Chapter 6

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   Y/N'S POV

  Thank God, it was Saturday already. One of my only days off from work. Lately, things have been very stressful at work. Regardless of how stressful things have been, I decided to check my phone. I had like 30 missed calls from Steve. Tony called me four times, but then I realized what time it was.
  It was already 4 P.M. I had been asleep since 8 o'clock the night before. I slipped into a hoodie before I walked down the steps. As I dialed Steve's number, something flew through my window and hit me specifically.

  I was thrown onto my living room table before I groaned, rolling over onto my stomach. When I looked back to where the object hit the ground, it was a shield. Captain America's shield.
  Someone grabbed me, and Captain America was the culprit.

  Iron Man flew in, and I yelled,"TONY STARK!!"

  Iron Man stood down, and Tony stepped out from the inside of his suit.

  He looked over at Steve before he said to Steve,"I thought you said she was in trouble, Spangles."

  Steve helped me up, but he apologized to me by saying,"Sweetheart, I'm sorry. You never answered your phone, so I thought something was wrong. I grabbed Tony and rushed here to protect you. I didn't mean to hurt you."

  I rested my hand on my stomach before I replied,"It's not your fault, Steven, and apology accepted. I know it was Tony's idea. You're just taking the blame for it."

  Steve chuckled, and Tony rolled his eyes before he said to me,"Thank you, babe. I see how much you appreciate me. Spangles just said he called me, so..."

  I walked up to Tony before I placed a kiss on his lips. However, I barely gave Tony a chance to respond.

  He double blinked, but he pouted before he said to me,"Y/N... I wasn't expecting that. One more time?"

  I giggled, but I told Tony,"We'll see. Thank you for coming with Steve. I would give you another kiss, I would, but Steve's look tells me not to do such a thing."

  Tony let out a heavy sigh, and Steve turned me around.

  I chuckled before Steve said to me,"Don't look at him. It'll help the temptation."

  I smiled, and Tony cleared his throat before he said to Steve,"I'm still here, too, Rogers. She can make her own decisions."

  I turned back around, and then I explained to Tony,"You know, you're right, Stark, but that's just how Steve is. He's always been there for me, and I appreciate his protective nature. There was a time when you were protective over me, too, even though we never made our relationship official. You remember that, Stark?"

  Tony nodded before he admitted to me,"I could never forget. I never did."

  There was a moment where it was complete silence, and I said,"Steve, can you go outside? Try not to break another one of my windows, will ya?"

  Steve nodded. Then, Steve looked at Tony before he walked outside.

  Next, I turned to Tony, and I motioned for him to sit down in front of me.

  Tony sat down, and I said to him,"Are you really interested in me still? Is this something Clint or Nat dared you to do? Or are you just doing this because you ran out of other girls to get attention from?"

  I looked into Tony's eyes, and he chuckled before he admitted to him,"Since I remember how much you appreciated not being lied to, I'm still interested in you. Really. I never stopped being interested. I tried getting in contact with you, but I never knew where to start. Plus, I was with Pepper. Anyways, I want more than your attention, Y/N. I've always wanted more than that. I wanted you to love me just like I love you. There was a time when you told me that all that time, even if it was many years ago. I miss hearing it. I miss you sassing me or just being there when I needed you. I don't want anyone else. Just you."

  I sat down beside Tony before I admitted to him,"Tony, I..I love you, too. Always have. No matter how hard I tried to forget what we did have in the past. I guess I was afraid that the fame would catch up to you. That your love would fall short for me. It's why I've been so guarded. It's why I've been somewhat distant. I'm sorry, Tony."

  Tony shook his head, but he stroked my cheek as he said to me,"Tell you what: we'll try being together, and we'll give it a couple of weeks. Then, you can make up your mind as to whether you want to go for it or not. But if it doesn't work out, then we'll stay friends. Nothing more. I understand that love has never been your thing, which I can respect. I also want a chance to show you that I do love you. I will always care about you. Want to give me a shot?"

  So, I thought about it before I smiled brightly at Tony. Then, he smiled back at me. However, I stopped him from stroking my cheek any longer. I brought his lips to my own, and Tony responded in an instant.
  He pulled me closer to him, and I held on for a couple of seconds.

  When Tony pulled away from the kiss, I laughed before I mumbled,"I told you I wanted to kiss you again."

  Tony laughed as well before he said to me,"I'm glad you did. Don't worry. You won't regret giving me a chance."

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