♫♥︎𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕌𝕡♥︎♫

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Virgil and Logan have been dating for about a week.

After what felt like forever, a long day of making YouTube videos with for Thomas finally came to an end. The anxious emo trait who wore a purple and black hoodie with dark eyeshadow smudged along his under eyes who was known as Virgil, was of course moping off to his room which he kept mostly dark with a couple posters, small dim fairy lights, and a very messy unmade bed. When Virgil stepped into his room he looked up to find his boyfriend's dark blue eyes with a slight shine caused by his glasses. About a week ago the logical trait who was known as Logan had confessed to Virgil about his hidden feelings for him; Virgil was stunned and nervous but confessed his own feelings which he returned. Logan had completely cleaned Virgil's bedroom and was now politely sitting on a unusual clean and made bed while reading a book. Virgil scoffed, "..Ah yes. I must have forgotten that I ordered a cleaning service, huh?" He said with a smirk while sighing quietly, the logical trait looked up with a soft and almost unnoticeable grin, "It is very unhealthy to be in a unkept space all the time. A clean habitat makes a clean mind. In other words.. your welcome, Virgil." He pushed up his glasses slightly with his index finger while returning his attention to the book. Virgil glanced away and genuinely smiled to himself which isn't something he does often. Virgil plopped down on his bed next to his spouse with a tiny yawn. Virgil had always found peace in listening to music with his earbuds in, sometimes he would even fall asleep with them in which would cause them to get super tangled and knotted while he tossed and turned; which was sort of dangerous so Logan would try as hard as he could to not wake him. Virgil was just about to put in his earbuds when Logan glanced over, "..Virge, if you go to sleep with those in it could be hazardous, plus they're already as knotted as they can get-" Logan was cut off by Virgil, "Quit over-explaining everything..! I know it's apparently hazardous, you tell me every time I do it and get I'm still here...and I'm going to untangle them-" in return Logan cut him off again by gently leading his gaze onto his stern yet caring expression, "Virgil. Please listen to me. For just once-" this interrupting sequence kept on however Virgil took a different approach by cutting him off with a sudden swift movement leading them into a kiss. Virgil's hand was softly placed on Logan's cheek and got a bit nervous. Logan was a little taken back at first but then practically melted into Virgil's hand while keeping the kiss from stopping. They pulled away a couple seconds later with both of them a blushing mess before Virgil spoke up. "You're such a pain, and I love that about you." He mumbled slightly with a snicker to himself and Logan huffed with a pause, "....You're impeccably irritating to be around.. but I'm not complaining I suppose... I love you too." He admitted with a small smile to himself, though right after he said that he snatched the headphones from him and started untangling them with a tiny smirk to himself. As Logan continued to untangle the earbuds a familiar warmth caressed him which was Virgil wrapping his arms around his torso and stuffing his face into Logan with the hood of his sweatshirt up which only showed a couple strands of his dark hair. Logan smiled with a big blush and set the headphones aside before loosening his dark blue tie and only slightly unbuttoning his black polo shirt, taking off his glasses and falling asleep while snuggled up to his adorable, anxious, emo, and of course.. amazing boyfriend.

Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!! Literally only the first one and I'm already dying of cuteness 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰💓💓💓

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now