☽♡︎~*𝐷 𝑖 𝑠 𝑡 𝑟 𝑎 𝑐 𝑡 𝑖 𝑜 𝑛*~♡︎☾

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Contains slightly more
mature themes.
Just more heated things.

Virgil's POV:
Ugh.. Lately I've realized that poor Logan has been so overloaded with all kinds of different things.. I can't even imagine being in that position. That'd be so freakin' stressful!! I got to do something... I know I'm not exactly the best at helping but I can't just stand idly by.
I was on my phone scrolling aimlessly on some sort of social media while slumped down in bed. Logan walks through the door shutting it behind him and trying to maintain a tiny weak smile. I put my phone down and sit up a bit more with a worried expression, "Lolo... You've been so busy and tense lately... Are you okay..??? Is there anything I can do..??" I asked with deep concern as Logan loosened up his tie and sighed, "..I appreciate the concern, Vee... But I'm sure I can handle it. I am Logic after all.." he said adjusting his glasses and I stood up and hugged him tightly and I felt him flinch a little at first but soon loosened up and gently patted my back, "..Lo...even I can tell that you're overworking yourself.... Please just give yourself a break.." I basically pleaded. He sat down on the edge of the bed with a tired and stressed look. "..I....I- I know I'm doing to much but I just.. I can't stop, I need to get things done, I need to—" I couldn't help it and I just cut him off with a quick kiss. "You need to relax. What is something that you like to do that could help calm you and take your mind off things?" He looked down in defeat and really thought for a moment before looking back up at me with a small grin, "...Spend time with my amazing boyfriend." I chuckled and smiled with a blush at this before I sat down next to him and wrapped my arm around his waist with the other arm holding his hand while I rested my head gleefully on his shoulder, "Your wish is my command.." I said softly to him and he let out a small snicker. He kissed my head and we both scurried into our normal cuddling position which was him laying down on his back and I crawled up onto him laying down with my head on his chest and he immediately put his arms around my torso. It was kinda funny that we had a specific position and routine when we cuddled, then again that's what I get for falling in love with Logan.

Logan's POV:
It was true that I shad been pushing myself past my limitations... I guess I just hadn't really cared for myself as much as I cared for the world around me. So the feeling of Virgil's head resting on my chest was relieving and almost refreshing. I was surprised that Vee noticed my slight change in routines and attitudes.. however, I should have figured he'd figure it out at one point, Virgil tends to take notice to any small details. I suppose it's quite obvious considering that I normally prefer to have a routine and scheduling system in place each and every day, while lately I haven't been following a schedule and I have been simply working nonstop. Whenever I get back to my room I always find my sweet Virgil fast asleep hugging my pillow. I suppose I haven't been the best romantic partner lately either.. I'm never home in time, I'm always exhausted once I arrive home, I tend to focus too much on working and not enough on my loved one...
What baffles me is that Virgil is always so forgiving of my terrible actions.. He never gets mad, he never shouts, he never starts arguments... He always treats me with such kindness and affection.. I suppose that must mean he truly means it when he informs me that he loves me. "Virgil, Dear..?? Why is it that after all of my terribly unhealthy actions and decisions... You still forgive me..?" I asked carefully and curiously. "..Logan... When you love somebody, it's hard to even have the strength to stay mad or upset with them.. It does frustrate me that your almost never home and that you aren't caring about yourself as much.. but I can't help but feel sadness and disappointment... I'm not mad at you, I'm just... I really care about you. And I love you. So when I see you being so careless with your own body.. it makes me feel horrible."  Virgil sounded rather sincere.. he lifted his head slightly so that he could look at me as he spoke. I don't know how I ended up becoming so fortunate to have the opportunity to call Virgil mine. I know that somebody like me shouldn't deserve to have somebody like Virgil... But the thing is.. Nobody is like Virgil. He is nothing like anybody I've ever met and that is what makes him so incredible to me..  As I stared into my loved one's eyes I began to notice myself becoming captured by his beauty. It was as if I was figuratively drowning in a pool of love and I couldn't find a way to the surface.  I gulped a bit and finally was able to force my eyes away from his and gain my sense of reality back.  I opened my mouth to say something and I had just let myself talk without thinking about what was being communicated, 
"...Vee..  P-Promise me that you won't get tired of me or my affection.... I want to hold you forever. I want to kiss every inch of your soft skin. I want to only think about you and nothing else. I want you to distract me from anything that isn't you and only you. I beg of you.... Just touch me, kiss me, love me in any way possible..! I need you, Virgil.. I need you so badly..!!"   I guess I didn't exactly realize all that was said until I had already said it.. I can't say that I'm mad about it though.  

Nobody's POV:
Virgil smiled and blushed heavily before he sat up straddling Logan and used his tie to pull him up so that he was sat up as Virgil kissed him deeply and passionately smirking through it. Logan's curious hands found their way up to Virgil's hips then they carefully glided up his back. Virgil hands were still firmly gripped onto Logan's tie though they quickly migrated once he felt his lover's hands wander across his body sending shivers down his spine.  The two of them continued to make out for the next fifteen minutes before Virgil's lips started trailing down from his mouth to his cheek to his jawline and finally to his neck.  Logan bit his lip as Virgil left dark bruises wherever he could fit them and eventually Logan couldn't take it and he let a small breathy moan slip out which made Virgil go insane as he made it so it was impossible for Logan to not make noise. Of course... I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now