Chapter 23

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   Y/N'S POV

  It felt weird carrying Captain America to where we needed to go. This was technically my first time in my suit without... Tony, but what Steve and I was doing was for Tony. It was also for me. I needed to know who had gone after my husband-to-be, trying to ruin my happiness.
  I set Captain America down on his two feet carefully before I landed on the ground. Then, my suit went back into my watch Tony gave me. So, whenever I needed the suit, I'd just press down on the middle of the watch. Yes, it was pretty cool, but what would be even cooler was if I found the person who hurt Tony and-"

  Steve asked me,"Darling, are you ready?"

  I recognized the look Steve was giving me, because I had known him for so long, and I said,"Rogers, I'm just ready to figure this thing out. Let's go."

  Captain America said,"After you."

  I said,"Such a gentleman. You've got my back?"

  He nodded before he answered,"Always."

  I smiled at him before I put on my serious face. He chuckled before I made my way inside with Captain America close behind me.

  He asked me,"Do you have any ideas as to who could have wanted to kill Tony?"

  I replied,"That list is actually pretty long. Tony can be a jerk, when he's choosing to be one."

  Captain America said,"Y/N..."

  I said,"Okay. Okay. I can't think of anyone who could've been able to take Tony Stark out successfully without Tony even getting the chance to call for backup. You?"

  Captain America replied,"I've got nothing. We should be on the lookout for anything."

  I looked around, but I noticed something shiny sitting on the living room table. However, I noticed someone just casually sitting on the living room couch as well.
  I nudged Captain America before I pointed at the person who had their back turned in our direction. Yet, I became drawn to the tattoo on the back of the individual's neck immediately.

  I..I knew him. It's my fault Tony's in the hospital.

  Captain America said,"Who are you and how did you get in?"

  The person, who I hadn't seen in years, turned around before he said to me,"Y/N can tell you who I am, can't you, Y/N?"

  Captain America looked at me before I said,"This is my brother, well deceased brother, James. He died years ago, so I'm not sure how he's here now."

  James chuckled, but he said to me,"It's good to see that you're still breathing, Y/N. I'm not the one who abandoned their parents."

  I looked down, but Captain America rested his hand on my shoulder, and then I said to James,"I'm trying to make things right with them, and you technically abandoned them, too. What did you do? Fake your own death?"

  James replied,"That's classified, but I did attempt to get rid of the famous Tony Stark. He put up quite a fight, but I'm younger, faster, and smarter."

  I said,"You made a mistake coming after Tony. Next time, he'll make sure that he stops you, and I'll be there with him."

  James smirked before he told me,"You weren't there when he needed you the first time and look where that got him."

  Captain America said,"Enough! You're going to come with us, and you're going to be put away for a very long time. You went after Stark, and you made it very personal."

  I stared James down before I asked him,"What's your endgame, huh?"

  James answered,"I want you to understand what it's like to lose, and you will lose. For now, you're going to let me walk right out of here."

  Captain America spoke before I could,"And why would we let you walk right out of here?"

  James replied,"I know where Stark is, and I'm the reason no one's at the hospital now trying to end him for good. And Y/N, you're really happy, so do you want to risk losing Stark?"

  Captain America replied,"Y/N, he's just saying that to-"

  I said,"Don't try to stop him, Cap."

  He said,"Why not? Y/N, I'm sure there's another way to-"

  I said,"No, there isn't. Just let him walk out of here."

  James said,"Thank you, Y/N. Big fan of yours, Captain Rogers. Big fan. Y/N, why don't you say hello to our parents for me?"

  He walked up to me before he told me,"The second you left, that was when everything went sideways, and I blame you."

  I said,"I'm sure it's not all my fault, James. You were lazy."

  James slapped me, and Captain America grabbed him by his collar before he told James,"Don't touch her again."

  Captain America threw James down to the ground before James left.

  I said,"Steve, I don't like this, not knowing what James is going to do next. Despite what you're thinking right now, we did the right thing by letting him leave. He wants me to lose, and I have to try to figure out what he means by that."

  Captain America squeezed my shoulder before he said to me,"I'm here to help you. Whatever it takes. I think he wants you to lose someone, that someone being Tony Stark."

  I said,"But if he wanted me to lose Tony, why didn't he just kill him when he had the chance? It doesn't make any sense."

  He said,"Maybe he just wanted your attention this time. Next time, it could be different."

  I said,"Next time, I won't just be talking."

  Steve's phone went off, and he answered the call.

  He said,"Okay. Thanks, Natasha."

  He hung up before he said,"Tony's awake. He's asking about you."

  I looked around, and I felt Steve's hand in my own as he said,"Come on, Y/N. Stark wants to see you."

  I took a deep breath, and he said,"Did he have to slap you?"

  I replied,"No, Rogers, he didn't, but he never treated women right from the beginning. He's nothing like our father, and he treated our mother like dirt. I'm not surprised that he's trying to kill me now. I am surprised that he's alive right now, though, but he'll probably tell me even when I didn't ask him to."

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