Chapter 11

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  Dating Y/N was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. We've only been dating for a couple of weeks, but I felt like we grew closer each and every day. I knew Spangles felt it too, which was why he took it upon himself to bombard me with questions every chance he got. I couldn't blame him, but our relationship already took a bad turn once, so I didn't want that to happen again. With this in mind, I listened to what Rogers had to say and answered his questions as nicely as humanly possible.

  Speaking of kindly acts, Y/N's boss, Mr. Jackson, gave her a raise. I had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. Nothing to do with it. Maybe a little, but Y/N did mention how he had been easier on her ever since I stood up to him at her desk. That made me sleep easier, knowing things were becoming better for my girl. I wanted this relationship to last, not end in a matter of two or three days. Y/N was different. I was different than I used to be, and I wanted her to see that I was giving this relationship everything I've got. She needed to know that. I needed her to know that.


  I rushed up to the living room, and Y/N was lying flat on her stomach.

  She mumbled,"Tony, why is life so hard?"

  By her tone, my best guess was it was her lucky time of the month. I didn't know whether lucky was the right word to use, since I wanted to be alive by the end of today. Remembering about my push to give this relationship everything I've got, I figured this would be the perfect opportunity for Y/N to know that I was here for her. Whatever she needed.

  So, I told her,"It's not all so bad, babe. You've still got a job, and you're stuck with me."

  Y/N lifted her head before she turned to look at me as she replied,"Yeah, have a point. Do you have medicine, Stark?"

  I answered,"Yes, I do. Don't worry. I'll be back in a minute."

  I made Y/N get comfortable before I rushed to get her medicine. Once I got the medicine, I made her favorite dish (insert your favorite dish here) before I carried it up to her. I placed the plate in front of her, along with the medicine. Her face lit up, and she stuffed the food into her mouth, thanking me multiple times.

  I fluffed her pillow, but she stopped me before she said to me,"Stark, that's enough. I already can tell that you love me. The food and the medicine are enough, baby. You don't have to go above and beyond. I know this relationship is important to you. It's important to me, too, which is why I don't want you to stop being you."

  She rested her hand over my heart. Then, she gave me a sweet smile before she groaned, putting down her food. I pulled her into my arms, and she welcomed my embrace, holding my arms.

  Next, she asked me,"Stark, do you think that I'm different from when we first met years ago?"

  I answered immediately,"No. The attitude is still the same."

  Y/N rolled her eyes, but she smiled at me before she admitted to me,"I guess you're right on that one. I just like to protect myself sometimes. You never know who you may run into.."

  She took my hand before she sent me an even sweeter smile than the one before.

  I returned her smile before I asked Y/N,"Have I changed?"

  Y/N looked me in the eyes and replied,"Tremendously but in an amazing way. The Tony Stark I know and love now isn't the Tony Stark I knew then. You take responsibility for your actions. You try to fix your mistakes. Then, you liked making almost every mistake in the book, and you were just the most stubborn guy on the planet. Maybe that stubborn nature is still there now, but it's a good kind of stubborn now."

  I took Y/N's words to heart, and it was in that moment that I was assured that Y/N realized the change in me over the years. I hoped I could step up and do whatever she needed me to do for both of us.

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