Chapter 3

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  I was woken up the very next morning by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID, and it was Steve.

  Because it was Steve, I rubbed my eyes and sat up before I answered,"I'm up. I'm up, Steven. Geez. Why do you always call me so early? Don't you sleep?"

  Steve answered my questions with a chuckle before he said to me,"I do sleep, but I am sorry for worrying about my best friend, who may just lose her job if it weren't for me. You forget who wakes you up every morning. I think someone owes me an apology."

  I smiled as I said to Steve,"Thank you, Rogers. I really appreciate everything you do for me. Thank God for you, because there's no way I could wake up at 4 in the morning every day on my own. Thank you, Steve. I will talk to you later, okay?"

  Steve replied,"Okay. Stay safe and do let me know if you can stop by to help me with the move?"

  I smiled before I replied,"Trust me, I'll be there. The least I can do for you. Steve, I really got to go. Love you, bestie."

  Steve said,"I will hold you to that. Love you, too, darling. Bye."

  I hung up the phone before I lied back down for a moment. Unfortunately, that moment quickly came to an end before I got out of bed. I took off my pajamas, and then I hopped into the shower. I sighed in relief after feeling the hot water on my skin.
  After I was done washing up and all, I fixed my hair before slipping into my professional work outfit. I made sure I didn't wear heels, because I had a habit of falling in them from time to time.

  Next, I walked down the stairs before I heard the doorbell going off. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I waited for a few seconds before I headed towards the front door.

  I opened the front door, and the mailman handed me my package.

  I thanked him before he said to me,"You're welcome. Also, this package was left in your driveway. I figured it had to be yours, so I wanted to give it to you. Don't worry, I didn't put it there, but it is from Tony Stark."

  I nodded before I took the basket from the mailman. Then, I closed the front door before I sat the basket down on top of my table in the living room. Quickly, I fixed myself a bowl of cereal, and then I played on my phone for a while. Realizing it was time to go, I grabbed my car keys and my purse. I made my way out of the door and towards my car.

  Once I got in my car, I drove straight to work before I made my way inside the tall building. I grabbed my badge and put it on quickly before I walked through a few hallways to get to my desk. I sat down before putting my phone on the charger. Next, I grabbed my laptop before I began to type up my report that I had to give as a part of my evaluation.

  However, I sighed when I saw my boss heading towards my desk.

  He put his hands on my desk before he said to me,"What took you so long to get here, Y/N? You are behind."

  I took a deep breath before I said to him, in the most diligent way possible,"With all due respect, sir, I am here at least 2 hours earlier than everyone else, and I really don't get paid for the extra work I put in every day."

  Maybe I shouldn't have said that last part, but I always got here way earlier than I was supposed to, and I didn't have to be at work till 9. It was 7 o'clock.

  Mr. Jackson, my boss, chuckled before he said,"Does that sass help pay your bills, Miss L/N? If I were you, I would watch the way I speak to others. You know, there are many people who would love to have your job, so please keep that in mind. I expect that report to be on my desk in 3 hours."

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