Chapter 2

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  "Yeah, kid, I'm going to have to call you back, okay? Peter, if you don't hang up this phone, I will call Aunt May."

  Peter hung up the phone immediately. I chuckled before I put my phone down on the desk.

  Then, Happy entered the room before he asked me,"Are you throwing another party?"

  I smirked before I replied,"Please don't sound so excited. It will be fine, Happy. You will have fun."

   Happy rolled his eyes, and I smiled as I walked out of the room into the party. My party.

     Y/N'S POV
  When those familiar eyes met my own E/C eyes, I said almost immediately,"Steve, I have to go. I enjoyed myself. Bye!!"

  I moved to make a run for it, but Bucky pulled me out to the dance floor.

  Next, he wrapped his arms around me before he said to me,"Relax, Y/N. Enjoy the party and try not to be amazed."

  I rolled my eyes playfully, and then I joked with him by saying to him,"Barnes, the only thing I have been amazed by is the fact that you are still alive after all this time. Steve told me about Hydra and all, but I am still not following."

  Bucky chuckled before he asked me with a playful tone,"Are we taking the next step in our relationship?"

  I hit Bucky's shoulder, but I answered,"I haven't had the best luck with relationships, Barnes. You, of all people, should know that."

  Bucky and I swayed from side to side, but Bucky raised an eyebrow before he said to me,"But you had to have luck with someone, right? Y/N, who was he?"

  I held Bucky's hands, but I looked down at the ground as I answered,"The one who went against Steve a few months ago."

  Bucky nodded, yet he said to me,"I would say I'm surprised, but I'm not."

  This caused me to ask him,"What's that supposed to mean?"

  Bucky laughed, but he smiled at me as he mentioned to me,"I saw the way you froze looking at Stark a few minutes ago. By the way, he looks jealous. Maybe we should go in for a kiss?"

  I slapped Bucky playfully before I said to him,"Never in your life, Buck. Never in your life. Thanks for the dance, but people are starting to stare. I would rather not be known as your girlfriend."

  Next, I let go of Bucky before I chuckled. 

  Then I sent him a wink before I turned around to hear Bucky yelling to me,"Y/N, WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? I ENJOYED DANCING WITH YOU, TOO!!"

  I smiled to myself, but then I bumped into someone. That was when I was met with those same captivating eyes I saw earlier.

  Tony chuckled before he said to me,"Still oblivious, I see.."

  I rolled my eyes before I countered him back with,"Still liking being the center of attention and a complete idiot, I see."

  Tony smiled, and then he said to me,"I missed you, too. Would you like a drink, Y/N?"

  I shook my head before I told him,"No, I would rather remember by actions than do something I will regret later."

  Tony nodded before he offered me his hand, and I contemplated on taking it.

  Tony sighed, yet he said to me,"N/N, please? I promise not to try anything."

  After having an inner battle with myself, I took Tony's hand. Tony smiled before he led me through the crowds of people. Then, Steve walked up to us.

  Steve noticed our hands, so he asked me,"Are you two together?"

  I shook my head before I said,"No, Steve, I promise. I know you're just trying to protect me, but I'll be fine. Go back and check on everyone else."

  Steve nodded. However, he kissed my forehead before he looked at Tony. Steve shook his head before he made his way back to everyone else.

  I turned to Tony before I said to him,"You two must have really gone at it, huh? What happened, Tony?"

  Tony led us outside, and I made him look at me before I told him,"Tony, please tell me. I haven't been able to get anyone else to talk about it, either. Please."

  Tony sighed, and then he admitted to me,"There was something called The Sokovia Accords, and let's just say that everyone didn't agree with it. Cap and I saw different things when it came down to it, so it caused us to disagree a little. Also, he kept the death of my parents from me. Barnes was responsible, but I have come to realize that he wasn't in control of his actions. Either way, it still hurts, and Rogers knew about it the whole time. He never told me, Y/N. He never told me."

  All I could do was nod, but I suddenly felt the need to give Tony a hug, so I gave him one. If I knew or remembered Tony well enough, I knew he was smiling to himself before he hugged me back.

  Tony chuckled, but he just had to say to me,"Just like old times, huh?"

  I pulled away from Tony, and he asked me,"Y/N, what's wrong?"

  I sighed before I told him,"I'm sorry, Tony, but I have to go. It was nice seeing you again."

  I went to leave, but Tony grabbed my hand before he asked me,"Can I at least have your number or some way to contact you?"

  I sent Tony a small smile before I answered,"You can get it from Steve, while you two TRY to at least get back in the friend zone, k?"

  A smile slowly found its way onto Tony's face before he nodded. However, I had completely forgotten about the fact that I was still holding his hand.
  I apologized, quickly letting go of his hand, and then I left to find Steve.

  When I got back to Steve, I grabbed him by his collar before I said to him,"Saving your pride right now, Steven. Take me home."

  Steve chuckled then nodded. before he walked us to his car. Next, he drove me home.
   Once we got back to my place, Steve walked me to my front door, and I unlocked it.

  Before Steve got back to his car, he turned back around before he said to me,"If you need anything, just call me, all right? Love you, Y/N, but I'll call you in the morning."

  I nodded before I waved goodbye to Steve. At that moment, I realized how lucky I was to have him as a best friend. I closed my door behind me before I took a quick shower. After my quick shower, I changed into my pajamas before I fell onto the bed.
  I wrapped the covers around myself before I prayed that Steve would make it home okay. Before I knew it, I began to think about seeing Tony again. Maybe...

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