☾♪𝕊 𝕥 𝕣 𝕒 𝕟 𝕘 𝕖 𝕣 𝕤♪☽

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Virgil's wings:
Black w/ purple
tint & shimmer,
delicate soft
Most likely a
Logan's wings:
Indigo w/ black
tint, smooth
Most likely a
(dark) blue macaw.

(This was heavily inspired by a scene from a film that I watched quite a lot in my childhood and I just recently recovered the old CD, my first thought was 'I should write about this!' So here we are I guess. So I thought I'd just give you a heads up that this wasn't really my original idea/concept.  Btw, the film was called Gnomeo and Juliet for anyone who cares.)

Nobody's POV:
It was around sunset and the sly emo called Virgil who also had a very large set of wings protruding from his back spotted something extraordinary.
From his window, in the distance you could see a wilting rose. This rose was so weak yet so beautiful. It stuck up from on top of an overgrown greenhouse.
The light from inside the greenhouse shone through the top and made it look even more enchanting. He thought for a moment before deciding that he'd sneak out of his treehouse room and try and get the flower to bring back to his room. Little did he know that somebody on the other side of the greenhouse also spotted the rose. The intelligent nerd called Logan who had a large set of wings as well, was also observing the beautiful flower from his window. Oblivious to any others, Logan also decided that he would attempt to get the rose as well. As soon as the sun completely fell and the moon had risen both of them set out on their individual missions. Virgil made sure to put on all black though he didn't bother to touch his wings. He crouched on his windowsill and got momentum before taking off into flight. Virgil lost control as he got closer to his destination and unfortunately tumbled to the ground thankfully landing in a very big pile of leaves to cushion his fall. He sat up and clutched it head slightly, he then looked up to see his prize on the rooftop, he stood up and got ready to take flight before he heard a rustling sound... he fell silent and waited, though as soon as he got ready to move again he suddenly heard a swooshing sound that sounded like the flapping of wings in the wind.. not only did he hear that but he felt a gust of wind hit him lightly.. Now he was for sure that he wasn't alone.
Not long after that he saw something fly past him out of the corner of his eye... he whipped around and actually saw something, A clear silhouetted figure with big large wings that was stood on a higher platform which was a big rock in the distance.... he stood directly in front of the huge glowing moon which made him silhouetted. His wings were spread to a full capacity which let the moon shine through his thin feathers revealing a blue color. Before Virgil knew it he had started making her way up to the roof of the greenhouse. Although he was nervous, Virgil flew over and made his way up the greenhouse to hopefully get there before whoever else was there..
They both ended up getting there at roughly the same time and they both immediately went for the rose... of course ending up grabbing it at the same time, thus resulted in their hands overlapping..
They both slowly lifted their heads to finally meet each other's eyes... Virgil was met with a stunning pair of deep blue eyes that anyone could easily get lost in...
Logan was met with a breath taking pair of shimmery purple eyes that looked as if they were a pair of small amethyst gems...
It felt as if everything had just froze. Like the entire world faded away around them....
this was actually unusual for Virgil, though something was compelling him to speak up,
"..Uh.... Hey..? Quick question, what are you doing?"
Logan let go and snap out of the trance he was in. "U-Um.... My apologies, I didn't know anyone lived here.. I just came to get that rose." Logan stated,
"Oh, I don't live here. And uh... you came to get this rose right here..? Hmm...I don't know, I just might have to hold onto this one." Virgil teased slightly as he quick picked the rose.
"Excuse me..? W-Well I'm sure I saw it first.. so just-... Hand it over."  Logan argued with a glare as he adjusted his black glasses that had a slight shine from the moonlight.
"Well I grabbed it first. Therefor, you were too slow. So clearly it belongs to me. After all, possession is nine-tenths of the law."  Virgil replied with another sly smirk as he held the rose in one hand while the other hand rested on his hip.
Logan's expression went from stern to a slick grin similar to Virgil's,    "..Alright fine. Then I suppose I'll just have to get it myself." Logan narrowed his eyes and he swiftly and formally slipped around him snatching the rose from him with a smirk.
Virgil felt his heart skip when he felt the mysterious person swoop by him and felt his smooth feathers brush against his cheek..
"Hey—!   Alright, now that's just stealing!"
Virgil said with a slight snicker to himself before he strategically unhinged the latch to the window panel that Logan was stood on causing him to slip down into the greenhouse and almost fall before Virgil quickly grabbed his hand saving him from the fall with a teasing grin staring down at him,
"Nice greenhouse, Eh?"  Virgil teased.
"Ah yes. You should see it from here,"  Logan teased back.
"What? And miss this view?"  Virgil joked with a smile.
Logan let go of Virgil's hand and flew down onto an old wooden beam, Virgil slid down and jumped down onto the beam as well, accidentally snapping it in half, Logan was about to fall again before Virgil quickly reacted and swooped over catching him in his arms.  "I can't tell if you did that on purpose or not."  Logan confessed and Virgil chuckled,
"I guess you'll never know."  He responded and sort of got distracted by Logan's cute smile.  Thus accidentally flying into a pole. Though Logan was able to fly out of his arms in time to then catch him much like how Virgil did.  Eventually they both lost sight of the rose but they were too distracted to even care.
