Chapter 17

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   Y/N'S POV

  I stuffed my hands into my pockets for a couple of seconds, and then I knocked on the tall door before me. I had no idea how this was going to go or how Steve would react, but I chose Tony. Steve did say he would all right if I didn't choose him, but I still had the decency to tell him in person. I owed him that.
  When the door opened, I was greeted by Sharon. Instead of greeting me with a comment, insult, or the rolling of her eyes, she sent me a smile. Immediately, I wondered whether I was going to be ambushed or something.

  Sharon noticed my surprised look, but she said to me,"Y/N, nothing's going to happen to you. I would like to talk to you, if that's all right?"

  I said,"Fine, but you better not be hiding something, Sharon."

  I followed her inside before I took a seat on the sofa. Sharon sat down beside me, and we both sat there in silence, until I broke it.

  I asked her,"What did you want to talk to me about?"

  Sharon said,"Right. Steve. I wanted to talk to you about Steve. I know the two of you will always be close, and I just have to accept that, but I'm really threatened by you, Y/N. Steve and you just click every time you're with one another. Steve and I don't always have that. I want that, but I often take my anger out on you. I'm sorry, but I'm really not a bad person. I actually do like you, Y/N, but I just get caught up in trying to make you stay away from Steve. I'll admit that."

  I nodded before I became quiet for a while. However, it looked like Sharon thought I was about to yell at her.

  Instead, I took her hands in my own before I told her,"You have no reason to be threatened by me, Sharon. I'm not trying to break the two of you up. I'm just trying to be here for the man that has always been there for me. I get jealous that you always get to be with Steve, while I don't always get to see him as much as I used to. I use that against you, but I'm also used to being one of the only women in his life. I tend to be protective and loyal to Steve, even if it involves completely losing my mind. I'm sorry, Sharon, for not always thinking before I speak."

  Sharon smiled, but she squeezed my hands before I said,"Friends?"

  Her smile grew before she said,"Friends. Thank you for forgiving me, Y/N, for everything I have ever said or done to you."

  I shook my head before I replied,"Thank you for forgiving me, Sharon."

  Someone cleared their throat, and Steve stood in the doorway.

  He leaned on it before he smiled between the two of us as he said,"I'm proud to know both of you. Y/N, before you say anything, I know you chose Tony. He actually called me and apologized on your behalf."

  I laughed at Tony's actions, but then I asked Steve,"So, you're not mad or going to just dump me as your best friend?"

  Steve shook his head, but he gave me a sweet smile before he said to me,"No, especially after what I just saw. I would be losing someone who's very important to me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself for giving up all our years of friendship over you rejecting me."

  I rushed over to Steve, hugging him tightly. He returned my hug before he kissed my forehead. I actually ended up staying with Steve and Sharon for a couple of hours.
  When I returned to The Avengers Tower, Tony was throwing a tantrum.

  I chuckled before I said,"This isn't a good look for you, Stark. Not at all."

  Tony replied,"I look great in everything I do, Y/N. You know that."

  I wrapped my arms around Tony's waist before I said,"I know. Tony, I love you so much."

  Tony smiled, but he gazed at something in front of him as he said to me,"I love you, too, baby. So, are you and Rogers okay?"

  I answered,"We're good. Thanks for talking to him."

  Tony nodded, but he replied,"You're welcome. I'd do it again if I had to. Plus, I know how important he is to you, and I respect that. He's also important to me, so I wanted him to know that I'm still here for him and you are too."

  I kissed Tony's nose before I told him,"Aww, Stark. You're too cute."

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