Chapter 4

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   Y/N'S POV

  Luckily, I was able to at least get halfway through my report before I looked at the time. It was already 3 o'clock.
  I sighed in relief and grabbed all my things before I stepped onto the elevator. Patiently, I waited for the elevator to reach my floor. Once it did, I dragged my stuff towards my car before I threw everything into the trunk.

  I climbed into the driver's seat before I drove off, making my way to Steve's apartment. Of course, I had called him to let him know I was on the way first.
  Steve seemed excited about this move, but he trailed off when he talked to me, which let me know he was thinking about something else.

  Once I made it to Steve's apartment complex, I parked in the closest spot I could find to his apartment number. I got out of my car before I jogged up the stairs. Then, I knocked on his door before Sharon opened the door.
  I was surprised to see her, but only because me and her haven't always seen eye to eye. Let's just say: At one point, I had feelings for Steve, but Sharon was quick to try to shut them down. I said something to her; she said something to me; Steve ended up stuck.

  That whole thing resulted in spending some time away from Steve, but after Steve convinced me to finally come back around, I had to push my feelings away. I had to support him no matter how I felt about him.
  I mean, Steve was with Sharon, so... Maybe I just need to stop thinking about it.

  I gave Sharon the best smile I could manage, but she didn't return my smile before she asked me,"Why are you here?"

  I rolled my eyes and pushed past Sharon before I yelled,"STEVE???"

  I heard Steve yell from upstairs,"UP HERE, Y/N!!"

  I jogged up the stairs to find Steve standing in his bedroom.

  I smiled before I said,"Told you I would be here."

  Steve chuckled, yet he smiled at me as he said to me,"Never lost faith. Never lost faith. Could you get that box for me?"

  I nodded, but I chose not to bring up Sharon's attitude with me, because I knew how much Sharon meant to Steve.
  I grabbed the box on top of Steve's bed, yet he stopped me before he told me,"Put the box down, Y/N."

  I sighed. I knew Steve had caught me, but I ignored him as I continued to hold the box. I walked out of the room before I carried the box all the way out to the moving van.
  When I walked back inside, I realized that Sharon wasn't helping at all. It took everything out of me not to say anything to her before I jogged back up to Steve's bedroom. However, Steve was standing there with his arms crossed. Okay, he definitely knew that something was up.

  In order to not start a riot, I said to Steve,"Steven, I'm fine. Maybe you should go check on your girlfriend downstairs."

  Steve grabbed my arm, but he sighed before he said to me,"Y/N, is this about what happened? Look, I know-"

  I cut Steve off politely by saying to him,"That crush was a long time ago, Steve. No need to worry about it. Did you give Tony my number?"

  Steve frowned at me changing the subject, but then it turned to a small smile, and he said,"I didn't see why I wouldn't give it to him. I remember you telling me what you used to have with Tony, so I figured you wouldn't want to miss getting a second chance. No matter what we have fought over in the past few months, be there for him, all right? You have my blessing."

  I chuckled before I said,"Aww, thanks, Steve. It means the world to me that I have your support. Let's not jump to conclusions, though, okay? I don't want another heartbreak. I really need to go. Good luck moving the rest of this stuff. Bye, Steve."

  I held out my hand, and Steve and I did our handshake. I smiled before I made my way down the squeaky steps. 

  Before I could even hit the door, Sharon said,"Leaving already?"

  I rolled my eyes, but I walked over to her before I said,"You know, I'm really trying my hardest for Steve not to show out, but you're making it very hard for me."

  Sharon chuckled, yet she replied,"That's too bad. Is this why Steve ended up with me and you ended up somewhere crying?"

  I went to punch Sharon, but I missed her face and hit the wall instead.

  I sighed before I said,"I want to hit you, but I guess I'm an idiot for caring about what Steve thinks if I do."

  I noticed I made a hole in the wall. Steve jogged down the stairs before I made my way outside immediately. Then, I stepped into my car.
   I drove off before I made it back to my house in no time. However, I flinched in pain at the sensation shooting through my hand. I noticed my knuckles starting to bleed, while bruises started to make their dramatic appearance on my hand.

  I sighed, but I was quick to hold my hand underneath some water. Anyway, I had to focus on getting ready for Tony and I's date, well dinner. Whatever it was.
  So, I changed into a beautiful yet silky long dress that my mother had given to me. I put on some black heels as well before I struggled to put on my necklace. Tears formed in my eyes from the pain.

  I wrapped my hand, in hopes that it would help something. A few minutes later, I received a text message, and it was from Tony.
  He was here, so I grabbed my purse before I made my way to the front door.

  I opened the door a few seconds later, and Tony smiled at me before he said,"Whoa. You umm... Y/N, you look amazing. Ready to go?"

  I nodded, but I gave Tony my right hand instead. My left hand was the injured one.

  Tony looked at me oddly, but he shook it off before he led me to his car.

  Tony went to help me in, but I stopped him before I said to him,"Give me a second, Stark. Let me just take a minute to cherish this moment right here. Yeah, this is monumental."

  Tony chuckled, but he told me,"Y/N, as much as I'm enjoying this, we're going to be late. I don't feel like having to buy out another restaurant. Too much paperwork. I hate getting handed things."

  I smiled before I replied,"I know. Lead the way, Stark. Lead the way."

  Tony held out his hand before he moved to help me get into the car again, but I just got in myself to avoid having him see my hand so soon. He would probably see it anyway, since it was wrapped, but I caught the hurt look on his face.
  Tony headed over to his side of the car before he drove off.

  I said to him,"Tony. I'm sorry. I just... my hand is injured, and I just didn't want you worrying about me. I know how you are, Stark."

  Tony nodded, but he looked over at me as he said to me,"I accept your apology, but I'm going to continue to worry about you anyway. Stop calling me "Stark." Just call me Tony or "babe." I prefer the second one."

  I rolled my eyes before I told him,"Just when I thought you finally stopped with the flattery. I will just call you Tony."

  Tony chuckled, but he said to me,"Give me your hand."

  Did I mention Tony was driving, while he was trying to take my hand? I shook my head. Tony took his eyes off the road immediately, so I just gave him my hand. He needed to put his eyes back on the road.
  Tony put his hand in my own slowly, which made me wince. Eventually, it felt amazing with his hand being in my own.

  I smiled, and Tony did, too. Every once and a while, Tony would take his hands off the wheel to make me nervous. He succeeded in making me nervous every time. For that, I wanted to hit him and get off the road as soon as possible.

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