Chapter 5

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  I don't know what I was thinking holding Y/N's hand. She seemed to have no problem with it, which sort of eased my nerves. I wanted this date to go perfectly, because there was no way I was letting her exit my life again.
  I was afraid that if I let go, she would develop romantic feelings towards someone else and lose her interest in me. I was/am THE Tony Stark, but Y/N was one of those women that didn't care about that.

  Y/N looked over at me before she asked me,"Are we at the restaurant yet, Stark?"

  I chuckled, but I smirked before I said to her,"I thought I told you to call me "babe."

  Y/N countered me back by saying,"I thought I told you I would just call you "Tony."

  I shrugged before I told her,"I missed you, Y/N."

  I gazed at Y/N, while we were stopped at a red light.

  She looked at me, but I smiled a little as she said to me,"Well, I can't say I haven't missed you; not after what you did for me back at my office. Tony, you really didn't have to do that."

  I said,"Yes, I did. We haven't seen each other in quite some time, but I could never forget how important it was to you to do things yourself. Every single time we went on a date, you never let me pay for you. When I paid, you made a scene."

  Y/N laughed at her past actions, but she stopped herself before she said to me,"I thought you loved to put on shows?"

  I just smiled as I pulled into the restaurant parking lot, but Y/N gulped before she said,"We're eating here? This..This is way bigger t..than any restaurant I've ever b..been able to afford."

  I sighed, and Y/N rested her hand on my shoulder before she told me,"Don't get all sentimental on me, Stark. It's fine. Not all of us are rich. Sometimes, we just have to do the best we can with what we have. That becomes enough, even when you want more."

  I nodded, but I watched as Y/N got out of the car. Then, I got out of the car myself before I gave my car keys to one of the employees out front. I held Y/N's injured hand, at which I could feel her relax a little bit more.
  I led her inside, but we were immediately bombarded by flashes and reporters. After I finished answering most of their questions, Y/N was already sitting down at our reserved table.

    Y/N'S POV

  While Tony was busy being bombarded by camera flashes and reporters, I went ahead and sat down at his reserved table. It was very nice, but the menu gave me a heart attack on its own.
  The prices for one meal was equivalent to what I paid for meals for one whole week. I began to think about how someone could possibly afford this, but then I remembered who I was on a date with.

  Once Tony sat down, he gave me a look, and I chuckled before I said to him,"What, Stark? Sorry, but I don't want my face on the news or for the public to see. I'm not the best dressed today."

  Tony reached across the table before he took my injured hand in his hand as he said to me,"Y/N, who cares what they think? Besides, you look beautiful, babe."

  I smiled at Tony before I said to him,"Thank you, Iron Man. I appreciate that very much. Tony?"

  Tony looked me in the eyes as he said to me,"Yes?"

  I said, very embarrassed,"I haven't been on a date in quite some time, so I'm going to apologize ahead of time if I do something to make you look bad."

  Tony chuckled, but he sent me a genuine smile before he said to me,"I already look bad to many people, Y/N. Trust me. You're fine. You ready to eat?"

  I nodded and the waiter came out on cue. I noticed Tony doing something with his technologically modified watch, and I figured it had something to do with it.
  The waiter was a young female, who looked to be maybe in her early 20s or late 20s.

  She sent Tony and me a warm smile before she said,"Hi. My name's Crystal. I will be your waiter tonight. Are you two ready to order your drinks or do you need more time?"

  I said to Crystal,"It's very nice to meet you. Beautiful name, by the way. I'm ready. Can I have a sweet tea with some ice, please?"

  Crystal nodded before she wrote it down. Next, she turned to Tony. Tony kept looking down at my hand, which happened to be in his own still.
  I just ordered a sweet tea for him, while Crystal walked back towards the kitchen area.

  When I looked back at Tony, he said,"I'm sorry for bringing this up, but how did your hand get like this again? Did you slam it in a door or something?"

  I said,"It happened when I went to help Steve. Sharon was there, which I don't understand. I get it. She's his girlfriend, but Sharon and I can never get along. I used to have this thing for Steve, as did Sharon, but then I left. The feelings were still there for Steve, but I just had to move on and be there as his friend. I owe him so much, but Sharon.. She just plays with my emotions, you know? It's like she knows she does it, too, which irritates me and makes it harder for me to hold back around Steve."

  Tony nodded, but he just said to me,"When we make it back to your place, I can wrap your hand for you and help?"

  I nodded before I replied,"Sure, but because you're being so generous, I will go ahead and let you pay for our meal. You don't have to worry about me trying to stop you this time."

  Tony said in a sarcastic manner,"Wow, you're letting me do my job!! That's huge!!"

  I kicked Tony under the table, and he held his leg before Crystal came back out with our drinks. I thanked her, and then Tony and I ordered our food.
  After dinner was over, Tony drove me back to the house before he walked me inside. I told him where my first aid kit was, and it didn't take Tony too long to wrap my hand for me.

  After he finished wrapping my hand, he gently closed my hand in his own before he gazed into my eyes as he said to me,"I enjoyed dinner tonight, Y/N. Hopefully, we can go out again another time?"

  I gave Tony's hand a squeeze before I answered,"It would be my pleasure, Stark, but on one condition."

  Tony smiled, and then he replied,"Name it. Anything."

  I smirked before I told him,"You and Steve have to spend the whole day together. No phones. No uniforms. No saving the world. Just the two of you attempting to communicate and make up."

  Tony let out a deep sigh, and then he ran his fingers through his hair before he said,"IF I do it, then you'll go on another date with me?"

  I nodded before I answered,"Yeah. You get to have this amazing woman at your side another day. What do you say, Stark?"

  Tony said,"All right. You win. I'll do it, but next time, dinner will be even better."

  Tony let go of my hand. He moved to leave, but I grabbed his arm.

  I said to him,"Tony, I don't care about how big or varied the restaurant is, just as long as we're getting along and having a good time together."

  Tony just smiled at me.

  Then, he leaned in to kiss me, but I stopped him before I told him,"Sorry, Tony, but not yet. Don't worry. I'll come around. It just depends on whether love is in my favor with you."

  Tony's smile remained on his face, despite how I just turned him down.

  Then, he replied,"Well, we'll see about that. I hope it will be."

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