Chapter 18

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   Y/N'S POV

  As I worked furiously, I never failed to notice the looks Tony kept giving me. After a while, I just put my computer down before I gazed at Tony.

  He said,"What?"

  I asked him,"What's up, baby?"

  Tony stopped whatever he was doing before he asked me,"Do you want your same job for the rest of your life?"

  I never actually thought about doing anything other than working for Mr. Jackson, but I said to Tony,"Well, I guess not. I mean, the job pays good, but I always thought I would have to get money for myself from somewhere. I never counted on having a significant other that actually wanted to take care of me, too."

  Tony sat down beside me before he said,"I always want to take care of you, Y/N. I love you. Iron Man and Tony Stark. It doesn't matter which one I am; they're both a part of me. Both parts of me want to take care of you, Y/N. No matter what the cost may be."

  I leaned over, and then I kissed Tony. Tony kissed me back before he pulled me into his lap.

  When we broke the kiss, he continued by saying,"I know you're an amazing, independent, and hardworking woman, but you don't have to have a job to prove that to anyone. You can be all those things by just being here and loving those who love you. I don't want you to think that I'll think badly about you if you're not working where you work now. I hate your boss so..."

  I laughed at the last part, but I said to Tony,"I know you hate him, but I'm glad you said something to him way back when. Honestly, Tony, I care what you think. Thank you for telling me what you just told me, but I always kept the job because I didn't plan on being with someone like you. I've always had to go at things alone."

  Tony stroked my cheek as he said,"You're welcome, and I didn't plan on being with you. It just happened and it is happening, so I'm grateful for having you in my life. I need you, Y/N. You don't have to go at anything alone. I'm always right here for you. Always."

  A couple of tears fell down my face, and Tony lifted his hands, wiping away my tears. He pulled me into his arms before he held me.
  We stayed this way for quite some time, until he softly said to me,"Would you trust me with your hand in marriage, if I ever asked you, Y/N? Just be honest with me. I just want to know what you think."

  I pulled my face back to where he could see my eyes, and I smiled lovingly at him as I said to him,"Tony, you're you. What could ever make me say no? Look how you just talked to me. Look how you just held me. I would be a very stupid woman for declining a once and a lifetime opportunity like that, Stark."

  Tony returned my smile, but he just laughed, clearly happy about my honest answer.

  I got up before I said,"I'm going to go get us something to eat. You stay here and do you, Stark. Please don't change. I'd be disappointed if you tried to change."

  Tony replied,"Okay. I'm staying right here. I'll be in this exact spot when you get back. Promise."

  I nodded before I left to get Tony and me something to eat.

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