Chapter 15

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  Nothing was worth seeing Y/N so happy, after she had reunited with her parents and helped them move yesterday. Of course, I helped, too, but because I knew how important it was to Y/N. I knew how important she was and would always be to me, too.
  Y/N, she was a woman that had been taking care of herself just fine for years, yet I wanted her to always be here to help me. She practically took Pepper's place at taking care of me, but Pepper was still very important to me, too.

  However, I didn't know if I was going to see much of Y/N today, since she had to meet Steve today. A part of me was jealous that Steve got to spend time with my woman today, yet Y/N reassured me that there was nothing going on between her and Steve.
  The other part of me was just concerned that maybe Y/N was wrong. Maybe Steve still had feelings for her, but she just convinced herself they were gone. Either way, the best thing I could do was trust that I had Y/N's best interest at heart. That was enough for me.

   Y/N'S POV

  As I waited for Steve to get ready, I laid down across the sofa. Steve was upstairs getting ready, so I was certain he would just let me know when he was ready. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds before I felt someone standing over me.

  I opened my eyes before I jumped at seeing Sharon just standing there.

  She said,"I don't remember inviting you over."

  I replied in a sassy tone,"I'm sorry. What's your name again? I'm Y/N."

  I gave her a smile, and she moved to put her hands on me, but Steve said,"Sharon! Don't put your hands on Y/N."

  Sharon replied,"I was just going to hug her."

  Steve raised an eyebrow at Sharon, but he turned to me before he said,"I'm ready to go. Are you ready?"

  I nodded before I put my hand in his own. However, Sharon looked like her head was about to explode.

  Steve let go of my hand before he said,"Y/N..."

  I blushed in embarrassment before I replied,"Sorry. I'm trying, Steve. She just doesn't like me."

  Steve said,"And you don't like her."

  I sighed, and it was quiet until we made it to our lunch location. Steve still pulled out a chair for me before he waited for me to sit down. When I sat down, he pushed my chair in before he sat down.
  We talked, yet I could tell Steve was really bothered or hurt because Sharon and I didn't get along. I guess this was the time to be a good best friend.

  I cleared my throat to get his attention before I said,"Okay, Rogers. You're right. I don't like Sharon, and she doesn't like me. I don't even think it's that she doesn't like me personally; she's just intimidated by me. She knows how close we are, Steve, and that bothers her. It bothers Tony, too. He tries to hide it from me, but I see it every single time me and you are around each other."

  Steve put his utensils down before he replied,"I'm not following, Y/N. I don't understand."

  I looked Steve in the eyes as I said,"Sharon and Tony both feel like the two of us may still have a thing for each other. I guess, in their case, they can't really tell if the two of us will end up together. You understand now?"

  Steve nodded, yet he didn't say anything. He just looked down at his food, that the waitress had just served to us. Steve becoming quiet was what scared me, though.

  So, I said,"Steve, you can be honest with me. I won't be mad. I just... I just want to know how you really feel. We both need to know that for the other's sake."

  Steve admitted to me,"I've always wanted to be with you, Y/N, but with what happened between you and Sharon, I panicked and thought it was better to let you go for someone else. You found Stark, and I'm happy for you, Y/N. Stark needs a respectable and amazing woman like you, Y/N. He deserves that, too, but I'm willing to still be your supporter as a best friend. If that's what you want, then I'll love you that way. I don't think you ever thought about truly being with me, which is why I never pushed my feelings towards you. It was better to just be the best friend you needed."

  Tears formed in my eyes, and I said,"S..Steve, I-"

  Steve took my hand across the table as he said,"I know you said it would be better to know how you feel, but don't tell me yours. I just want to enjoy this with you."

  I nodded, and Steve and I made conversation, but the atmosphere was different now. We both had something on our mind, and the ride home didn't involve much talking either.

  When Steve walked me to my front door, I told him,"Thank you for being honest with me."

  Steve nodded, and I fixed his tie as I said to him,"Steve, I'll tell you when you're ready to hear it, but I don't want to lose you. You've always been there, and I need Steve Rogers in my life. It wouldn't be the same without you."

  Steve caught my hand before he brought it to his face as he replied,"You won't lose me, Y/N. I need Y/N L/N in my life. It could never be the same without her."

  I found myself closing my eyes for a couple of seconds, but then Steve said softly,"Hey, I have to go. Good night, Y/N."

  I said,"Good night, Steve. I love you."

  Steve smiled and there was a certain look that came across his face when he said,"I love you, too."

  Steve drove off, and when I was finally able to identify the look that was in Steve's eyes, I knew Steve wasn't really okay. He was just guarding himself from the possibility that I didn't feel the same about him.

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