Chapter 16

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   Y/N'S POV

  When Steve didn't call me like he normally did, I figured it was because of what occurred yesterday. It also made me upset, because it was our thing.

  When my phone went off, I rushed to it before I answered,"Yes, Steve?"

  Tony answered,"I'm not Steve, babe."

  I was happy to hear from Tony, but at the same time, I was upset it wasn't Steve.

  I replied,"Right. Sorry, Stark. How are you?"

  Tony said,"Don't worry about it, baby. It's all right. What's wrong? You sound upset."

  I said,"Steve hasn't called me like he normally does."

  Tony was quiet, and I had thought that I had just upset him, too.

  Tony finally said to me,"I'm sure he'll call you. Maybe he's with Sharon and forgot his phone. He is old, Y/N."


  I felt even worse now, even though I knew Tony had no idea how I was feeling right now. How could I tell him?

  I said,"You're probably right. It's no big deal. What are your plans for the day?"

  Tony answered,"Pepper's trying to get me to go to a meeting for the company, but I'm not really interested."

  I shook my head before I said,"Anthony, go to the meeting. You need to know what's going on with your name. Please go, Tony."

  Even though I was confused right now, I knew for a fact that I still loved Tony and that I wanted the best for him.

  Tony asked me,"Will you come with me?"

  I asked him,"Will you pay attention if I'm there, Stark?"

  Tony said,"Yes, if I know you're in the room. Please?"

  I chuckled before I answered,"All right. I'll be there. What time is the meeting?"

  "In 5 minutes."

  I turned, and Iron Man was standing inside of my home.

  I said,"How did you get in?"

  He said,"How can I not get in?"

  I ignored his tone, but I wrapped my arms around his neck before I told him,"It's good to see you, Tony."

  He returned my hug as he said to me,"You, too, beautiful. You, too. Come on. Pepper's going to be mad if I'm late."


  Once we made it to the meeting, I had to make Tony pay attention. Of course, Pepper was there too to help me.
  The meeting didn't last that long, yet Tony only managed to hear bits and pieces of it. Pepper and I took note of everything, so we practically took over until Tony led me to one of the available chairs.

  He sat down, but he didn't let me sit down.

  I moved to sit down myself, yet he said to me,"Don't. There's something I need to confess to you."

  He took my hands in his own, but he looked up at me as he said to me,"Y/N, I know we haven't been able to spend that much time together lately, but I want you to know that I'm sorry. I know I seem like I doubt that there is something between you and Steve, but I know you would never be against me. I'm sorry for ever doubting our relationship. I will do whatever I can to help you understand that I'm committed to you and only you."

  I gave Tony's hands a gentle squeeze before I said,"Tony, I know you're only seeing me. I've known that because you never gave me a reason to think otherwise. Unfortunately, I think I've given you every reason to doubt how I really feel about Steve. I've been here for you, yes. I've helped you, yes, but I've been trying to really understand if Steve means more to me than what I let on. The truth is..."

  I took a deep breath, and Tony waited for my next words. Words that were either going to break him or reassure him that I was committed to him as well.

  I said,"I love Steve as a brother and as a best friend but nothing more. I was only confused because I tried to attach my past feelings for him to what we have currently, and I shouldn't have. I'm with you, Stark, and I'm happy with you."

  Tony let out a sigh of relief. Then, he gave me many kisses before he hugged me. I hugged him back, yet I knew I had to talk to Steve now.

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