{☁︎︎f l u f f☁︎︎}

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~Logan and Virgil have been together for months now and the others of course are aware and the couple doesn't mind showing affection to each other while the others are around~

Nobody's POV:
It was a very average morning. Patton was chatting with Remus while Patton was still in his cat onesie which he wore and pajamas, Remus was in his fairly normal sleep attire while playfully chatting with Patton.  Janus was wearing his normal day clothes while slightly talking with Roman who was in his normal sleep attire and sipping something out of a fancy red mug. Logan walked out in his normal day clothes with an extremely tired and grumpy Virgil following who was in his hoodie with the hood up. "Hey there kiddos!!" Patton exclaimed, "Mornin' Logey-bear!  Mornin' Virgie-poo!!" Remus added on, "..What they sssssaid.." Janus mumbled, "Ah, what a shame.. The party poopers have finally awoken." Roman teased,  "Yes well, technically Virgil is awake however he also seems to be a bit—" Logan began to say before Virgil clung onto him with a tired groan, from there everyone got the point. Logan carefully tried to comfort his grumpy boyfriend who honestly just wanted to be cuddled and held by him.  ".....Logaaannnn.. I need you to cuddle me please.." Virgil groaned though it was a bit muffled from his head being stuffed into his chest. Logan quickly glanced around before letting out a sigh that turned into a small chuckle, "Alright. I suppose that five more minutes wouldn't do any harm.."   Logan and Virgil quickly headed to the couch and started to get comfy, Virgil was hugging onto Logan while the logical trait ran his fingers through his hair ever so softly. Soon Patton came over to the couple and carefully placed a blanket on top of Virgil who was now asleep in Logan's arms while Logan continued to cradle him and comfort him in any way possible even when he slept.. Remus also followed behind Patton as he came up,  "Aw..! Logan..! You and Virgil are so cute...!" Patton whispered enthusiastically to him and Remus nodded vigorously in agreement, Logan smiled softly,  "..Thank you. I do care for him tremendously, which may I add is rather strange because I'm not supposed to feel any sort of emotions, however I now have the pleasure to call Virgil mine."  He whispered back to the two of them quietly.  Patton looked like he was going to cry out of adoration and Remus copied his look.  "Logan that is so sweet..!! I'm so proud of you two..!"   "Me too!- uh- I'm proud of you as well!" Remus tried to copy Patton's remark which was kinda funny. Logan nodded as another small thanks and returned his attention to the sleepy, adorable, anxious, emo boy that laid in his arms as Patton and Remus walked off. 

Logan's POV:
When I had said five minutes I didn't quite anticipate that Virgil would drift to sleep... If this was a more typical day than I would wake him. However at the moment I suppose I can't even bring myself to wake him... My dearest Virgil unfortunately does not get enough hours of sleep in the night, therefor I simply can not awaken him from such a peaceful slumber. That is until he awoke himself.

Virgil's POV:
I woke up with a big yawn and stretch, I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and of course I look up to see my extremely cute boyfriend, Logan. He was cradling me which definitely made my heart skip a beat.  "..Hey Lo... What time is it..?" I said through another yawn,  "It is exactly one thirty-four PM. You slept for quite some time. I'm very pleased that you made up for at least some of the hours of sleep that you tend miss." He answered with his beautiful soft smile,  "..Yeah I know.... Sorry.." I mumbled back, "You do not need to apologize to me, of course I hate it when you don't take care of yourself Virge.. but if anything you need to apologize to yourself."   And of course he has to be right.. I'll try for the sake of him.   "Alright.. I'll do that, but in the meantime I should get off of you and let you get some work done, huh?" I suggested with a small tired snicker,  "Yes, I agree. It would be nice to do something productive. However I'm completely acceptant of continuing to hold you while I do it." Logan smiled down at me and I gave a look of playful surrender,   "I definitely can't argue with that."   I quickly climbed off of him and grabbed his laptop for him while he made a comfortable spot on the couch.  I went over and carefully sat in his lap, as soon as I sat down he paused getting settled and leaned down kissing my cheek in which I returned to him by kissing his cheek. We got settled in and I was curled up in his lap with a blanket wrapped around me as I rested my head onto his chest enjoying the comfort of his warmth along with the sound of his heartbeat. Logan held his laptop so that he could see and type while also comforting me.   The entire scene was simply perfect. Until the annoying one returned...

Nobody's POV:
Roman gracefully waltzed into the kitchen whistling some sort of Disney song before pausing when he saw Logan and Virgil cuddling, "Oooooo~.. am I interrupted something perhaps?.." he teased and Virgil growled, "You interrupted everything Princey..." he grumbled and Roman narrowed his eyes, "Yeah, well at least I don't bring anything but gloominess everywhere I go, unlike you Virgil-"Roman was just about to finish his sentence before Logan let out a tiny brief gasp before then very quickly swung his arm over to point at him, then of course shouted "FALSEHOOD!!!!!!" Roman was startled by this and had drawn his sword for self defense, Virgil was unfazed because he's used to Logan's sudden screams at this point. "I will have you know that Virgil always brings me happiness, laughter, love, and more emotions as well, if we look at how I was before I met Virgil, I couldn't even feel anything at all. In present time, statistics show that my joy level has increased dramatically since me and Virgil became close friends. And even more so, a 'couple' as you say." Logan started ranting and/or explaining in a way where it left Roman completely speechless and it left Virgil looking up at Logan in astonishment. Roman returned his sword back into its holder and cleared his throat. "Well then! I'll be on my way now. Please proceed to love each other. Au Revoir!" He called out while walking out of the room. "Wow. So... that just happened.." Virgil mumbled slightly, "I apologize for getting a little out of control. I can't help but hate it when someone picks on you like that even if you pick on them.. I suppose it's some sort of instinct of protection. My worst scenario is you getting hurt, weather it's mentally or physically I never want it to happen to somebody with such significance in my point of view." Logan relayed to him and Virgil couldn't help but grin ever so slightly, "So what your saying is.... You love me, right?" He teased with a smirk and Logan let out a sigh of defeat.
"Yes Virgil. I'm saying that I love you."

Logan/Logic X Virgil/Anxiety| ONESHOTS | (read for bio more info)Where stories live. Discover now