, and I sat down in the nearest chair closest to me.

  Mom replied,"Great. Your father and I just celebrated our anniversary."

  Tears formed in my eyes, and I put my hand over my mouth. I didn't want Mom to hear me crying over the phone, because I shouldn't be the one crying right now. She should've been the one doing that. She should've been upset with me. Why wasn't she upset with me? Why did she call me?

  Mom went on by saying,"We... We never touched your room. It's still the same, and we're planning on moving in a couple of weeks. If you wanted to stop by and help, you can. We're still at the same address. You don't have to. You're an adult, capable of making your own decisions. I understand if you don't have the time."

  I replied,"No. No. I want to help. I'll be there. Can you... can you send me the address?"

  Mom said in a surprised tone,"Sure, Y/N. I just sent it to you. I have to go. Your father says hi."

  I said,"Tell him I said hi. Bye."

  Mom hung up, and when she did, I broke down right where I sat. I dropped my phone before I put my face in my hands.
  Tony rushed into the room, but he just embraced me, not even pushing me about why I was upset.

  When Tony pulled me into his arms on the floor, he asked me,"Did the conversation go well?"

   I nodded before I said,"Yes, but... but Tony I'm such a horrible daughter. What kind of a daughter abandons her own parents? All those times they reached out to me and... and I never replied. It's all my fault. I..I just left them, and they still want me back. Why?"

   Tony answered calmly,"Because you're you, Y/N. Sure, you left, but that was in the past. Maybe you left when you had no reason to, but your ex did have a hold on you. He manipulated you. Made you do things you wouldn't have, like leaving your own parents. You have a chance at being a family again with them, and clearly, they never gave up on you. Y/N, don't give up on them. I'd do anything to have my parents back. Yours are still here, and they want to see you. Go see them."

   I did my best to pull myself together before I asked Tony,"If I went to see them, would you come with me?"

   Tony cupped my face before he replied,"Of course, I would. Anything you need."

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