Chapter 13

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   Y/N'S POV

  Why did I have to be the girl that left her parents hanging? And for what? My ex. Yeah, I made mistakes, yet maybe Tony was right. Maybe I just needed to be grateful for the fact that my parents were still here. They were still breathing. Tony's were long gone.
  This was my chance to make up for being such a horrible daughter. So, I should take this opportunity and make the most of it. Would showing up and trying to help make up for the many years I excluded my parents from my life? Did I need to do something else? Something bigger?

  My brain began working overtime, and it got to the point where I had to sit down. Because I went into work earlier today and just got off, extra stress wasn't something I needed.
  When I had enough time to recover, I found one of my old photo albums before I looked through it. I smiled as I looked back at the old memories of my family and my extended family, until I received a call from Steve.

  I answered,"Yes, Rogers?"

  Steve said,"Are you all right? You haven't been by the Tower today."

  I replied,"Oh, yeah, I'm great. I've just been trying to come up with gifts for my parents. I'm going to meet them tomorrow, to help them move out their stuff. Would you like to come along?"

  I heard talking in the background, and Steve was quiet until he replied,"I can't. I'm sorry, Y/N. I promised Sharon I'd spend the day with her tomorrow."

  I said,"It's okay, Steve. I know you never break your promises. Go and be with Sharon. I better get back to what I was doing."

  "Okay. Bye, Y/N."

  Before I could even hang up, Steve hung up. It was probably nothing, but it did bother me. Plus, he didn't even say "I love you" or "love you," like he always did at the end of our conversations. Maybe he was just distracted by Sharon.

  I put my old photo album down before my phone went off again. This time, it was Tony.

  I answered the call, and he said,"Why aren't you at home?"

  I chuckled before I answered,"Stark, I am at home. What are you talking about?"

  Tony said,"No, your home is here with me now. I haven't seen you in two days."

  I replied,"That's such a long time, Stark. That's one more day than one day."

  I laughed through the phone, and Tony said,"That's not funny, Y/N, and I don't find your sense of humor a relief."

  I smiled before I replied,"I'm truly sorry I'm not there, Tony, but I just felt like spending time here today. As you know, because you're coming with me, I get to see my parents and help them out. I want something that will make it worth it. I feel like I should be giving them something else, you know?"

  Tony was silent on his end for a while, and then he explained to me,"Y/N, you're looking at this the wrong way. You don't need to give them anything else, because they just want their daughter back. I'm sure once you're back, they'll do whatever they can do to spoil you. You don't need to bring anything but yourself and me."

  I said softly,"Stark, you have a way with words, and I adore it. You're right. I'm stressing too much. You know what might help?"

  Tony said hopefully,"Seeing me?"

  I chuckled before I replied,"Getting to see you, Stark. I just need-"

  Before I could even finish my sentence, Tony barged in through my front door.

  I met him halfway before I hugged him tightly.

  He returned my hug before he said,"You hungry?"

  I nodded and he said,"Good. Dinner's on me."

  I smiled before Tony and I went out to eat. Then, we made it back to my home. I actually had nothing planned except watching TV, but we spent hours just talking and going through my photo album together. I don't know how, but doing all this with Tony made me less nervous to finally come face to face with my parents again.

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