Chapter 9

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  Ever since I had asked Y/N to go on another date with me, she had been the happiest woman alive. She thought I couldn't tell the difference, but she left to go to work with a smile on her face. A smile. I knew that was the last place she wanted to go. However, it made me smile, knowing that she was getting comfortable with me again.
  I would love to ask her to be my girlfriend permanently, but we previously made a deal that we would try this out for a couple of weeks. I wanted to keep that deal, yet I wanted so much more than a couple of weeks. I know I've mentioned this several times already, but this is Y/N.

  Y/N made me feel better than I have felt in a very long time, and I didn't want to lose that feeling. Spangles noticed it more than the rest of the team, which caused our relationship to improve day by day.

  He really cared about Y/N, and he had begun to see just how much I cared about her as well. I loved her; I wasn't going to deny that my love for her was strong, very strong.

  When Y/N called me during work, she said,"Tony, I am so ready for our date. What do you have planned? Do I need to dress up? Be casual? Wear heels? Wear a jacket? Will it be cold?"

  I laughed before I said,"Y/N, just dress nice like you normally do. You may want to bring a jacket, though. I'm taking you on that tour."

  Y/N replied,"Okay, Tony! I will! Tony, I have something I need to say to you."

  After Y/N said that one sentence to me, I felt my whole world coming to an end in a matter of seconds. I really hoped that she wasn't about to do a 360 on me. I thought, well I knew my heart would break completely if she only said she was excited because that was what I wanted to hear.

  Y/N asked me softly,"Tony, are you there?"

  I took a deep breath before I answered,"Yes, I am. Go ahead."

  She said,"Well, I don't know where to start, but I just wanted to say that I have realized something over the last few weeks while we have been trying this thing out."

  I prepared for the rest, but she admitted to me,"I'm in love with you ,and you drive me crazy, Stark, but you did back then, too. I'm sorry that I sometimes annoy you, yet I cannot help it. I love being near you, and I love being with you. Tony, you just make me so happy, and I haven't felt this way in a very long time. I..I just wanted to say thank you for caring for me. I..I really love you, Tony."

  All of a sudden, I could hear her crying over the phone. Honestly, this caused me to be in shock for a couple of seconds. She loved me more than I thought she did. She actually wanted to be with me. I had to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight. I had to.

  To comfort Y/N, I said to her,"Y/N, I love you, too, and you have no idea how happy you made me just then. Don't worry. We'll have a great time tonight, but you're welcome for caring about you. It's the least I can do, so I'll pick you up in a couple of hours, okay?"

  I talked to her for a few more minutes before Y/N told me she had to get back to work. I laughed to myself before I hung up the phone. Then, I rushed to Rogers to prepare my special gift for her.

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