Chapter 24

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   Y/N'S POV

  I flew to the hospital so fast that I had almost dropped Steve at one point. Steve and I rushed into the hospital and over to the room where Tony was being treated at. Bruce, Thor, Natasha, and Clint all stood in a line in front of the door.

  Clint moved aside before he said to me,"Mrs. Stark, please come in."

  I smiled before I replied,"Thank you, Mr. Barton."

  I kissed his cheek before I rushed inside. Immediately, I froze after seeing Tony so still. I was used to seeing him moving around and making new things. This was different, and... and it was all my fault.

  Tony said,"Y/N, come here."

  I shook my head before I replied,"No. You're in this hospital bed because of me."

  Tony shook his head, and then he told me,"No, N/N. I'm in this bed, because your brother decided to make his existence known to me. Come here."

  I rushed over to him before I hugged him as I said to him,"I'm so sorry, Stark."

  Tony held me as he said,"I'm fine, baby. He didn't kill me, and I'll be ready for him next time. Wait, how did you know that your brother was the one who broke in?"

  I rested my hand on his face as I said,"Steve and I checked the place out to see if we could find anything, and James was there just sitting on the couch. Clearly, he expected someone to be there."

  Tony rubbed my side as he said,"You used your suit?"

  I smiled as I answered,"I did. I'm getting the hang of it already. Thank you, Stark, for making me a suit."

  Tony corrected me by saying,"Suits. I made you suits, because it was taking you so long to decide which color combination you wanted for the suit you have now."

  I said,"Well excuse me, Anthony."

  Tony just smiled at me, and I asked him,"How are you not scared right now?"

  Tony continued to rub my side as he replied,"I'm not scared, because you're here with me. Y/N, your brother didn't kill me, and I'm glad that he didn't. He may try to do it a second time, but I'll make sure to keep an eye out for him. Right this moment, I'm just enjoying being with you."

  I kissed his nose three times, and then I looked him in the eyes as I said to him,"I'm glad he didn't kill you, Stark, because we're getting married."

  Tony chuckled before he leaned into my hand.

  I said,"Stark, I could've lost you!!"

  Tony just held me as he said to me,"Shh, Y/N. You won't lose me. I promise."

  I closed my eyes as I said,"Stark, you can't make that promise. You can't. We have no idea what my brother's up to or who he's working with. We have no idea how much time we have between now and when James will try to do something else to you."

  I opened my eyes, and Tony kissed my forehead several times. However, it did nothing to ease my concern about Tony or the others I loved that James could take away from me.

  Tony finally said, after a long time of silence,"Y/N, you're right. We don't know what your brother's involved in or if he's in this hospital right now, but I do know that we aren't alone. If I can't protect myself, I know that Rogers, Romanoff, Barton, Banner, and Odinson will. I know that you will, too. Y/N, I already promised you, and I'm going to keep that promise. We'll be fine. Do you trust me?"

  I let the rest of my tears fall before I answered,"I trust you, Stark. I trust you."

  Tony rested his forehead against mine as he said,"Good, because your brother's here."

  My eyes widened before I asked Tony,"How do you know that?"

  Tony motioned outside this room as he answered,"The team's gone, and I can see Romanoff and your brother fighting from here."

  I stood to my feet before I said,"Okay. I'm getting you out of here. I don't know where I'll take you, but we can't stay in here any longer. Do you trust me?"

  Tony nodded, and he said,"I need to make adjustments to my-"

  I cut him off by saying,"I can carry you. Don't worry. I won't drop you."

  I quickly pressed the middle of my watch before I was inside my suit. I opened the window before I picked up Tony, who was a little heavy. The second my eyes met James', I flew out of the window towards anywhere that wasn't the hospital.

  Tony asked me,"Babe, you have a plan?"

  I said,"Getting you as far away from James as humanly possible was the plan, but it looks like that's going to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be."

  Tony looked behind me to look at James before he said to me,"Drop me."

  I chuckled before I said,"Nice joke, Stark, but no. You're trying to make me stress even more before our wedding day."

  Tony smirked, but he rolled out of my arms before he suddenly fell inside one of his famous suits.

  Once Tony regained his balance, I said,"Way to put the spotlight on you, Stark."

  However, Iron Man turned around. Then, he headed straight towards James, who was inside a suit very similar to Tony's original Iron Man suit.

  I yelled,"BABY, WAIT! TONY!"

  I flew as fast as I could to get in front of Iron Man, but I wasn't fast enough. The impact threw Iron Man and I in separate directions, yet he landed a lot rougher than I did.
  I struggled to get up, but I noticed how still Iron Man was. Before I took a step to move towards him, I heard footsteps before I quickly hid behind a large tree that had fallen over.

  As the footsteps grew closer, I noticed Iron Man's fingers move before I smiled. But my smile dropped when the footsteps suddenly stopped not too far from my hiding place. I tried to remain as quiet and as still as possible, yet my stomach decided to rumble loudly.
  Why did I pick today of all days to try to eat later than usual? Before the person could grab me, I used one of the coolest features of my suit, temporarily blinding him.

  Iron Man took me in his arms before he said,"Time to go."

  Iron Man flew off before I asked him,"Tony, what's the plan? What are we doing?"

  Iron Man replied,"We're getting out of here. I have a plan. Do you trust me?"

  Immediately, I nodded, and Iron Man asked me,"Do you see him?"

  I held on tighter to his suit as I said,"James? Yes, I see him."

  Iron Man chuckled before he asked me,"Is he close?"

  I nodded again, and then I answered,"Yes, he is, but I don't understand why-"

  Iron Man took my watch before he dropped me into James' arms. James smirked before he turned around, leading Iron Man back towards New York.

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