By the time they finished their shenanigans they ended up both on the floor laughing.
Logan caught his breath and his laughter settled a bit, he looked over at Virgil to find himself admiring such beauty.  Logan didn't quite understand what this feeling was inside of him, but if he had to come up with an analogy for it he would say that it was like some sort of fluttering feeling deep in his stomach. 
"..Where have you been all my life?... I haven't had this much fun since.... Ever!"  Virgil stated with a laugh, and if that laugh wasn't adorable Logan didn't know what was.
"I haven't either... But a dose of serotonin does help the mindset..  My name is Logan."   He responded with a smile that he couldn't hide.
"..That's is actually a really nice name...I'm Virgil," the emo smiled shyly.
"Thank you, Virgil. Pleasure to meet you." Logan responded with his sharp grin.
"Pleasures all mine.  U-Um... If you don't mind me asking, are your wings from a blue macaw?"  Virgil asked with a shy blush.
"Actually yes. Indeed they are. The species happens to be quite rare. Though it isn't anything too special in my opinion."  Logan answered honestly.
"....They're beautiful.."  Virgil spoke under his breath and he gazed that them. 
"Clearly not as much as yours. Ravens are personally one of my favorites. And the way they glimmer in the moonlight is extraordinary.."  Logan responded looking and sounding fascinated with Virgil's dark wings.
Virgil blushed and glanced away trying to hide his huge warm grin,  "T-Thanks.... Normally I don't do this but uh... you can touch them if you want... It's totally up to you though.." 
Logan smiled softly before scooting closer and very very gently touching his soft wings with his fingertips.  Logan was amazed and hypnotized by such uniqueness. Virgil let out the tiniest whimper and Logan quickly pulled his hand away looking concerned.  "Virgil? Are you alright?? Did I hurt you???"  He asked frantically.
Virgil smiled at his caring attitude,   "N-No..It's ok. They're just a tiny bit sensitive.. I guess in a sort of  good way.."
Logan smiled.  "I see. I promise to be extra careful and gentle."   He declared and Virgil responded with a sweet nod.
Logan's slowly and carefully stroked his soft feathers with the back of his hand and Virgil gave another tiny whimper before turning his shaky nervous expression into a weak smile that signaled he enjoyed it. Logan smiled softly and continued to softly stroke his wing that Virgil had spread out to its full wingspan just for Logan.  Just for Logan.  The nerdy bird hybrid  liked the sound of that. In fact, he liked it so much that he used his other hand to caress his cheek and lead his eyes onto Logan's. 
"...Not to sound forward, however I predict that you're a little touch starved.. Am I correct?"  Logan asked with a comforting soft smile.
Virgil's smile weakened a little before he nodded with slight tears forming in his eyes.
Logan's gaze became more sympathetic and comforting.  "....Virgil.. I apologize that you had that happen.  Are you ok with me touching you..?"  Logan asked warmly and Virgil nodded. 
"..You shouldn't be treated like that. You're a gorgeous being and anyone would be lucky to simply be in your presence. No worries. If you want me to then I'll make up for all of the deprivation of affection."  Logan suggested with a calm and warm smile.
Virgil grew a smile on his face.
"...I'd like that..  Even though I just met you I really want to get to know you... And I desperately need some sort of physical touch.."  Virgil confessed.
Logan cradled the winged trait as best he could with a blush and a smile.  "..Perfect. Though an abandoned greenhouse is not the ideal place to be at right now. I know this is forward but if you would like to we could go back to my treehouse room. It's not too far, it's quiet, it isn't too populated... But it is your choice."'
Virgil loved how much it seemed like he cared.. that doesn't happen often with him. He reluctantly agreed and Logan held Virgil as he flew back.
They arrived and Virgil was quick to be attentive and a little bit needy, but Logan didn't mind that whatsoever.
Logan carefully set the other down onto his bed and then carefully climbed in.  Logan wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist and gave him plenty of attention, of course Virgil ate it all up.
They were both secretly trying not to get 'excited' because of all the sexual tension and the touching going on between them.  Although the pair had just met, Virgil knew that he really needed this. Even if it was just for one night. He had never been touched so delicately before.. at first the touch was a little strange but... it made him feel all sorts of good ways inside. Logan was experiencing something he hasn't had a lot of time with... sympathy. Logan hated hearing that Virgil didn't get the attention that he needed to in the past. Something inside Logan just switched and he was determined to find away to make things better. He had to. Logan really cared about Virgil. It's rare that Logan ever admits he cares about someone so Virgil should be honored. Logan felt the slightly trembling boy in his arms and Logan just wanted to comfort and love him.. it was quite strange to be honest. As soon as Logan took in the entire moment and he felt the warmth of a smaller figure who had been deprived of any kind of affection... the figure shuttered slightly and Logan planted small comforting kisses on his head and softly gave him comforting words and phrases.
"....Shh.. It's alright... I'm here.. Your safe.. just rest my dear... Hush.. it's all okay.. your going to be ok."
He went on and Virgil began to feel calm.. he had never felt this calm before so he didn't know what to do. But he did know that he absolutely loved it.

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now