Chapter 21

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   Y/N'S POV

  As Tony made the hard stuff for my suit, my job was to pick the right color combination for the suit. Now, this wouldn't just be any suit. It had to be a suit that said,"You see him beside me? Yeah, Iron Man. That's my man, not your man. If he's not beside me, he will be. He's just running late. He'll be here, so don't doubt that I have a man."
  I kept looking around at all of Tony's suits for inspiration, but it wasn't working.

  Tony wiped the sweat from his forehead before he looked back at me, asking me,"Y/N, you know what you want yet?"

  I shook my head before I answered,"Sorry, Tony. I'll think faster. How much longer do I have left to think about it?"

  Tony smiled at me as he replied,"As much time as you need."

  I blew Tony a kiss before I focused back on my color combination. Maybe I should go with red and yellow or red and blue? Ugh, why was this so hard? Y/N, the answer should just come to you.
  As I thought so hard about the color combination of my suit, it reminded me of how I used to be in school. It used to take me forever to answer questions, especially the short and long essay questions. Those gave me anxiety most of the time, and I always finished last.

  Tony chuckled before he told me,"Babe, I can make you more than one suit if you really have to think this hard about the colors. I don't mind even making you five suits. I just want you to be happy."

  I walked up behind Tony, yet I hugged his waist as I said to him,"I really love you, Stark, but how about red and yellow first?"

  Tony nodded, but he noticed that I kept looking back at his suits.

  Tony smiled before he said to me,"I love you, too, Y/N. Red and yellow it is. Why don't you stay right here? You don't have to leave."

  I stopped hugging his waist before I walked over to his side. Then, I lifted Tony's right arm before I sat down in his lap. I placed Tony's right hand on my leg as I leaned on him.

  Tony said,"When was the last time you talked to Rogers?"

  I answered,"Not too long ago. He was out with Sharon. She's good for him, even though I didn't always think so."

  Tony nodded before he began to put together the last parts for my suit. Then, I got up off his lap before I watched him work.
  When he finished my suit, I just stood there in awe. Tony was going to be my husband, my husband. I needed time to speed up like right now.

  Tony saw my facial expression, but he crossed his arms as he said to me,"Now, let's see what you look like with it on."

  I double blinked before I asked him,"Right now or in a minute?"

  Tony led me to my suit, and then he made sure everything was in order. Next, I stepped inside of the suit. The suit closed around me, and I looked down at Tony through the suit.

  I asked him,"How do I look, Stark?"

  Tony's smile told me everything I needed to know.

  He said,"You look like my wife. It's you."

  I knew Tony couldn't see me, but I smiled back at him. He then stepped inside one of his own suits, and I was very confused.

  He said,"Let's go for a test run."

  I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous right now. I had just gotten the suit, and I was going to be up in the air God knows how many feet up. Was it even safe to do it this early? However, I trusted Tony.
  With our wedding being so close time wise, this might be my only chance to see what it was like to be like Tony Stark.

  After Tony told me what I needed to do, I followed his instructions, and I began to leave the ground. However, I was having a hard time staying away from the walls, and Iron Man quickly guided me around the room.
  I kept screaming every single time I almost hit something, but Tony never told me to be quiet. I appreciated that, but it took me a while to get the hang of being in this suit.

  When Tony felt like I was ready, I flew beside Iron Man around New York. It was an amazing view. Iron Man then moved underneath me, and I wouldn't take this back for anything. It only made me more ready to marry this man.

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