Chapter 20

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  Ever since I proposed to Y/N, there's been this new joy to her. Not that she wasn't happy before, but I could tell me asking her to marry me was what she wanted. It was what she may have wanted for a while now, but I was just glad that I meant that much to her.
  However, I was just worried that I had asked Y/N to marry me too fast. She was okay with it, yes, but we haven't been dating for that long. I didn't want to rush things with her too fast either, because I couldn't lose Y/N.

  "Stark, where's my wedding dress?"

   Y/N'S POV

  Tony didn't answer my question, even though I was just messing with him. Whatever was going on through his head right now, he was really out of it.
  I walked over to his side before I slapped him. Nothing happened. I kicked his foot. Nothing. I even hit him in the back of the head. Nothing. I let out a sigh of frustration, but when Peter called, he could hear that.

  Tony just now noticed me, yet he answered Peter's call.

  Peter said,"Mr. Stark?"

  Tony said,"Yeah, kid?"

  Peter asked Tony,"Did you propose to Y/N yet? Did she say yes?"

  I smiled before I answered,"He did, Mr. Parker, and I said "yes." I'm so sorry, Peter, but Tony has to go."

  "Wait! Y/N, I just need to-"

  I hung up the phone. I felt bad about hanging up on Peter, but I needed to know what was going on with Tony.
  Tony asked me,"What did you do that for, Y/N?"

  I told Tony,"I want to know what you were thinking about, Anthony. Tell me now."

  Tony looked down at my ring before he said,"I'm worried that I asked you to marry me too fast. Y/N, I mean it, babe, when I say I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I want to do right with you, and I'm just worried that I'm rushing everything. I don't want to overwhelm you."

  All I could do was smile at Tony. This man was... I didn't even know what word to use to describe him. He truly wasn't the same man I knew years ago, but some of those traits that I liked then were still here now.

  I asked Tony,"Stark, do I look overwhelmed to you?"

  Tony answered,"No but-"

  So, I then asked him,"Stark, did I hesitate when you asked me your question?"

  Tony answered,"No but-"

  Next, I asked him,"Stark, did I give you the impression that I was joking with you when I said "yes?"

  Tony answered,"No, Y/N, you didn't."

  I told him,"Then, you have nothing to be afraid of, Stark. I'm with you. I'll always be with you. We're going to get married, and everything will work out just fine. If we have complications, we'll work through them together. Anthony, don't doubt how special you are to me. If I thought this was too much or happening out of nowhere, I would have told you that. Understand?"

  Tony nodded before he said,"I understand, Y/N. You know I went to see your father?"

  My eyes widened, and I said,"You did? What did he say?"

  Tony laughed, but he held me tight as he told me,"He took me as a joke at first, but then he realized I was serious about marrying you. I expected him to ask me to leave, but he told me yes right then and there. I didn't have to say a word, but he said something that stuck with me. I don't think I'll ever forget it either."

  I listened closely, waiting for whatever my father had told Tony. When Tony became silent, I knew he wanted to be all secretive about it. It had to be something good, but I knew my father wasn't going to tell me. Maybe my mom would, yet my father would convince her not to.

  Tony saw my face before he said to me,"Don't spend all your energy worrying about it, babe. I need you awake."

  I asked him,"Why?"

  Tony answered,"Because you're going to help me design a suit for you."

  I replied,"Really? When do we start? Right now?"

  Tony answered,"Right now. That's why I need you awake."

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