Chapter 14

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   Y/N'S POV

  Today was it. Today was the day I would be facing my parents, after I practically abandoned them. I thought I was ready, but I was sure that it didn't look that way on the outside.
  Tony looked over at me before he said,"Y/N, stop it. It's going to be okay. Here. Talk to Parker."

  Tony said to Peter, who he was currently talking to on the phone,"Yeah, uh, kid, Y/N's going to talk to you now."

  Tony gave his phone to me before Peter replied,"Oh, okay. Hi, Y/N."

  I said,"Hi, Peter. What are you up to?"

  It sounded like something broke in the background before Peter answered,"Well, I'm working on my homework. It's been taking me forever to do."

  I smiled before I told Peter,"I'm sure you'll finish it in time to have some time to relax. Just take your time and focus. You'll be done before you know it."

  Peter replied,"Whoa. You should be a teacher, Y/N. You just motivated me more than my own teachers."

  I laughed, and then I said,"You're welcome. I guess? The teacher life isn't for me, Peter, but thank you. Well, you have a good day, Spider-Man, and finish your homework."

  Peter said,"Thank you and bye, Y/N."

  He hung up, and I put down Tony's phone before I noticed Tony smiling from the corner of my eye.

  I asked him,"Are you smiling at what's outside or me?"

  Tony said,"I'm smiling at you. You're amazing."

  I brushed my shoulders before I said,"Why, thank you, Stark. You're kind of amazing, too."

  Tony rolled his eyes, but he motioned to himself as he said,"I am amazing, Y/N. I am Iron Man."

  I nodded, but I replied,"Okay, I see what you did there, but I'm not convinced."

  Tony just focused back on the road, and I kissed his cheek before I said,"You are amazing, Stark, and I appreciate you for being so amazing. Are we almost there?"

  Tony smiled, but he cleared his throat before he answered,"Yeah. We're five minutes out."

  I took deep breaths, and we made it there in five minutes. Tony got out first, and then he walked over to my side of the car. There were boxes out in the yard, but the front door was wide open.

  Tony asked me,"You ready, baby?"

  I nodded, but I took another deep breath as Tony held out his hand. I intertwined my fingers with his own before he let him lead me to the front door.
  I contemplated whether to just walk inside or to call my mother or my father.

  Before I could make a decision, Mom appeared at the door before she dropped the vase that she was holding in her hands. I went to pick it up, but she threw her arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder.

  She said,"Baby, you're... you're here. I love you so much. I..I'm so sorry. I should've done better. I..I'm so sorry, Y/N."

  I broke down in her arms before I said,"N..No. I should've done better. Mom, I'm so sorry. You did everything for me. I..I'm sorry."

  Mom and I held each other tightly, until she pulled away from the hug and said,"Come inside."

  Mom looked over at Tony before she hugged him.

  Then, she told him,"Thank you for bringing my daughter home and for being with her."

  Tony hugged her back as he replied,"You're welcome, Mrs. L/N."

  Mom led Tony and me inside, and I recognized my father standing in the kitchen. He looked a little older, but not in a bad way. However, he was trying to bring too much stuff outside at one time.
  I rushed over to him before I caught a box that slipped from the top. Dad looked around the boxes, yet he raised an eyebrow at me.

  He said,"M/N (Mom's name), who's this?"

  Mom walked up beside me before she rested her hands on my shoulders as she said to him,"Honey, just look at her. Look at her."

  Dad set the boxes down on the floor, and Tony was sitting on the couch, watching this scene play out before him.
  Dad then made his way to me before he stopped in front of me. He looked tired, which was something I never liked seeing from him.

  Dad brought his hands up to my face slowly before he said,"D..Darling?"

  I rested my hands over his own before I said,"Hey, Daddy."

  For the first time, I witnessed my father cry.

  He pulled me into his arms so fast before he told me,"It's good to see you, kiddo. You look so beautiful, just like your mother. I love you."

  I replied,"I love you, too. I made a mistake, and I'm sorry. From now on, I'm in your lives. I promise."

  Dad kissed my forehead as he continued to hold me.

  Mom joined in before she said,"Come on, Tony."

  I smiled over at Tony, and he joined in on the hug.

  As Tony and I helped put everything from dishes to clothing in boxes, I managed to catch my parents up on everything. Not before I cleaned up the vase Mom had dropped earlier, though. Throughout the good and the bad, Mom and Dad listened with open ears.

  When I mentioned the bad things, Dad would cover his ears or pace around the yard. It was things like those that I missed seeing. It reminded me why family was so important. It also made me wonder about getting married and having my own family one day.

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